tag 标签: graphic

  • 热度 23
    2015-7-10 21:10
    1410 次阅读|
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    A few years ago, I read Locke Key by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriquez, and Preacher by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon.   I really love the graphic novel medium and I'm constantly impressed with the different ways in which the various wordsmiths and artists communicate their stories -- some are very linear in their timelines, while others bounce around all over the place in time and space; some follow a standard comic format (left page top-to-bottom then right page top-to-bottom with talk bubbles also progressing top-to-bottom), while others totally stretch the medium; and some present their tale in a straightforward manner, while others are the graphic novel equivalent of Catch 22 , introducing characters and references about which you don't have a clue, and then tying up the loose ends later. I love them all.   The reason I mention this here is that I've recently become enthralled with a whole bunch of new graphic offerings, and I thought I'd share them in the hope that I'll end up with someone with whom I can discuss the little rascals.   Now, I'm not going to give full reviews here; I'll do that sometime in the future when I've finished the various series. Instead, I'll point you to the first volume in each series over on Amazon. Suffice it to say that I'm only mentioning things that I consider to be worth reading, plus you'll see that they all score highly with other Amazon readers.   First up we have Saga by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples. The story revolves around two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war, who fall in love and risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. All I can say is that the graphics, the characters, and the storyline are spot on.     Next we have Chew by John Layman and Rob Guillory. This is a really interesting one. It's based on the premise that the lead character, Tony Chu, is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. This also means that he's a heck of a detective, just so long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why.   Another interesting offering is Black Science by Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, and Dean White. This involves a dysfunctional family who are bouncing around from one dimension to another via a damaged machine, desperately trying to get back home. This is one of the ones in which you are introduced to things out of order, so you start off wondering "how on Earth did we get here" or "who the heck is this character" and then discovering the answer several pages later.     I tell you, these stories are jumping around all over the place. Next we have LOW by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini. This tale takes place in the far distant future when the sun's premature expansion has irradiated the Earth and forced humanity to live in radiation-shielded cities in the depth of the oceans. Things are starting to look pretty grim until a robot probe that was launched generations before returns bringing the hope of a new world in a distant part of the galaxy.     Last, but not least (for the moment), we have Trees by Warren Ellis and Jason Howard. This story is based in a near-future world where life goes on under the shadow of gigantic alien trees that mysteriously appeared all over the world. In the ten years since they arrived, we've learned that there is intelligent life in the universe, but that they don't recognize us as being either intelligent or alive.     Well, that's it for the moment. The graphic novels mentioned above are the series I'm actually reading at the moment -- I have a pile of others sitting on the shelves here in my office just waiting for me to find the time to peruse and ponder them. As soon as I do so, I'll post a follow-up column. In the meantime, are there any graphic novels you would care to recommend?
  • 热度 23
    2013-8-27 14:20
    4336 次阅读|
