tag 标签: AVR

  • 热度 7
    2023-10-8 00:03
    1278 次阅读|
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    谢谢刘波。谢谢面包板论坛。谢谢机械工业出版社。非常感谢给的这一次试读机会,机械工业出版社! 接上五篇: 《Proteus实战攻略》+单片机仿真1开箱 《Proteus实战攻略》+单片机仿真2至诚经典第八章 《Proteus实战攻略》+单片机仿真3基础电路第一章 《Proteus实战攻略》+单片机仿真4第二章 《Proteus实战攻略》+单片机仿真5第三章 电子发烧友jf_39110170 网名“还没吃饭”阅读《Proteus实战攻略》第四章AVR单片机仿真的读后感: 在电子工程领域,模拟信号到数字信号的转换是一个非常常见和关键的过程。在这个过程中,AVR单片机发挥核心作用。在《Proteus实战攻略》一书中,详细讲解了如何利用AVR单片机实现模拟信号到数字信号的转换。对此,我有以下几点心得体会。 首先,我了解到单片机最小系统电路是整个模数转换电路的核心。它负责接收ADC0808的输入数值,并根据这些数值驱动指示灯电路。这个过程虽然简单,但却高效地实现了模数转换的结果展示。通过这个电路,我们可以实时地观察到模数转换的结果,进一步增强了我们对模拟信号到数字信号转换过程的理解。 其次,我对于AVR单片机的功能有了更深的认识。在我们的日常生活中,我们可能更熟悉如CPU、GPU等高级别的微处理器。然而,AVR单片机作为一种低功耗、高性能的8位单片机,其在实时控制、声音识别、马达控制等方面的应用非常广泛。在这次模数转换电路仿真中,AVR单片机以其卓越的性能和稳定性,确保了整个系统的正常运行。 此外,通过这次仿真实验,我更深刻地理解了硬件电路设计的重要性。硬件电路设计不仅关乎电路的稳定性,也影响了系统的运行速度和效率。在这个过程中,我们需要充分考虑单片机的型号选择、ADC0808的输入输出接口设计、指示灯电路的驱动能力等各种因素。这是一个需要多方面知识和技能的过程,也让我认识到了成为一名电子工程师需要具备的丰富知识和技能。 总的来说,通过这次《Proteus实战攻略》的学习,我对AVR单片机、模拟信号到数字信号的转换有了更深的认识和理解。这本书提供了一个很好的平台,让我能够将理论知识应用到实际操作中,增强了实践能力,也提高了我的学习兴趣。我相信,这次的学习经验将对我未来的学习和工作产生深远的影响。 谢谢! 本人试读 : 《电子工程师必备——九大系统电路识图宝典》+附录5学习方法 https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_2380869_1_1.html 《运算放大器参数解析与LTspice应用仿真》+学习心得3第二章之电气参数 https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_2380842_1_1.html 《Android Runtime源码解析》+学习心得首发(3)https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_2380743_1_1.html 《了不起的芯片》阅读活动11第四章 http://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/thread-1258193-1-1.html 《Proteus实战攻略》+单片机仿真5第三章 https://mbb.eet-china.com/blog/4047672-448069.html 《GD32 MCU原理及固件库开发指南》+第五章MCU基础外设 https://mbb.eet-china.com/blog/4047672-448189.html 本人部分帖子: 【飞凌AM6254开发板试用】 4-机器视觉(原创) - 飞凌嵌入式https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_2376804_1_1.html 米尔-STM32MP135开发板试用2-螺旋桨控制(原创)首发(开源) 米尔-STM32MP135开发板试用4-Linux控制螺旋桨升力大小(原创) 【飞凌AM6254开发板试用】+5内核编译串口芯片Linux驱动(原创) https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_2379258_1_1.html 【Milk-V Duo 开发板免费体验】4-Linux控制小车动作(原创)首发 https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_2371138_1_1.html 【飞凌i.MX9352开发板试用】+机械臂游戏2游戏操纵杆控制四自由度机械臂(开源)原创首发 https://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_2364822_1_1.html 【米尔瑞萨RZ/G2L开发板-创新应用】4(原创)四自由度机械臂游戏开源的项目 https://bbs.myir-tech.com/thread-8752-1-1.html 【轩辕剑法 ---乾甲申式 】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19w411a7mF/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=b5b305bec6cbccdfdaee2cf57cf341bc 谢谢!
