2025-2-25 23:54
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1、基础环境配置请参考: https://mbb.eet-china.com/blog/4102756-463503.html 2、rtthread-nano使用3.1.5版本链接 : https://github.com/RT-Thread/rtthread-nano/tree/v3.1.5 3、cmbacktrace链接: https://github.com/armink/CmBacktrace.git 4、移植目录:基于uart例程,如下图所示所有用到的文件添加进入,头文件自行添加 5、board修改: /* * Copyright (c) 2006-2019, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2021-05-24 the first version */ #include rthw.h #include rtthread.h #include stdio.h #include "fr30xx.h" #if defined(RT_USING_USER_MAIN) defined(RT_USING_HEAP) /* * Please modify RT_HEAP_SIZE if you enable RT_USING_HEAP * the RT_HEAP_SIZE max value = (sram size - ZI size), 1024 means 1024 bytes */ #define RT_HEAP_SIZE (20*1024) static rt_uint8_t rt_heap ; RT_WEAK void *rt_heap_begin_get(void) { return rt_heap; } RT_WEAK void *rt_heap_end_get(void) { return rt_heap + RT_HEAP_SIZE; } #endif void SysTick_Handler(void) { rt_interrupt_enter(); rt_tick_increase(); rt_interrupt_leave(); } /** * This function will initial your board. */ void rt_hw_board_init(void) { void main_entry_point(void); int board_init(void); main_entry_point(); board_init(); SysTick_Config(system_get_CORE_HSCLK() / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); NVIC_EnableIRQ(SysTick_IRQn); /* * 1: OS Tick Configuration * Enable the hardware timer and call the rt_os_tick_callback function * periodically with the frequency RT_TICK_PER_SECOND. */ // HAL_SYSTICK_Config(HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()/RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); /* Call components board initial (use INIT_BOARD_EXPORT()) */ #ifdef RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT rt_components_board_init(); #endif #if defined(RT_USING_USER_MAIN) defined(RT_USING_HEAP) rt_system_heap_init(rt_heap_begin_get(), rt_heap_end_get()); #endif } 6、屏蔽system_fr30xx.c中的这段代码:rtthread也使用这个规则,把 main_entry_point 放到 rt_hw_board_init 调用即可 extern int $Super$$main(void); int $Sub$$main(void) { main_entry_point(); $Super$$main(); return 0; } 7、main.c修改:实现了简单的main里间隔30s打印下hello,使用中断接收缓冲区接收串口发的数据,实现了一个测试函数,发指令“CMD_TEST” /* ****************************************************************************** * @file main.c * @author FreqChip Firmware Team * @brief main source File. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2023 FreqChip. * All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************** */ #include "uart_demo.h" #include "rtthread.h" #include "cm_backtrace.h" #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH uint16_t head_ptr = 0; uint16_t tail_ptr = 0; uint8_t data_buf = { 0 }; uint8_t data_one = 0; #endif UART_HandleTypeDef Uart3_handle; int fputc(int ch, FILE *stream) { while(__UART_IS_TxFIFO_FULL(UART3)); __UART_WRITE_FIFO(UART3, ch); return ch; } /********************************************************************* * @fn system_clock_config * * @brief System Misc Init. */ void system_clock_config(void) { System_ClkConfig_t ClkConfig; /* CORE HSCLK Config */ ClkConfig.CORE_HSCLK_CFG.CORE_HSCLK_Source = CORE_HSCLK_SEL_HES; /* PLL clock = HSE_VALUE*N + (HSE_VALUE/65535)*M */ /* SPLL CLK Config */ ClkConfig.SPLL_CFG.PowerEn = PLL_POWER_ENABLE; ClkConfig.SPLL_CFG.PLL_N = 8; ClkConfig.SPLL_CFG.PLL_M = 0; /* PLL clock = HSE_VALUE*N + (HSE_VALUE/65535)*M */ /* AUPLL CLK Config */ ClkConfig.AUPLL_CFG.PowerEn = PLL_POWER_DISABLE; ClkConfig.AUPLL_CFG.PLL_N = 8; ClkConfig.AUPLL_CFG.PLL_D = 0; ClkConfig.AUPLL_CFG.PLL_K = 0; System_CORE_HSCLK_config(ClkConfig.CORE_HSCLK_CFG); if (System_SPLL_config(ClkConfig.SPLL_CFG,200) == -1) while(1); if (System_AUPLL_config(ClkConfig.AUPLL_CFG,200) == -1) while(1); ClkConfig.MCU_Clock_Source = MCU_CLK_SEL_CORE_HSCLK; ClkConfig.SOC_DIV = 1; /* This parameter is valid when MCU_Clock_Source == MCU_CLK_SEL_SPLL_CLK */ ClkConfig.MCU_DIV = 1; ClkConfig.APB0_DIV = 1; ClkConfig.APB1_DIV = 1; ClkConfig.APB2_DIV = 1; System_MCU_clock_Config(ClkConfig); } int board_init(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_Handle; pmu_init(); system_clock_config(); /* Uart3 IO init */ GPIO_Handle.Pin = GPIO_PIN_4|GPIO_PIN_5; GPIO_Handle.