原创 Friday amusement: All sorts of "stuff"

2011-10-14 09:18 1785 20 20 分类: 消费电子

This has been a long week and I'm in for a bit of a laugh...

Have you seen the "Missing Missy" thread on the 27bslash6.com website? This is really hilarious. According to a short piece in the Reader's Digest, art director David Thorn was asked by his demanding coworker Shannon to design a poster for her missing cat, Missy. This thread follows a series of posters that he sent her, along with her responses (Click here to see the full thread).

You know all the "Blond" jokes that go around that are usually unkind to ladies with blond hair? Well, I just saw a funny definition: "Blond Joke – A joke so simple even a man can understand it!"

Actually, this month's Reader's Digest is jam-packed with interesting tidbits of trivia and nuggets of knowledge. Take the American martial artist and actor Chuck Norris, for example. It seems that as a result of his "tough guy" image, there's an Internet website called Chuck Norris Facts that ascribes various implausible or even impossible feats to Norris. For example:

* Chuck Norris is so fast that his GPS speaks to him in the past tense.
* Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone
* Chuck Norris knows Victoria's secret
But my favourite is "Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris pyjamas."

Actually, speaking of favourites, there was a really great joke (yes, it was in this month's Reader's Digest – how did you guess?). I live in the Bible Belt of America, which means that there are an incredible number of churches of every conceivable denomination. Bearing this in mind, the joke goes as follows:

Once I saw a guy on a bridge about to jump...

Me: "Don't do it!"
Him: "Nobody loves me."
Me: "God loves you."
Him: "Do you believe in God?"
Me: "Yes."
Him: "Are you a Christian, Jew, or Muslim?"
Me: "I'm a Christian."
Him: "Me too! Are you a Catholic or a Protestant?"
Me: "I'm a Protestant."
Him: "Me too! What franchise?"
Me: "I'm a Baptist."
Him: "Me too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?"
Me: "Northern Baptist."
Him: "Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"
Me: "Northern Conservative Baptist."
Him: "Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?"
Me: "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region."
Him: "Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912."
Me: "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879."
Him: "Hmmm, I'm Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912."
Me: "Die heretic!" And I pushed him off the bridge.

While we're on a religious theme, did you hear the real-life story about the Dutchman who is recreating a massive version of Noah's Ark to biblical proportions? (Click here to see the full article article.)

I love playing with LEDs, so I must admit to drooling a little when my chum Brian emailed me with a link to a YouTube video about a guy who has built himself a 500-LED Extreme Flashlight.

And speaking of YouTube, my chip Alan in the UK sent me a link to a video of some water fountains in Dubai. This particular display is accompanies Time to Say Goodbye with Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman:

Do you know, I could keep this up for hours, but the weekend is calling me and I have a bunch of stuff to do before I can answer its siren song, so I must away...




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