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    二、代码   #include   "stdafx.h" #include       #include   #include   "cv.h"     //opencv头文件   //以下三行在vc6中不用写上,但在vc10中须添加,原因是matlab和vc10都 //对CHAR16T进行了定义,所以解决方法是在调用matlab头文件之前, //先加上这三行,不然会产生重定义错误 #ifdef  _CHAR16T    #define  CHAR16_T   #endif                #include   "mat.h" #include   "matrix.h" #include   "highgui.h"   int  _tmain( int  argc, _TCHAR* argv =D ;     D_uchar = ( unsigned   char  *)malloc((m-5)*n* sizeof ( unsigned   char )); //分·?配?内ú存′?     memset(D_uchar,0,(m-5)*n* sizeof ( unsigned   char )); //初3?始ê?化ˉ        //   double minval; //   double maxval; //   CvPoint minlocation; //   CvPoint maxlocation; //   cvMinMaxLoc(a,minval,maxval,minlocation,maxlocation); //   printf("minval=lf%,maxval=lf%",minval,maxval); //   double scale=255/(maxval-minval); //   double shift=-minval*scale; //   cvConvertScale(a,a_8u,scale,shift);//归一化处理   //     //    scaleImage(a,a_out,0.0,1.0,m,n,1);    IplImage*img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(120,160),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);    // IplImage*img1=cvCreateImage(cvSize(120,160),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);     int  step = img-widthStep /  sizeof  ( unsigned   char );      unsigned   char  * imgPtr = ( unsigned   char  *) img-imageData;     //这里使用了一种比较简单,粗鲁的办法来把距离信息转变成亮度,距离大于1m,亮度为0     for ( int  num=0;num160*120;num++)       {                if (D_z 1.0f)                D_uchar =0;             else                                           D_uchar =255-( unsigned   char ) (D_z  * 255.0f);    }        for ( int  j1=0;j1160;j1++)    {        for ( int  i1=0;i1120;i1++)           (( unsigned   char *) img-imageData) =D_uchar ;  //iplimage中的数据只能是uchar类型的,所以要进行类型转换    }       /* for(int j2=0;j25;j2++)       {        printf("\n");        for(int i2=0;i2120;i2++)            printf("%8d",((unsigned char*)img-imageData) );        }*/      //    cvCvtColor(img,img1,CV_GRAY2BGR);       cvNamedWindow(  "Image" , 1 ); //创建窗口     cvShowImage(  "Image" , img ); //显示图像      //cvNamedWindow( "Image1", 1 );//创建窗口      //cvShowImage( "Image1", img1 );//显示图像     cvWaitKey(0);  //等待按键     cvDestroyWindow(  "Image"  ); //销毁窗口     cvReleaseImage( img );  //释放图像     matClose(pmat);     mxFree(pa);     mxFree(pmat);     free(D);      return  0; }   运行结果:
  • 热度 21
    2013-8-27 14:19
    6829 次阅读|
    0 个评论
        调用opencv来显示深度图像,显示的内容是由matlab得到的mat文件,mat数据格式是matlab的数据存储的标准格式,此mat文件中的数据意思是的指实际场景中的点与摄像头的距离,因此目的就是怎么把这些距离信息转化为灰度信息,并借用opencv来显示结果。mat中数据截图如下,如果想了解此数据是怎么来的,可以在维基百科上搜索相关的3D tof camera信息。      本文档纯属本人对于学习过程的总结,综合网上的各种资料结合自己的实际操作写来,整个过程在自己电脑上验证过程没有错误,当然如有纰漏之处还请及时指出!     文章分两部分组成,一部分是工作环境的建立,主要讲到opencv2.4.4以及matlab2009a在vs2010下的配置过程;另一个部分是程序的解读,程序本身很短,但由于是本人第一次写类似的C程序,所以走了不少弯路,希望对你们有帮助。   一、vs2010以及opencv工作环境的建立(win7操作系统):         先下载VS2010,这里我用的Visual Studio 2010简体中文旗舰版,此版本已经内置KEY,安装完就自动激活,无需手动激活。下载下来的是个.iso光盘映像文件,用Daemon Tools虚拟光驱安装即可,给出vs2010下载地址: http://club.topsage.com/thread-2187392-1-1.html  。     opencv用的是2.4.4版本,可以去opencv官网下载,也可以去一些论坛下载,把下载下来的OpenCV-2.4.4.exe文件安装,示范的是安装到 F 盘。matlab用的是MATLAB R2009a版本。 1.配置opencv     1.1. 添加环境变量:(添加完后需要重启电脑才能生效)        计算机-属性-高级系统设置-环境变量。(以下路径都需要根据自己电脑上软件的安装路径做相应的修改) 在path中添加F:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin,添加dll文件; 添加环境变量“OPENCV”,内容:F:\opencv\build    1.2 配置库目录、inlcude目录、连接器。      1.2.1. 配置include路径:     项目-属性-VC++目录-包含目录一栏右边的倒三角符号,点编辑,添加include路径:     F:\opencv\build\include\opencv2     F:\opencv\build\include\opencv     F:\opencv\build\include                          一行写一个,每行末尾不需要分号       1.2.2 配置lib目录:      与上面配置包含目录操作过程一样,在库目录一栏添加:F:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib       1.2.3 配置链接器:     项目-属性-链接器-输入-附加依赖项一栏右边的倒三角符号,编辑,添加依赖项文件:      opencv_calib3d244d.lib     opencv_contrib244d.lib     opencv_core244d.lib     opencv_features2d244d.lib     opencv_flann244d.lib     opencv_gpu244d.lib     opencv_highgui244d.lib     opencv_imgproc244d.lib     opencv_legacy244d.lib     opencv_ml244d.lib     opencv_objdetect244d.lib     opencv_ts244d.lib     opencv_video244d.lib 2. Matlab的配置:     matlab的配置与opencv类似,不再复述,这里只给出路径:(需要修改相应的盘符)系统环境变量PATH中添加:G:\matlab2009a\bin\win32,     lib路径:G:\matlab2009a\extern\lib\win32\microsoft,include路径:G:\matlab2009a\extern\include     链接器依赖项文件:libeng.lib、libmat.lib、libmex.lib、libmx.lib     测试代码如下: # include       "StdAfx.h" # include       "highgui.h" int    main() {           const       char * imagename =      "D:/demo.jpg" ;    //随便放一张jpg图放到D盘,名字修改成相符的即可       cv : : Mat img = cv : : imread(imagename);        if (img.empty()) return      - 1 ;    //是否加载图像成功       if ( ! img.data) return    - 1 ;      cv : : namedWindow( "image" , CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);      cv : : imshow( "image" , img);      cv : : waitKey();        return      0 ; }     正确执行的结果是显示 demo.jpg 这张图片。     至此,编译环境已经建立! 显示代码在下一文章中,放不下了!
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