  • 热度 26
    2014-1-20 10:28
    1679 次阅读|
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    我们想 强调第三方模块“网络适配器”使用的是W5500芯片。 eHajo公司是 一个提供开发服务,组件集,开发板和模块定制的公司,由德国顾问Hannes Jochriem 先生创立。 SPI-Netzwerkadapter Wiznet W5500 集合了我们的W5500芯片 和 Atmel AVR ATxmega8E5(..16E5 和 ..32E5 也可以),小模块上也有RJ45连接器和一些排针。   W5500提供多达8个 网络连接,并带有独特的全硬件TCP/IP 协议栈。 Atmel XMEGA 8E5 MCU 提供10k Flash + 1K RAM 内存,可开发更大的应用,像传感器和驱动器或者简单的 串口转以太网功能。   请看下面的图片:   产品由eHaJo公司开发,链接: eHaJo – network adapter Wiki 解释的更详细 + 提供原理图: eHaJo – docu wiki   现在,你就可以带着我们新的W5500玩转了。   更多WIZnet信息
  • 热度 25
    2013-11-18 22:08
    1615 次阅读|
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    A year or so ago, my Playstation 3 bit the dust (no, this story isn't about it). For a while, the usual band-aid fix seemed to work just fine: Heat up the main chips with a heat gun to reflow the solder. Eventually, I'd had it with this and set about doing a proper repair. This proper repair would consist of desoldering both the CPU and GPU from the console and replacing the solder balls with new ones. To do this, I required some specialised equipment—namely, a reflow table. Being on a tight budget, I selected the Puhui T-870 reflow table. This model comprises a large infrared base plate for preheating, a heat lamp for applying focused heat on the desired component to desolder, and a thermocouple for each. Not much, but enough to perform the task adequately.   Reflow table by Puhui. Upon receipt of the T-870, I immediately noticed a major issue. The temperature readings were far from accurate. At room temperature (25c), one thermocouple read 35c and the other read 65c! I had an infrared thermometer, so I figured I could get away with ignoring the onboard temperature sensors and monitoring temperature manually. Boy, was I wrong. Anyway, a few failed reflow attempts later, I concluded that the Puhui T-870 was a piece of junk, as it was, and was not able to do what I needed. So, like any good engineer would, I cracked the sucker open and had a look. What I saw was pretty sad. A jumbled mess of high-current wires leading to a pair of heavily heatsinked TO-220 triacs (for controlling the lamp and heatbed no doubt) hid the main board.   A jumbled mess of high current wires leading to a pair of heavily heatsinked TO-220 triacs (for controlling the lamp and heatbed no doubt) hid the main board. The main board consisted of some power supply circuitry and an STM8 8bit microcontroller (younger brother of the STM32, I assume). There was a programming header available on the board, so I could simply reprogram the micro and attempt to compensate for the deficiencies, but without a working knowledge of that architecture, the source code, or the proper development environment for this chip, I would be fighting an uphill battle. The sensible thing to do would be to use an architecture that I was familiar with and for which I had a development kit. Thus I chose the venerable PIC18F4550. I had experience with it, had a PicKit3 for programming and debugging, and liked its onboard USB for easy interfacing later on. I wanted to improve the Puhui T-870 to the level of a several thousand dollar reflow table: accurate temperature sensors, an LCD display for user interaction, automated temperature curves, and a computer uplink for host software to manage everything. All of this would be within reach with a redesigned circuit and more powerful microcontroller. I set about my designing and quickly put a protoboard together with all of the requisite parts, but I quickly ran into a major issue. My code would not do what it was told. I tried multiple ways to perform the same operation, but to no avail. The code would apparently skip around to wherever it pleased at the time, evaluate expressions incorrectly, or actually execute different functions than the ones I was explicitly calling. I investigated this for a while but eventually threw my hands up in frustration, as I don't have any expertise in troubleshooting compilers or linkers. This drove me to make a new decision on which controller I should use. Everybody seems to really like the AVR series, so I selected the ATMEGA324 as my new microcontroller. I set up avr-gcc and was all ready to get coding, except for one thing: I had to completely redesign my board to fit the new pinout. Rather than try to modify my existing prototype to fit my new controller, I drew up the design in EAGLE and ran a PCB using the toner transfer method. The board turned out well except for some minor issues related to getting proper conduction between the top and bottom layers. A few days of firmware writing, and the rest is history. I now have a functional reflow table that far exceeds the capabilities of what I originally purchased. Speculation on original design The original design of the T-870 obviously optimised cost over performance, and I'm sure the code is pretty terrible as well, had I access to it. The design of the thermocouple circuitry is particularly poor, consisting of a few passives and an op-amp, with no junction compensation. Improvements I made With my redesign, I added a discrete ADC with an onboard temperature sensor for junction compensation, a character LCD instead of the included 7-segment display, and a computer uplink for automated temperature profiles. At most, the added cost is roughly 50 dollars in components. But to get these features in a commercial reflow table, the cost increase is substantial—at least a few thousand dollars. Seth Peterson is 24 years old and has been a maker and hacker since middle school. He graduated from the University of Dayton in Ohio in May 2012 with a BS in Computer Engineering Technology. He work for the University of Dayton Research Institute. He submitted this article as part of Frankenstein's Fix, a design contest hosted by EE Times (US).
