tag 标签: dell

  • 热度 22
    2015-6-2 13:31
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    留下记录以绝后患 电脑信息 DELL Vostro 1320 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo T6670 / 2.2 GHz GPU:NVIDIA® GeForce™ 9300M GS Graphic Card WIFI:Dell Wireless 1397 Mini-Card (802.11 b/g) _Broadcom b43 安装过程 1. 根据WIKI安装基本系统 2. pacman -Syu 3. 安装显卡驱动    pacman -S nvidia-340xx 4. 安装xorg    pacman -S xorg xorg-server xorg-utils  xterm 5. 安装登陆及窗口管理器    pacman -S xfce4  sddm 6. 安装无线芯片b43 firmware 6.1安装无线组件    pacman -S dialog wpa_suppliant 6.2 安装yaourt     yaourt -S b43-firmware 7 安装完成把安装yaourt的源毙掉再更新 1.安装基本系统 1.1 按WIKI用dd制作好启动U盘 1.2 分区  /dev/sda1     -      /boot         200M   /dev/sda2     -       /                50G  /dev/sda3     -       /swap      4G  /dev/sda4     -       /home     80G   2. 更新 # pacman -Syu 安装完成重启进入系统配置前先更新 3. 安装显卡驱动 NVIDIA® GeForce™ 9300M GS Graphic Card,不要怀疑,就是下面这个驱动 # pacman -S nvidia-340xx 4. 安装xorg xorg要安装完全,避免启动图形界面时一系列错误 xterm要注意,一定要装,startx会出错如不装 # pacman -S xorg xorg-server xorg-utils xterm 5. 安装登陆及窗口管理器 # pacman -S xfce4 sddm 安装完成后,若要自启sddm # systemctl disable kdm systemctl enable sddm 生成一个默认配置吧 # sddm --example-config /etc/sddm.conf 若要自动登陆某临时工 /etc/sddm.conf User=john Session=plasma.desktop 6. 安装无线芯片b43 firmware b43的这块无线芯片,同时需要驱动与固件,不是一个东西 驱动已经内核集成,固件需要通过yaourt AUR来安装 6.1安装无线组件 # pacman -S dialog wpa_suppliant 6.2 安装yaourt 最简单安装Yaourt的方式是添加Yaourt源至您的  /etc/pacman.conf : #The Chinese Arch Linux communities packages. SigLevel = Never Server = http://repo.archlinuxcn.org/$arch 或者 Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/$arch 或者 Server = http://repo-fr.archlinuxcn.org/$arch 同步并安装: # pacman -Syu yaourt # yaourt -S b43-firmware      7 安装完成 把安装yaourt的源毙掉再更新,再重启,应该可以进入图形界面哟
  • 热度 26
    2014-2-21 10:44
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    据国外媒体报道, A4 WP 联盟刚刚吸纳 戴尔 成为其成员之一,并且今天宣布新的无线充电标准将开始为较大的电子产品服务,包括笔记本电脑和其他一些电子产品。笔记本电脑的无线充电从来就不是问题,只不过戴尔有兴趣让这件事情成为现实。   戴尔公司的首席技术官在一份声明中表示,“我们很高兴能与其他行业领导者在A4WP合作,为包括 智能手机 、 平板电脑 和笔记本电脑等的移动设备提供方便、灵活的无线充电技术。” A4WP的新标准将允许为功率20到50瓦之间的设备进行充电。一般的消费者笔记本电脑都处于这一功率之间。英特尔去年也加入A4WP,此前它的目标是通过提到处理器效率延迟电池使用时间,但无线充电的笔记本电脑和公共无线充电器的爆发,可以为实现这一目标提供额外的途径。 A4WP将为大型的电子设备进行无线充电作为其标准成功的重要因素之一。A4WP联盟还有另一个巨大利好:就在上周,它和电源事项联盟(PMA)-它的两个主要竞争对手之一,进入标准融合初步协议阶段。即使没有电源事项联盟的帮助,A4WP现也已拥有80多家会员企业。今天又与大型PC制造商开始合作,这将有有助于该标准走向成功。 来源:网易科技   【圈评】无线充电圈(微信号:WXCDQ360) Dell 加入A4WP是一个明智的选择,笔记本和PC机的竞争可以说是白热化的程度,Dell需要从多个领域创新才能有一定建树,在PC等领域被行业老大Lenovo甩在了后面,无线充电是一个非常好的方向和短期的差异化的选择。 前段时间,ASUS的一款高端PC机就带有针对手机无线充电的功能,价格比同类机器高出一大截。 另外Dell如果布局PC和Notebook的无线充电,就必须考虑20W以上的**率无线充电情况,这样A4WP的磁共振可能是一个不错的选择。估计未来Dell会率先推出带无线充电的Notebook产品。 和业内的朋友沟通,反映国内的Lenovo前期在无线充电上并不积极,这次Dell的布局估计会给他们一些刺激。对无线充电、PC和Notebook市场来说是一个重大的利好。   对无线充电感兴趣的朋友可以关注我们的微信,微信号:WXCDQ360( 无线电充电圈 )
  • 热度 28
    2013-11-13 19:31
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    Two stories jumped out at me in the past few weeks. The first was the long-anticipated announcement by the United States' Federal Aviation Administration that passengers will be able to use personal electronic devices during all phases of flight, which now notably includes take-offs and landings. The policy denying their use has been frustrating for many in the engineering community (and Alec Baldwin , who is definitely not a member of the engineering community) due to the questionable technical merit of the conclusion that personal electronics can interfere with aircraft systems. The second story was about reports of Dell's 6430u laptop smelling like cat urine . Dell determined there was no biological or health hazard but instead blamed it on a manufacturing process that they've since corrected. I currently use an earlier generation of Dell's Latitude laptops and will soon be shopping around for a new one, so I'm going to have to factor this into the buying process now. Compared to battery life or weight, fragrance was lower on my criteria for a laptop, but maybe I need to reconsider. Both of these examples offer an interesting observation about test and measurement: "quality" includes more than just a pass or fail grade on target specifications. With the FAA, they were presented with scores of