热度 9
2012-6-19 13:08
1406 次阅读|
1 个评论
关于前面Volt,后面略过了一段时间,偶然去关注了一下,发现在3四月间有了很大的进展。 一些比较容易看到的文章 1.Powertrain Teardown Click here to see our Design West slide show presentation of the Volt's charge/powertrain system. Here are Steier and Scott-Thomas presenting the charge system and powertrain electronics at Design West here ( 32:14 ). 2.Infotainment Teardown Please view our live teardown video of the infotainment system (42:08). Here's a link to the PowerPoint presentation of the infotainment system . 3.Volt Battery Teardown See complete slide-deck presentation from Design West here Watch video excerpts from the Design West presentation (15:05) 关于UBM写的这篇文章不错,在此引用一些图片作为吸引人的东西吧,内容见。 扩展阅读: DeMeis, Rick, “ Innovation revelation: engineering the Chevy Volt ,” EE Times , May 13, 2011. DeMeis, Rick, “ We tear down a Chevy Volt ,” EE Times , March 12, 2012. DeMeis, Rick: “ Driving impressions: Chevy Volt ,” EE Times , Aug 2, 2011. PS:吐槽一下EDN CN和EDN US果然是典型的外企在不同地区的区别。