  • 热度 25
    2013-11-18 22:04
    1767 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    About a year ago now, my Playstation 3 gave up the ghost (no, this story isn't about it). For a while, the usual band-aid fix seemed to work just fine: Heat up the main chips with a heat gun to reflow the solder. Eventually, I'd had it with this and set about doing a proper repair. This proper repair would consist of desoldering both the CPU and GPU from the console and replacing the solder balls with new ones. To do this, I required some specialised equipment—namely, a reflow table. Being on a tight budget, I selected the Puhui T-870 reflow table. This model comprises a large infrared base plate for preheating, a heat lamp for applying focused heat on the desired component to desolder, and a thermocouple for each. Not much, but enough to perform the task adequately.   Reflow table by Puhui. Upon receipt of the T-870, I immediately noticed a major issue. The temperature readings were far from accurate. At room temperature (25c), one thermocouple read 35c and the other read 65c! I had an infrared thermometer, so I figured I could get away with ignoring the onboard temperature sensors and monitoring temperature manually. Boy, was I wrong. Anyway, a few failed reflow attempts later, I concluded that the Puhui T-870 was a piece of junk, as it was, and was not able to do what I needed. So, like any good engineer would, I cracked the sucker open and had a look. What I saw was pretty sad. A jumbled mess of high-current wires leading to a pair of heavily heatsinked TO-220 triacs (for controlling the lamp and heatbed no doubt) hid the main board.   A jumbled mess of high current wires leading to a pair of heavily heatsinked TO-220 triacs (for controlling the lamp and heatbed no doubt) hid the main board. The main board consisted of some power supply circuitry and an STM8 8bit microcontroller (younger brother of the STM32, I assume). There was a programming header available on the board, so I could simply reprogram the micro and attempt to compensate for the deficiencies, but without a working knowledge of that architecture, the source code, or the proper development environment for this chip, I would be fighting an uphill battle. The sensible thing to do would be to use an architecture that I was familiar with and for which I had a development kit. Thus I chose the venerable PIC18F4550. I had experience with it, had a PicKit3 for programming and debugging, and liked its onboard USB for easy interfacing later on. I wanted to improve the Puhui T-870 to the level of a several thousand dollar reflow table: accurate temperature sensors, an LCD display for user interaction, automated temperature curves, and a computer uplink for host software to manage everything. All of this would be within reach with a redesigned circuit and more powerful microcontroller. I set about my designing and quickly put a protoboard together with all of the requisite parts, but I quickly ran into a major issue. My code would not do what it was told. I tried multiple ways to perform the same operation, but to no avail. The code would apparently skip around to wherever it pleased at the time, evaluate expressions incorrectly, or actually execute different functions than the ones I was explicitly calling. I investigated this for a while but eventually threw my hands up in frustration, as I don't have any expertise in troubleshooting compilers or linkers. This drove me to make a new decision on which controller I should use. Everybody seems to really like the AVR series, so I selected the ATMEGA324 as my new microcontroller. I set up avr-gcc and was all ready to get coding, except for one thing: I had to completely redesign my board to fit the new pinout. Rather than try to modify my existing prototype to fit my new controller, I drew up the design in EAGLE and ran a PCB using the toner transfer method. The board turned out well except for some minor issues related to getting proper conduction between the top and bottom layers. A few days of firmware writing, and the rest is history. I now have a functional reflow table that far exceeds the capabilities of what I originally purchased. Speculation on original design The original design of the T-870 obviously optimised cost over performance, and I'm sure the code is pretty terrible as well, had I access to it. The design of the thermocouple circuitry is particularly poor, consisting of a few passives and an op-amp, with no junction compensation. Improvements I made With my redesign, I added a discrete ADC with an onboard temperature sensor for junction compensation, a character LCD instead of the included 7-segment display, and a computer uplink for automated temperature profiles. At most, the added cost is roughly 50 dollars in components. But to get these features in a commercial reflow table, the cost increase is substantial—at least a few thousand dollars. Seth Peterson is 24 years old and has been a maker and hacker since middle school. He graduated from the University of Dayton in Ohio in May 2012 with a BS in Computer Engineering Technology. He work for the University of Dayton Research Institute. He submitted this article as part of Frankenstein's Fix, a design contest hosted by EE Times (US).  
