tag 标签: cpu,指令集

  • 热度 17
    2015-5-23 17:05
    1114 次阅读|
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    Simulated waveforms Machine instructions : Just   AND : Machine instructions: The ram.mif The waveforms and results Explanation: If s1=0036 , s2=0064 Then s1 and s2? From the waveform we can find s1 and s2=0024. Just   not Machine instructions: The ram.mif The waveforms and results Explanation: If s1=1234,then not s1=? From the waveform we find s1=EDCB Just   shiftr Machine instructions: The ram.mif The waveforms and results Explanation: If s1=1234,then shiftr s1=? From the waveform we find s1=091A. ADD,SUB,MPY Machine instructions: The ram.mif   The waveforms and results Explanation: s1=3,s2=4,s3=2,s4=7, From the waveform we find 3*4+2-7=7. ADD,LOOP,MPY,DIV(1+2+…+49+50)*3/8 Machine instructions: The ram.mif The waveforms and results Explanation: From the waveform we find 1+2+…+49+50=1275, 1275*3=3825, 3285/8=478. The contents of location 21 is 478 Conclusions : 1 、 From the experiment we learn what is cpu, how the cpu works. 2 、 Through using quartus2 ,I learn to program by myself, in the experiment I found two errors ,then I try to solve the problem. Errors 1: ACTION: Successfully run the Timing Analyzer or Fitter before running timing simulation.   Solutions : start classic timing analyzer first; Errors 2: Error: Cannot run Timing Analyzer (quartus_tan) -- Fitter (quartus_fit) failed or was not run   solutions: start fitter first. 3 、 Of course, in the meantime I meet multiple difficulties, I ask my classmates, we help each other. 4 、 Programming needs to be patient, we should remember it.