热度 14
2010-7-16 15:03
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对于从事电子业的同行都知道,电子技术分模拟和数字之分,而大多数人都喜欢数字电路而不太喜欢模拟技术,就其原因主要有两个方面,一是数字技术相对模拟技术发展的要更快一些,从应用上不断有新的东西出来,而且很容易实现很玄的功能,到目前为止基本还是复合摩尔定律的;另一方面,数字技术入手要快一些,几乎很多玩数字的都是在玩软件,一个产品设计完立即就可以在电脑上模拟,非常直观!所以我们发现很多公司都难得有工程师对于模拟技术研究比较深入的,特别是电源的部分,因为在产品验证阶段完全可以用电源发生器去完成,只有到了最后整合的时候才涉及到电源管理的问题,同时因为会的人不多,那么自然就会出现谁设计,谁负责,擦屁股的事情一堆,能沿用之前的设计就尽量沿用之间的设计,没人愿意去换性能更好或是价格更优的产品!其实有那么难,其实一点都不难,现在我们就尝试和大家一起探讨电源管理以及模拟器件的选型问题,供大家参考只用! 其实对于任何电源管理,我们最重要关注的几个参数就是输入电压,输出电压,和输出电流这三个指标,具体还有其他关注的指标,见下文(有些图片贴不上去见谅)! Important SPEC: Vin : Input voltage range Vout : output voltage range Iout : Output Current limit (Note1) Fsw : switch frequency (Note2) Tj : Junction Temperature Range(Note3) Package Important Performance: EFF : power efficiency(Note4) Iq : typical Quiescent Supply Current (Note5) Ioff : Shutdown Supply Current (Note6) Important function: Over-Voltage Protection (Note7) Softstart (Note8) Power OK (Note9) Thermal Protection (Note10) Note1 : output current limit Calculating D : Duty cycle D = (Vout+Vds) / (Vin+Vds) approximate = Vout / Vin Calculating maximum Iout : load current Iout(max) = (Vin-Vout)*D / (L*Fsw) Calculating L : Inductor L = (Vin-Vout)*D / (I ripple*F*Iout) I ripple factor = Io1A ,ripple factor=5%,Io20A ,ripple factor=20% Note2 : Switching frequency Fsw The IC PWM switching frequency (Hz) Note3 : Operating Junction Temperature Tj : -40 ℃ to +125 ℃ Tj(max)=P(max)*θj-a+Ta Tj(max) : junction to ambient thermal resistance θj-a : ℃ /W(package) P(max) : (Vin-Vout)/Io Ta : ambient temperature Note4 : power efficiency EFF = (Vout * Iout) / (Vin * Iin) EFF is bad when Iout is approximate minimum and maximum (Vout-Vin) is bigger - EFF is smaller (see right figure) Note 5 : Typical Quiescent Supply Current When IC is enable and Iout=0, the current flow thru this IC to GND. Note 6 : Shutdown Supply Current When IC is disable, the current flow thru this IC to GND. Normally uA. Normally is ~uA, and Iq Ioff. Note 7 : Over-Voltage Protection To control the maximum output voltage range, to prevent damage load device. Note 8 : Softstart After IC is enable, to control the output from 0 to Vout rising rate. Note 9 : Power OK Is an open drain signal for power system state indication. The POK signal will be a logic high when the output voltage is within 90% - 120% of the programmed Vout. Note 10 : Thermal Overload Protection Thermal shutdown will disable operation once the Junction temperature exceeds approximately 160 ℃ .