tag 标签: ultrabook

  • 热度 19
    2013-2-26 21:09
    1876 次阅读|
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    I just watched a bunch of entertaining new videos from Toshiba. These involve two guys called Matt and Jamie putting Toshiba's Ultrabook PCs and LED TVs through a series of extreme tests, including monster trucks, car washes, paint shakers, and more. So many product test videos show the products only in a good light, so the fact that some of these videos show the products failing puts an interesting spin on things. Of course, when you actually see what these guys are doing to the products, the fact that they fail is not too surprising. What is surprising is the fact that the products actually do survive some of these tests. The monster truck The car wash The steam room The electric shock treatment The paint mixer To be honest, I'm hard-pushed to pick my favourite, but I think that "The Paint Mixer" video takes first prize for me – which one makes you grin (or wince) the most?  
  • 热度 18
    2012-10-12 21:24
    3190 次阅读|
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    Last week, IHS iSuppli's Ultrabook sales forecast highlighted an interesting trend: OEMs are re-casting at least some notebooks formerly called Ultrabooks as "ultrathins" instead. Why? Intel has some pretty stringent specifications for thickness, weight, performance and battery life for anything given the Ultrabook label (which Intel had trademarked). Hitting those specs while at the same time trying to bring down the cost of the systems is the entire crux of the issue. According to IHS analyst Craig Stice, as OEMs find that they can't hit all of Intel's specs while also bringing down the price, they are choosing to reclassify some systems as ultrathins. The concept of the systems is the same—thin form factor, light, fast and efficient. Despite cutting his forecast for Ultrabook sales for this year and next year, Stice believes Ultrabook shipments will grow nicely over the next few years, increasing from about 10 million this year to more than 95 million in 2016. But Stice acknowledges that the entire Ultrabook label might fall by the wayside if OEMs decide that the only way to get these ultra-thin, ultra-light systems down to price points that consumers find palatable is to come up short of the Ultrabook specifications. "In the near term, there is the Ultrabook push because that's the buzz word," Stice said. "But at some point, does the Ultrabook name fade away?" In fact, Stice said his latest forecast predicts this trend to some degree. He projects that growth in Ultrabook shipments will level off at about 95 million units, partly because of an expected rise in shipments of systems classified as ultrathins. At a certain point, you have to assume that even if this concept catches on as Intel hopes it will, consumers will be less concerned about whether the thin, light-weight notebook they want to buy is considered an Ultrabook or something else. But such a development would not be a loss for Intel. On the contrary, even if the company's Ultrabook push results in the rise of something else called an ultrathin, it's still a win for Intel. "They are still selling chips," Stice said. The real challenge Intel would probably prefer that everyone buys an Ultrabook or four. But, according to Stice, the goal of Intel's Ultrabook push is to re-invent the PC in order to bring to consumers the type of features and functionality—like touchscreen—that is currently the domain of non-traditional types of computers like smartphones and tablets. If ultrathins take off and Ultrabooks flame out, the mission is still accomplished. "I give Intel a lot of credit for what they are trying to do," Stice said. "They realize that the standard cookie-cutter type of a notebook that we've seen for the past decade was falling short of being competitive with all of these new ultra-mobile gadgets." Of course, the real challenge for Ultrabooks, no matter how they are categorized, is competing with those ultra-mobile gadgets. Today's consumer seems very willing to part with a few hundred dollars for a smartphone or tablet in exchange for the functionality they provide. They also seem comfortable paying a few hundred dollars for the type of cookie-cutter notebook ubiquitous today. Whether consumers on a large scale will prove willing to pay significantly more for something that melds the mobile experience with something more akin to that of a traditional PC is another matter. Particularly if that significantly more stays around $1,000. "The challenge is creating ultra-competitive new computing gadgets in a price range that seems to be more attractive today's consumer," Stice said.