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP; GPIO_Handle.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP; GPIO_Handle.Alternate = GPIO_FUNCTION_1; gpio_init(GPIOB, GPIO_Handle); __SYSTEM_UART_CLK_SELECT_COREH(); Uart3_handle.UARTx = UART3; Uart3_handle.Init.BaudRate = 115200; Uart3_handle.Init.DataLength = UART_DATA_LENGTH_8BIT; Uart3_handle.Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1; Uart3_handle.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE; Uart3_handle.Init.FIFO_Mode = UART_FIFO_ENABLE; uart_init(Uart3_handle); #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART3_IRQn); NVIC_SetPriority(UART3_IRQn, 0); uart_receive_IT(Uart3_handle, data_one, 1); #endif printf("SystemCoreClock:%d\r\n", system_get_CoreClock()); printf("SystemDSPClock:%d\r\n", system_get_DSPClock()); printf("System_CORE_HSCLK:%d\r\n", system_get_CORE_HSCLK()); printf("System_SPLLCLK:%d\r\n", system_get_SPLLCLK()); printf("System_AUPLLCLK:%d\r\n", system_get_AUPLLCLK()); cm_backtrace_init("Project", "V1.1.0", "V1.1.0"); return 0; } int main(void) { while (1) { printf("hello\r\n"); rt_thread_mdelay(30000); } } #ifdef RT_USING_CONSOLE void rt_hw_console_output(const char *str) { rt_size_t i = 0, size = 0; char a = '\r'; size = rt_strlen(str); for (i = 0; i size; i++) { if (*(str + i) == '\n') { printf("%c", a); } printf("%c", *(str + i)); } } #endif #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH void TEST_CMD(int argc, char **argv) { printf("argc %d\r\n", argc); } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(TEST_CMD, test_cmd); void uart3_irq(void) { uart_IRQHandler(Uart3_handle); data_buf = data_one; head_ptr %= 128; uart_receive_IT(Uart3_handle, data_one, 1); } char rt_hw_console_getchar(void) { /* Note: the initial value of ch must 0 */ int ch = -1; if (head_ptr != tail_ptr) { ch = data_buf ; tail_ptr++; tail_ptr %= 128; } else { rt_thread_mdelay(10); } return ch; } #endif 8、main线程的栈开大一点:如下是rtconfig.h /* RT-Thread config file */ #ifndef __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ #define __RTTHREAD_CFG_H__ // Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu // hBasic Configuration // oMaximal level of thread priority 8-256 // iDefault: 32 #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX 32 // oOS tick per second // iDefault: 1000 (1ms) #define RT_TICK_PER_SECOND 1000 // oAlignment size for CPU architecture data access // iDefault: 4 #define RT_ALIGN_SIZE 4 // othe max length of object name2-16 // iDefault: 8 #define RT_NAME_MAX 8 // c1Using RT-Thread components initialization // iUsing RT-Thread components initialization #define RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT // /c #define RT_USING_USER_MAIN // othe stack size of main thread1-4086 // iDefault: 512 #define RT_MAIN_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 4096 // /h // hDebug Configuration // c1enable kernel debug configuration // iDefault: enable kernel debug configuration //#define RT_DEBUG // /c // oenable components initialization debug configuration0-1 // iDefault: 0 #define RT_DEBUG_INIT 0 // c1thread stack over flow detect // i Diable Thread stack over flow detect //#define RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK // /c // /h // hHook Configuration // c1using hook // iusing hook //#define RT_USING_HOOK // /c // c1using idle hook // iusing idle hook //#define RT_USING_IDLE_HOOK // /c // /h // eSoftware timers Configuration // i Enables user timers #define RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT 0 #if RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT == 0 #undef RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT #endif // oThe priority level of timer thread 0-31 // iDefault: 4 #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_PRIO 4 // oThe stack size of timer thread 0-8192 // iDefault: 512 #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 512 // /e // hIPC(Inter-process communication) Configuration // c1Using Semaphore // iUsing Semaphore #define RT_USING_SEMAPHORE // /c // c1Using Mutex // iUsing Mutex //#define RT_USING_MUTEX // /c // c1Using Event // iUsing Event //#define RT_USING_EVENT // /c // c1Using MailBox // iUsing MailBox #define RT_USING_MAILBOX // /c // c1Using Message Queue // iUsing Message Queue //#define RT_USING_MESSAGEQUEUE // /c // /h // hMemory Management Configuration // c1Memory Pool Management // iMemory Pool Management //#define RT_USING_MEMPOOL // /c // c1Dynamic Heap Management(Algorithm: small memory ) // iDynamic Heap Management #define RT_USING_HEAP #define RT_USING_SMALL_MEM // /c // c1using tiny size of memory // iusing tiny size of memory //#define RT_USING_TINY_SIZE // /c // /h // hConsole Configuration // c1Using console // iUsing console #define RT_USING_CONSOLE // /c // othe buffer size of console 1-1024 // ithe buffer size of console // iDefault: 128 (128Byte) #define RT_CONSOLEBUF_SIZE 256 // /h // hFinSH Configuration // c1include finsh config // iSelect this choice if you using FinSH #include "finsh_config.h" // /c // /h // hDevice Configuration // c1using device framework // iusing device framework //#define RT_USING_DEVICE // /c // /h // end of configuration section #endif 9、效果展示: 10、cmbacktrace只需要修改cmb_cfg.h: /* * This file is part of the CmBacktrace Library. * * Copyright (c) 2016, Armink, armink.ztl@gmail.com * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Function: It is the configure head file for this library. * Created on: 2016-12-15 */ #ifndef _CMB_CFG_H_ #define _CMB_CFG_H_ #include "rtthread.h" /* print line, must config by user */ #define cmb_println(...) rt_kprintf(__VA_ARGS__);rt_kprintf("\r\n")/* e.g., printf(__VA_ARGS__);printf("\r\n") or SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, __VA_ARGS__);SEGGER_RTT_WriteString(0, "\r\n") */ /* enable bare metal(no OS) platform */ /* #define CMB_USING_BARE_METAL_PLATFORM */ /* enable OS platform */ #define CMB_USING_OS_PLATFORM /* #define CMB_USING_OS_PLATFORM */ /* OS platform type, must config when CMB_USING_OS_PLATFORM is enable */ #define CMB_OS_PLATFORM_TYPE CMB_OS_PLATFORM_RTT/* #define CMB_OS_PLATFORM_TYPE CMB_OS_PLATFORM_RTT or CMB_OS_PLATFORM_UCOSII or CMB_OS_PLATFORM_UCOSIII or CMB_OS_PLATFORM_FREERTOS or CMB_OS_PLATFORM_RTX5 */ /* cpu platform type, must config by user */ #define CMB_CPU_PLATFORM_TYPE CMB_CPU_ARM_CORTEX_M4/* CMB_CPU_ARM_CORTEX_M0 or CMB_CPU_ARM_CORTEX_M3 or CMB_CPU_ARM_CORTEX_M4 or CMB_CPU_ARM_CORTEX_M7 */ /* enable dump stack information */ /* #define CMB_USING_DUMP_STACK_INFO */ /* language of print information */ #define CMB_PRINT_LANGUAGE CMB_PRINT_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH/* #define CMB_PRINT_LANGUAGE CMB_PRINT_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH(default) or CMB_PRINT_LANGUAGE_CHINESE */ #endif /* _CMB_CFG_H_ */