tag 标签: jeb corliss

  • 热度 15
    2011-9-27 22:02
    1775 次阅读|
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    Oh my goodness gracious me... Am I coming or going? I don't know anymore as there is so much amazing "stuff" out there in the Internet... Have you seen those images from the Bizarre Architecture competition a few years ago? Billed as "The unique dream houses you'd like to own," there are some classic stretches of the imagination here. I'm really hard-pushed to say which is my favourite – but if "push came to shove" I think I would go with the first one – I would LOVE to live in something like this ( Click here to see these images). Thinking about trying a new hairstyle? Contemplating something a little different? Don't worry; I have you covered, check out these 10 Amazing Hairstyles on the WickedReport.com website. What? You haven't heard of or visited the WickedReport.com site before? Oh dear; oh dear; oh dear. Now I feel bad because I know what you are going to be doing for the next hour or so. How about a little something for the ladies – the "Real Iron Men" ? I am of course talking about Extreme Ironing (to what did you think I was referring?) Do you recall my recent blog Words fail me, seriously! showing Jeb Corliss jumping off the top of mountains and zipping around the sky using a wing-suit. Well, several folks commented or emailed me pointing me at another "heart in your mouth" video – this one is of Jean-Yves Blondeau and his 31-wheel Luge Suit . It's terrifying. I daren't think what would happen if he were to hit a bump or a small rock (make sure you check the comments to my original blog to discover a bunch of other video suggestions). And then there was my other blog What's the funniest/goofiest/spoofiest sci-fi video on YouTube? Again, I received a lot of suggestions on what's the funniest, goofiest, spoofiest sci-fi video. For example, we have the classic Darth Vader Being a Jerk and also the Injured Stormtrooper parody. But the best-of-the-best (thus far ... unless you know different) just has to be the Grocery Store Wars . Isn't this an incredible piece of work? There are so many funny lines and clever references... I'm just blown away by this sort of stuff... What? You want more? Well, some time ago my chum David Ashton sent me an email saying: "Max...not sure if this is up your street but have a look... It's a phenomenally simple game where you have to move a small red block around a window, avoiding touching either the sides of the window or four blue blocks which are bouncing around. It's a bit like the old bricks game but with a twist. Apparently the target is to survive more than 18 seconds. It looks deceptively simple, but if you can get above about 3 seconds in your first 10 tries you're doing well." ÿ David is right; this is deceptively simple and yet incredibly tricky (I survived 0.3 seconds on my first attempt). Click here to try this game and see how well you do...  
  • 热度 20
    2011-9-21 19:16
    2316 次阅读|
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    My old chum George just pointed me to two videos that left my heart pounding... I have previously seen this video of Swiss pilot Yves "Jetman" Rossy, who is said to be the first man in history to fly like a bird. Having said this, Rossy was equipped with fiberglass and carbon fiber wings powered by kerosene-fueled engines ... but it was still pretty darned impressive. Anyway, my old chum George sent me an email me to say "Max, you should check out this awe-inspiring wing-suit video!" along with a link to this video . He quickly followed this up with a link to this second video . Now, it's easy to throw terms like "awe-inspiring" around. I hear this sort of thing a lot, but quite often I'm left feeling a little deflated and "ho-hum" after seeing whatever it is that someone else thought was staggeringly exciting. This is certainly not the case with these videos, which involve a guy called Jeb Corliss jumping off the top of mountains and zipping around the sky using a wing-suit. There are times when Jeb looks like he's going to hit the ground or the side of a mountain or something... Words fail me – seriously! All I can say is that while I was watching these videos my heart was pounding and I found myself gripping the sides of my seat. As someone commented on YouTube "That man's balls have their own gravitational field." I second that motion!
  • 热度 11
    2011-9-21 19:11
    1627 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    After seeing my previous blog that showed a man flying without a plane, my old friend George just pointed me to two videos that left my heart pounding... One of the items and videos I presented in my earlier blog Few interesting "stuff" and some ultra-weird "stuff" related to Swiss pilot Yves "Jetman" Rossy, who is said to be the first man in history to fly like a bird. Having said this, Rossy was equipped with fibreglass and carbon fibre wings powered by kerosene-fuelled engines ... but it was still pretty darned impressive. Anyway, my old chum George saw that blog and emailed me to say "Max, you should check out this awe-inspiring wing-suit video!" along with a link to this video . He quickly followed this up with a link to this second video . Now, it's easy to throw terms like "awe-inspiring" around. I hear this sort of thing a lot, but quite often I'm left feeling a little deflated and "ho-hum" after seeing whatever it is that someone else thought was staggeringly exciting. This is certainly not the case with these videos, which involve a guy called Jeb Corliss jumping off the top of mountains and zipping around the sky using a wing-suit. There are times when Jeb looks like he's going to hit the ground or the side of a mountain or something... Words fail me – seriously! All I can say is that while I was watching these videos my heart was pounding and I found myself gripping the sides of my seat. As someone commented on YouTube "That man's balls have their own gravitational field." I second that motion!