  • 热度 10
    2012-10-12 21:06
    1804 次阅读|
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    One of the more interesting trends emphasized in IHS iSuppli's Ultrabook sales forecast cut last week is this: OEMs are re-casting at least some notebooks formerly called Ultrabooks as "ultrathins" instead. Why? Intel has some pretty stringent specifications for thickness, weight, performance and battery life for anything given the Ultrabook label (which Intel had trademarked). Hitting those specs while at the same time trying to bring down the cost of the systems is the entire crux of the issue. According to IHS analyst Craig Stice, as OEMs find that they can't hit all of Intel's specs while also bringing down the price, they are choosing to reclassify some systems as ultrathins. The concept of the systems is the same—thin form factor, light, fast and efficient. Despite cutting his forecast for Ultrabook sales for this year and next year, Stice believes Ultrabook shipments will grow nicely over the next few years, increasing from about 10 million this year to more than 95 million in 2016. But Stice acknowledges that the entire Ultrabook label might fall by the wayside if OEMs decide that the only way to get these ultra-thin, ultra-light systems down to price points that consumers find palatable is to come up short of the Ultrabook specifications. "In the near term, there is the Ultrabook push because that's the buzz word," Stice said. "But at some point, does the Ultrabook name fade away?" In fact, Stice said his latest forecast predicts this trend to some degree. He projects that growth in Ultrabook shipments will level off at about 95 million units, partly because of an expected rise in shipments of systems classified as ultrathins. At a certain point, you have to assume that even if this concept catches on as Intel hopes it will, consumers will be less concerned about whether the thin, light-weight notebook they want to buy is considered an Ultrabook or something else. But such a development would not be a loss for Intel. On the contrary, even if the company's Ultrabook push results in the rise of something else called an ultrathin, it's still a win for Intel. "They are still selling chips," Stice said. The real challenge Intel would probably prefer that everyone buys an Ultrabook or four. But, according to Stice, the goal of Intel's Ultrabook push is to re-invent the PC in order to bring to consumers the type of features and functionality—like touchscreen—that is currently the domain of non-traditional types of computers like