  • 热度 22
    2013-6-8 13:36
    1382 次阅读|
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    ATMEL公司的AVR单片机,是增强型RISC内载Flash的单片机,芯片上的Flash存储器附在用户的产品中,可随时编程,再编程,使用户的产品设计容易,更新换代方便。AVR单片机采用增强的RISC结构 ,使其具有高速处理能力,在一个时钟周期内可执行复杂的指令,每MHz可实现1MIPS的处理能力。AVR单片机工作电压为2.7-6.0V,可以实现耗电最优化。AVR的单片机广泛应用于计算机外部设备 ,工业实时控制,仪器仪表,通讯设备,家用电器,宇航设备等各个领域。 继续  AVR工具指南(一)的内容 3.  WinCUPL WinCUPL(可编程逻辑通用编译器)是一款可以为SPLD和CPLD创造出非常复杂的逻辑设计的逻辑编译器。该工具使得工程师们可以设计出他们自己的逻辑电路并创建出JEDEC(联合电子设备工程委员会标准)文件。因此,你可以使用ROM writer在设备中进行映射。 WinCUPL() The WinCUPL 套件包含如下工具: WinCUPL       一款为所有WinCUPL工具,包括编译器在内,设计的强大的前端和用户接口。 CUPL Compiler     用CUPL语言编写的逻辑描述在编译后,可以被分配到指定的逻辑器件(PLDs)上。在编译的基础之上,CUPL编译器查找它的库文件并创建可以下载到设备编译器上的文件。从此,该PLD即可编译。 Simulator       在设计被制作为产品之前,他们可以使用CSIM进行仿真。CSIM将预期的数值和在CUPL操作中计算出的实际的数值相比较。仿真的输入和结果可以图形化地观察并通过WinSim进行修改。 WinSim    仿真输入和结果可以通过Winsim设置并显示波形。 3.1.    如何安装 1)     转到 http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=2759 2)     在该页面内点击 “注册并下载”。 图 3‑1. Atmel网站中下载WinCUPL的地址. 1)     下载前请先注册并获取序列号。在完成准备工作后,你就可以开始下载了 2)     “awincupl.exe运行下载的文件“awincupl.exe” 3)     安装下面的安装程序精灵 4)     重新启动之后,执行StartProgramAtmel WinCuplWinCupl 图 3‑2. WinCUPL’s 主界面. 3.2.    使用 CUPL语言进行设计 这一节介绍的是CUPL的设计操作,并向你展示了关于设计流程的样例。 3.2.1.       语法的使用 基本的逻辑和算数运算符,以及二进制等式设计中使用的函数如下。 1)     逻辑运算符 下表显示了使用NOT,AND,OR和XOR等逻辑运算符的表达方式和优先级。 2)     算数运算符和函数 下表显示了6个常用的运算符的表达方式,样例以及优先级。 用$repeat和$macro指令定义的算数函数可以被用在算数表达式中。下表显示了算数函数和它的进制数。 3.2.1.       开始设计 现在,我们开始介绍如何通过简单的样例来设计PLD。按照如下步骤,你可以执行包含等待功能的PLD。 1)     在WinCupl,执行过后,点击Click FileNewProject。 2)     你可以在设计选项中写入上面提到的内容,然后点击OK按钮,INPUT PIN窗口出现。 图 3‑3. INPUT PIN 界面 3)     输入INPUT PIN序号并点击OK按钮。然后,按照相同的方法输入OUTPUT PIN, PINNODESS等的信息。(*如果设计者已经知道了他想使用的设备,则需要进行引脚分配) 4)     在设计窗口下已经创建了表格,然后按照用户需要编写程序。 图 3‑4. 样例代码. 5)     在Options Devices菜单界面下选择你将使用的设备。在设备选择完成后,你应该在你的编程页输入“Device Mnemonic”信息。 请参考下图左下角的屏幕截图。 图 3‑5. 设备选择. 3.2.3.       编译 1)     在编程过程结束之后,请通过运行菜单或者对应的图标,选择你想要编译的项目 图 3‑6. 设备关联编译. 2)     编译过程完成后,编译结果界面会显示在你的显示器上,如下图所示。 图 3‑7. 编译结果 3)     你可以通过编译来确认新创建的JEDEC文件。 但是,如果你在虚拟条件下写入设备信息,你将不能生成JEDEC文件。因此,此过程需要格外注意。 图 3‑8. 创建 JEDEC 文件界面 4)     你可以在设备中已常见的JEDEC文件中使用Rom writer来执行写操作。 你可以从 http://www.atmel.com 或者WinCUPL用户手册获取到更多的信息。 感谢您的关注! 与我们更多联系: WIZnet邮箱:wiznetbj@wiznettechnology.com WIZnet中文主页:http://www.iwiznet.cn WIZnet中文博客:http://blog.iwiznet.cn WIZnet企业博客:http://e.weibo.com/wiznet2012