data, much of which came from studies they commissioned, showing no impact from personal electronic devices on the aircraft systems, yet the ban persisted. Many have speculated the real reason for the ban was to either keep your attention focused on the flight crew or reduce the amount of things that could get airborne (aside from you and the aircraft) if an emergency occurred. Either way, they continued relating the problem to wireless interference, regardless of the data, and it made (some) uninformed travelers feel good that The FAA was being overly cautious in the face of that ever-present fear of a plane crash. It will be really devastating to our reasonable minds if customers ever choose airlines that still impose the ban because they assume it will be safer. (Note: as a frequent flier, I fully support a ban on phone conversations during flight. I don't need data to tell me how annoyed I would be if that became a regular occurrence.) With the cat urine, envision the following scenario occurring at a test system verification meeting: "Our test system verifies the function of all the major electrical systems of the PC and confirms the software is loaded correctly," said the test engineer. "The only thing we haven't verified is whether it smells like cat urine, and I have this electronic nose all ready to go." "Wipe the nose! (pun intended)," said the obstinate product manager. "We've done countless focus groups, and nobody cares about the smell. Ship it!" I doubt the product manager would feel bad about that decision (which certainly wasn't made) even with the news reports. Quality is a moving target, as much influenced by trends, competitors, brand perception, or even a person's hatred of cats. You can test everything imaginable and still miss something, or test exactly what you're looking for and have no one care. And just to close the loop on these two examples, I understand you'll still be stopped from using a laptop (regardless of the smell) during take-offs and landings. Maybe it's time to make the switch towards that tablet PC after all. Luke Schreier is the senior group manager for automated test platform marketing at National Instruments. He joined NI in 2001 as an applications engineer before transitioning to product management in 2003. His focus areas in marketing have included switching, precision DC, signal connectivity, high-speed digital and mixed-signal test, and now the entire suite of PXI platform products and modular instruments. His current focus is on product strategy and lead-user activities for next-generation modular instruments and PXI platform products as well as participation in regional advisory councils and cross-industry test leadership activities. He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  
  • 热度 34
    2013-4-17 16:40
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        如果说 Windows 8 是推动 PC 销售关键要素的话,那么在今年的第一季度,它并没有起到促进 PC 业绩反弹的效果。根据 IDC 最新的统计报告,2013 年第一季度全球个人计算机出货量仅为 7,630 万台,同比下降 13.9%,是 IDC 从 1994 年开始统计这种资料以来的最大跌幅。虽然导致这样销售表现的具体因素还不是太清楚,但是 IDC 指出,消费者不熟悉 Windows 8 接口、移动设备出货量的持续攀升、上笔电逐渐退出历史舞台都导致了 PC 业绩不佳。虽然市场上有高价的触控屏 PC 及平板计算机助阵,PC 巨头 Dell 及 HP 也希望通过重组重获市场竞争力,但目前看来对整个 PC 销售推动不大。     从全球 PC 大厂出货量来看,HP 以 15.7% 的市场份额列第一,不过比起去年同期出货量下降了 23.7%。接下去的 Lenovo 和去年同期的市场份额比攀升了 2.1%,出货量却没见增长。Dell 的市场份额也变化不大,不过出货量下降了 10.9%。剩下的 Acer 和 ASUS 市场份额虽然仅下降了 2% 和 0.4%,但是出货量方面,Acer 跌去了 31.3%,ASUS 也下降了 19.2%。跳转还可以看到北美地区的出货情况,HP、Dell、Apple 分列头三名。
  • 热度 20
    2010-5-27 20:07
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    戴尔杭州最大的分销商老板因挟持人质被警方刑拘,正面临法律严惩。 出于保护前提,就不提是什么公司,以及具体人名。关键问题在于,挟持的是某夜总会的妈咪,有些不值,须知婊子无情戏子无义,做IT做到如此份上,恨不能化蝶双双飞。 事情发生在2010年5月22日凌晨2点半,位于杭州闹市区凤起路上的“新锦绣娱乐会所”已近打烊时分,服务员们三三两两下班回家。 一辆奥迪A6由远至近,停在了“新锦绣”门口。司机A某穿一件棕色T恤衫,走下了车。 A某等邓姑娘,邓姑娘25岁,江西人,是这家娱乐场所的妈咪。 A某,33岁,杭州人,家住西湖区杭新路,从事戴尔电脑分销生意,因为业务关系,他曾来过锦绣消费多次。 很快,邓姑娘和同伴出来了。她刚要走出大门,A某就快步上前,一下捏住了邓姑娘的胳膊。 两人吵了起来,高生很激动,他拿出一把水果刀,抵住了邓姑娘。“别过来!退后!退后!”A某要周围所有人全部退后,挟持着邓姑娘退到了一楼大厅的角落里。 保安赶紧出门报警,警察随后赶到。 从凌晨2点半到清晨5点,杭州市公安局常务副局长郑贤胜亲任谈判专家,经过2个多小时的谈判,A某终于愿意放下手中的刀。就在这个时候,埋伏在里面的特警冲上前去控制住了A某。 没有造成重大人员伤亡,仅仅邓姑娘背部被捅了一刀, A某在整个过程中,一直说“你不要和我分手,你不要和我分手”。 由于挚爱,由于坚持,A某不愿意接受被妈咪甩掉的事实,进而做出如此过激举动。 请各位业界先进引以为戒。