smartphones and tablets. If ultrathins take off and Ultrabooks flame out, the mission is still accomplished. "I give Intel a lot of credit for what they are trying to do," Stice said. "They realize that the standard cookie-cutter type of a notebook that we've seen for the past decade was falling short of being competitive with all of these new ultra-mobile gadgets." Of course, the real challenge for Ultrabooks, no matter how they are categorized, is competing with those ultra-mobile gadgets. Today's consumer seems very willing to part with a few hundred dollars for a smartphone or tablet in exchange for the functionality they provide. They also seem comfortable paying a few hundred dollars for the type of cookie-cutter notebook ubiquitous today. Whether consumers on a large scale will prove willing to pay significantly more for something that melds the mobile experience with something more akin to that of a traditional PC is another matter. Particularly if that significantly more stays around $1,000. "The challenge is creating ultra-competitive new computing gadgets in a price range that seems to be more attractive today's consumer," Stice said.  
  • 热度 9
    2012-3-21 18:13
    1360 次阅读|
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        根据研究机构NPD DisplaySearch的报告指出,随着触控面板技术的创新与市场需求,未来不论是平板电脑、笔记本电脑以及超轻薄笔电将大幅地采纳触摸屏 ,使触控面板模块的产值将从2012年29亿美元成长至2015年的57亿美元。而NPD DisplaySearch更大胆预测,Microsoft即将上市的 Windows 8对于触控功能的强化,将为平板电脑与笔记本电脑的触控需求带来革命性的变化。换言之,Windows 8的上市将同时为PC、平板电脑以及触控产业带来极大的市场发展。正因如此,在今年的CES展中,除了之前所介绍的超轻薄笔电最受瞩目外,另一个属于Wintel架构的Microsoft也顺势释出Windows 8的概念架构,为预计在今年秋天正式上市的Windows 8崭露第一道曙光。到底时隔三年所推出的新一代Windows操作系统会有什么创新发展与应用呢,且让我们在此为大家一探究竟。   一石二鸟权宜之计 : X86 、 ARM 整合所有平台 依照Microsoft的规划,Windows 8将推出支持传统X86架构的版本以及新的ARM版本;换言之,Windows 8将藉由ARM版本跨入平板电脑市场,而X86版本则依旧维持基本效能与商务应用,继续坚守Wintel架构的市场领域。虽然整体而言,X86版本与ARM版本的使用体验与相关配备模块不会一致,但Windows 8的终极目标即是藉由「双拼」的模式成为智能型手机、平板电脑以及笔记本电脑的统一操作系统,进而整合所有平台的接口与使用性。   与过去不同的是,Windows 8采用所谓的Secure Boot with UEFI技术来当作BIOS。Secure Boot为新一代固件UEFI(Unified Extensible Firmware Interface,统一可扩展固件接口)的功能,可让Windows跟PC制造商的固件兼容来显示开机画面,因此未来使用者在开机时,将看不到旧版Windows的DOS画面。另一方面,Microsoft为了避免电脑在开机时受到病毒程序入侵所作的开机设计,Secure Boot将成为Windows 8安全开机的架构之一,确保在加载Windows之前的所有组件都有安全凭证,而为了符合Microsoft的要求,所有PC与平板出货时都预设为Secure Boot启用状态。   革命性的用户接口: Metro UI     在Windows 8 中,Microsoft首次将行动市场的概念植入PC操作系统,特别针对触控面板的支持,进一步设计「Metro UI」用户接口。Metro UI接口的应用程序都以「动态砖」(Live Title)方式呈现,与之前释出的Windows Phone 7.5(Mango)概念一致;因此,可以预测未来Windows 8横跨PC与行动市场的决心。对于从小到大使用传统Windows Explorer或Aero接口的人来说也不用担心,依然可以在适用鼠标与键盘输入的Aero接口和Metro接口之间快速切换,对于同时支持专为触控功能而设计的Metro UI,具有良好的兼容性,配合Microsoft强大的操作系统能力,将让整体效能表现更为流畅,并且兼顾企业商务的传统应用与新一代网络浏览、媒体娱乐或游戏等内容消费的App应用。   