热度 20
2011-10-14 09:18
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This has been a long week and I'm in for a bit of a laugh... Have you seen the "Missing Missy" thread on the 27bslash6.com website? This is really hilarious. According to a short piece in the Reader's Digest, art director David Thorn was asked by his demanding coworker Shannon to design a poster for her missing cat, Missy. This thread follows a series of posters that he sent her, along with her responses ( Click here to see the full thread). You know all the "Blond" jokes that go around that are usually unkind to ladies with blond hair? Well, I just saw a funny definition: "Blond Joke – A joke so simple even a man can understand it!" Actually, this month's Reader's Digest is jam-packed with interesting tidbits of trivia and nuggets of knowledge. Take the American martial artist and actor Chuck Norris, for example. It seems that as a result of his "tough guy" image, there's an Internet website called Chuck Norris Facts that ascribes various implausible or even impossible feats to Norris. For example: * Chuck Norris is so fast that his GPS speaks to him in the past tense. * Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone * Chuck Norris knows Victoria's secret But my favourite is "Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris pyjamas." Actually, speaking of favourites, there was a really great joke (yes, it was in this month's Reader's Digest – how did you guess?). I live in the Bible Belt of America, which means that there are an incredible number of churches of every conceivable denomination. Bearing this in mind, the joke goes as follows: Once I saw a guy on a bridge about to jump... Me: "Don't do it!" Him: "Nobody loves me." Me: "God loves you." Him: "Do you believe in God?" Me: "Yes." Him: "Are you a Christian, Jew, or Muslim?" Me: "I'm a Christian." Him: "Me too! Are you a Catholic or a Protestant?" Me: "I'm a Protestant." Him: "Me too! What franchise?" Me: "I'm a Baptist." Him: "Me too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" Me: "Northern Baptist." Him: "Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" Me: "Northern Conservative Baptist." Him: "Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" Me: "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." Him: "Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." Me: "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879." Him: "Hmmm, I'm Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." Me: "Die heretic!" And I pushed him off the bridge. While we're on a religious theme, did you hear the real-life story about the Dutchman who is recreating a massive version of Noah's Ark to biblical proportions? ( Click here to see the full article article.) I love playing with LEDs, so I must admit to drooling a little when my chum Brian emailed me with a link to a YouTube video about a guy who has built himself a 500-LED Extreme Flashlight. And speaking of YouTube, my chip Alan in the UK sent me a link to a video of some water fountains in Dubai . This particular display is accompanies Time to Say Goodbye with Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman: Do you know, I could keep this up for hours, but the weekend is calling me and I have a bunch of stuff to do before I can answer its siren song, so I must away...