原创 模拟IC怎么选型-BUCK

2010-7-16 15:03 4554 11 11 分类: 采购与分销


Important SPEC:
 Vin : Input voltage range
Vout : output voltage range
 Iout : Output Current limit (Note1)

Fsw : switch frequency (Note2)
Tj : Junction Temperature Range(Note3)

Important Performance: EFF : power efficiency(Note4) Iq : typical Quiescent Supply Current (Note5) Ioff : Shutdown Supply Current (Note6)

Important function: Over-Voltage Protection (Note7) Softstart (Note8) Power OK (Note9) Thermal Protection (Note10)

Note1 : output current limit Calculating D : Duty cycle D = (Vout+Vds) / (Vin+Vds) approximate = Vout / Vin Calculating maximum Iout : load current          Iout(max) = (Vin-Vout)*D / (L*Fsw) Calculating L : Inductor L = (Vin-Vout)*D / (I ripple*F*Iout) I ripple factor  = Io<1A ,ripple factor=5%,Io>20A ,ripple factor=20% Note2 : Switching frequency Fsw The IC PWM switching frequency (Hz) Note3 : Operating Junction Temperature Tj : -40 to +125 Tj(max)=P(max)*θj-a+Ta Tj(max) : junction to ambient thermal resistance θj-a : /W(package) P(max) : (Vin-Vout)/Io Ta : ambient temperature Note4 :  power efficiency EFF = (Vout * Iout) / (Vin * Iin) EFF is bad when Iout is approximate minimum and maximum  (Vout-Vin) is bigger -> EFF is smaller  (see right figure) Note 5 :  Typical Quiescent Supply Current When IC is enable and Iout=0, the current flow thru this IC to GND. Note 6 : Shutdown Supply Current  When IC is disable, the current flow thru this IC to GND. Normally uA. Normally is ~uA, and Iq < Ioff. Note 7 : Over-Voltage Protection  To control the maximum output voltage range, to prevent damage load device. Note 8 : Softstart After IC is enable, to control the output from 0 to Vout rising rate. Note 9 : Power OK Is an open drain signal for power system state indication. The POK signal will be a logic high  when the output voltage is within 90% - 120% of the programmed Vout. Note 10 : Thermal Overload Protection Thermal shutdown will disable operation once the  Junction temperature exceeds approximately 160.


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