我们可以发现,Microsoft企图打造一套全新的操作系统,藉以链接不同终端载具、不同使用情境下的使用者,包含Windows 8、Windows Phone以及p。虽然系统核心与效能不尽相同,但Metro UI接口可说是用来贯穿这些不同应用平台的设计,让使用者在切换终端应用时,不会发生使用性上的「数字落差」。此外,Windows 8可支持16:9且分辨率1024x600以上的屏幕,尤其Metro UI接口将可使用1366×768以上的分辨率,让整体动态砖的表现以及视觉享受更为提升。另外在多任务处理方面,用户使用传统界面时,另一区块的Metro UI仍可实时的收发网络讯息,并不会因接口的转换而中断程序运行。   窗外有蓝天、重返荣耀?!     众所期待的Windows 8终于在近日揭露了全新的Logo图示;我们可以发现,新的Logo设计概念充满了北欧简约风格,以单一纯色搭配干净利落的线条和区块来凸显Metro UI的用户经验理念与接口,更间接地透露全新操作系统的效能流畅性。有趣的是,Windows终于将Logo设计成真正的「窗口」形像,而不是传统上飘扬的彩色「旗帜」,而窗户上的方格就好比Metro UI的动态砖,此一接口上的转变恰好呼应了Microsoft这次在操作系统上的重要突破与企图心。   然而,如同我们在前几期文章「智能型手机操作系统的战国时代:微软的芒果,硬起来!」所提,对于现今的行动市场而言,Windows 8的规模发展绝对会受到应用程序App数量与质量的影响。Microsoft所占的优势即是Windows在企业后端平台的普及率,尤其在办公室文书与商务应用上,仍具一定程度的使用规模,未来是否能将这几种生产力应用融会贯通于行动市场或是Metro UI上,将是Windows 8的一大挑战。此外,操作系统时常在版本升级或转换上须面临应用程序的汰换与更新,相信使用者对于这种困扰都不陌生吧,从初期的Windows XP、Vista到Windows 7,Microsoft也许听到使用者的心声,对于即将上市的Windows 8 X86版本来说,据说在Windows 7下能够运行的应用程序在Windows 8系统下,也能够兼容并且正常运行。这对于使用者来说将是一大福音,不用再为了软、硬件兼容性问题而却步升级问题。   其他优点则包括结合Ultrabook的特性(包含相关零组件SSD、蓝牙或USB3.0模块等)之后;整体而言,Windows 8对于电脑的开机速度、连网能力以及云端服务都将大大的进步与改善。总而言之,这是一场操作系统、平台与过往未来的全系列整合挑战,在逐渐模糊彼此界线的「PC后现代主义」,有效地整合与发挥所有应用才能创造综效,达成一统天下的目的。   由鉴于此,百佳泰秉持多年来在WHQL的测试经验,率先针对即将问世的Windows 8,提供「Windows 8 Pretest」的服务。特别的是,Windows 8推出全新的WHCK(Windows Hardware Certification Kit)、ADK(Assessment Deployment Kit)以及WDK(Windows Driver Kit)等工具包与验证套件。在这三者中,除了针对系统「功能性」进行Logo Program基本要求验证的WHCK外,Microsoft这次特别在乎用户的使用「满意度」回馈,而开发出以效能优劣为评估指标的ADK与能有效协助问题侦错与解决的WDK,为的就是满足终端使用者的使用性需求。   目前,百佳泰已针对上述工具保与验证套件提供全面性的测试环境建置,能为客户提供最实时、最新的技术与政策信息,包含Windows 8认证前预先测试、系统、兼容性、互操作性测试以及测试过程中的错误回报等全方位咨询。随着Windows 8版本的渐趋定案,也将有一系列关于Windows 8 Logo、UEFI固件、音讯逼真度测试(Audio Fidelity Testing)、USB-IF合规性计划(USB-IF Compliance Program)、相关零组件、软硬件以及系统兼容等测试解决方案,甚至在Metro UI接口与App的使用性与人机互动测试上,百佳泰也将提供最完整的技术支持与咨询,以协助厂商以最有效率的方式、让拥有最佳质量的Windows 8产品火速问市。
  • 热度 13
    2012-3-5 14:53
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      全球三大电子展(含德国汉诺威电子展CeBIT、台北国际计算机展Computex)之一的2012美国消费性电子展CES已于2012年1月10日至13日在美国拉斯韦加斯展开序幕,CES一向被视为当年度的科技风向球,率先为2012年的科技产业刮起第一波旋风。此次CES除了延续前几年在平板计算机、智能型电视、3D显示的焦点外,最大的重头戏即是「超轻薄笔电(Ultrabook)」的问市;根据CEA统计,现场有高达50款的Ultrabook同时、同步亮相,为2012的Ultrabook市场元年投入第一颗震撼弹。   事实上,对于PC产业来说,2011年真是动荡不安的一年,不论是桌面计算机或笔记本电脑市场皆受到平板计算机的崛起,产生重大的影响,造成年成长率下滑。根据资策会统计,2011年全球PC产品年成长率仅5.1%,这迫使PC产业阵营必须做出改变与突破。因此,沉寂多时的PC产业龙头Intel终于准备出击,投注总额达3亿美元的资金与资源,在CES上以「运算时代,创新纪元」(A New Era in Computing)为标语,主导业界研发相关的创新规格,并协助业者以主流价位推出量产产品,推动所谓的新一代笔记本电脑Ultrabook(见下图)。   轻、薄、短、小的Ultrabook   根据市调机构IHS iSuppli的预测(见上图),Ultrabook从2011年开始上市时,在笔记本电脑市场的市占率还不到2%;但随着其快速的普及与增长,预计Ultrabook的市占率将在2015年突破40%。