原创 Videos that left my heart pounding

2011-9-21 19:16 2297 20 20 分类: 消费电子

My old chum George just pointed me to two videos that left my heart pounding...

I have previously seen this video of Swiss pilot Yves "Jetman" Rossy, who is said to be the first man in history to fly like a bird. Having said this, Rossy was equipped with fiberglass and carbon fiber wings powered by kerosene-fueled engines ... but it was still pretty darned impressive.

Anyway, my old chum George sent me an email me to say "Max, you should check out this awe-inspiring wing-suit video!" along with a link to this video. He quickly followed this up with a link to this second video.

Now, it's easy to throw terms like "awe-inspiring" around. I hear this sort of thing a lot, but quite often I'm left feeling a little deflated and "ho-hum" after seeing whatever it is that someone else thought was staggeringly exciting.

This is certainly not the case with these videos, which involve a guy called Jeb Corliss jumping off the top of mountains and zipping around the sky using a wing-suit. There are times when Jeb looks like he's going to hit the ground or the side of a mountain or something...

Words fail me – seriously! All I can say is that while I was watching these videos my heart was pounding and I found myself gripping the sides of my seat. As someone commented on YouTube "That man's balls have their own gravitational field." I second that motion!



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