由此观之,未来Ultrabook将挟其强大的功能与轻薄特色,重返笔记本电脑战场,与行动装置平台的平板计算机一决高下。接下来,我们就来看看Ultrabook到底有何特色能让PC产业阵营视为年度秘密武器。   首先,Intel将在CES公布新一代的Ivy Bridge处理器,其采用22奈米制程设计,以提升晶体管密度且降低平台的耗电量,增加快速开机技术(Rapid Start),让笔电能像平板计算机一样,从休眠状态中能立即开机运作先前暂停的作业,甚至是在休眠的同时也能实时更新内容(Smart Connect)。该技术之原理是将整个系统暂存到闪存中,才能如此快速唤醒休眠状态的系统。另外,增强固态硬盘SSD读取/写入功能(Smart Response),将存取的档案与应用程序传送到SSD以提升效能与存取容量。上述应用功能皆出现在Ultrabook中,使其达成下列特色:   造型轻薄:根据Intel的定义,Ultrabook的厚度不到2.1公分甚至更薄,重量将与平板计算机一样重。采用低功耗的CPU,功能与安全性将更胜平板计算机。相关零组件与散热模块也将薄型化,以符合轻薄的特色。 快速的开机速度:主板上嵌入闪存,达到快速启动的功能,使系统能更快从休眠模式中恢复运作,平均1.5秒就能重新启动,进而节省开机的时间与耗能。 迅速的连网能力:未来Ultrabook只需2.5秒即可快速连上网络。 长效的电池续航力:延长休眠待机时间长达50天,用户的字典里将没有「关机」两个字。   在服务与应用层面,Intel在CES上宣布Ultrabook将增加许多新功能,包括 加入NFC(Near Field Communication)行动付款机制、触控屏幕、支持多种语音识别的自然声控以及动态感测(motion sensor)的远程控制等。这些新功能将大大地丰富Ultrabook的人机互动接口与用户经验,以先进的触控、声控或体感操作技术,并融合用户口音的语音技术等特点,让使用者以自然且直觉的方式来操作Ultrabook。未来,Ultrabook将整合过去PC、笔记本电脑,甚至是平板计算机等优势,全面性地增加产品效能,更符合创新时代的使用者需求。   事实上,超轻薄的概念并不是近期才兴起的概念,早在2003年,SONY就曾推出轻薄笔电,尔后许多厂商也陆续推出轻薄笔电;然而,卡在成本与价格无法亲民的因素,产品难以打入消费市场而惨遭滑铁炉。直到2008年Apple推出Macbook Air后,才凭借着特制的SSD硬盘、精小的主板与零组件以及更长效的电池,让一体成型的Macbook Air成为轻薄笔电的代名词。有鉴于此,为了与Apple推出的平板计算机与Macbook相抗衡,如今PC产业所推出的Ultrabook打破了过往消费者对笔记本电脑总是沉甸甸的迷思,非常符合市场需求。此外在软件方面,Ultrabook在Intel与软件龙头Microsoft的合作之下(俗称Wintel架构),拥有超过400万个搭配应用程序的Windows系统。因此,各家品牌厂商看准这波新的商业模式,相继在2012年推出Ultrabook,正式进军Ultrabook市场。Wintel的策略联盟是否能逆转胜,捍卫笔记本电脑市场,身负重任的Ultrabook将成为PC产业的秘密武器。   众星拱月: Ultrabook 的相关零组件应用, SSD 功不可没 除了Ultrabook,CES另外几个重头戏即是Windows 8、固态硬盘SSD以及 Ivy Bridge可支持的USB 3.0接口。首先,Microsoft除了宣布此次是最后一次参展CES外,预计在2012年第三季推出的Windows 8操作系统也将在CES试水温。Windows 8具有省电诉求与触碰接口支持,会场中Microsoft并将呈现其完整功能与用户接口(Metro UI),其设计呼应Ultrabook的整体诉求并可望与采用触控式面板的Ultrabook结合。其次,USB 3.0传输速度较2.0接口提高10倍,更能完成Ultrabook轻薄、省电、快速的科技使命。   最后,根据IHS iSuppli的预测,2012除了是Ultrabook的起飞元年外,也将带动SSD的需求成长;尤其,价格趋于稳定的SSD将取代传统硬盘以增加闪存效能,成为Ultrabook标准搭载配备。为了让Ultrabook更符合轻、薄概念,传统上舍弃光驱的设计虽然能让产品符合设计,但依旧无法舍弃硬盘等组件。因此,在Wintel的架构下,欲达到超轻薄设计,就必须克服大型储存媒体的薄型化设计。而日趋成熟的SSD即是在标准闪存的组件基础上,建构新一代的低功耗读/写机制与储存系统;此外,SSD的模块占用主机空间小,不到传统硬盘的1/6就能轻松地让储存容量与效能提升,目前已成为Ultrabook的重要搭载设计。总而言之,未来的笔记本电脑趋势将会逐渐淘汰旧有的储存方式如硬盘机与光驱,而相关零组件SSD、USB 3.0以及蓝牙将取而代之成为概念应用,实现更高速的传输可能。 根据资策会产业情报研究所表示,2012年所有的行动运算装置将提供随时连网的功能,单纯的「硬件销售」大战将转变成硬件、操作系统、应用程序以及附加内容汇流的「服务销售」竞争。因此,综观这场PC产业转变所推出的Ultrabook,包含许多测试与认证项目,例如Windows 8、Wi-Fi、USB 3.0、SSD及蓝牙。百佳泰在这些领域的测试认证专业上已布局多年,开发一系列对于Windows 8、Wi-Fi、USB 3.0、SSD及蓝牙的专业测试解决方案。未来,面对倾巢而出的Ultrabook,我们认为还有许多的验证与改善空间,特别是在软、硬件的兼容性测试、Windows 8 Metro UI接口与SSD上,才能让使用者享受到更优质的Ultrabook魅力与功能。尤其,各品牌厂商的标准配备不尽相同,在细节处都尽量做出差异化,这时更需要一个第三方的实验室来提供专业的客制化测试验证与认证评比,让不同厂牌的Ultrabook拥有最优质的效能表现与使用经验。