tag 标签: kindle

  • 热度 19
    2011-7-14 23:07
    2062 次阅读|
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    This is an old one, but this joke still usually gets a laugh. When someone says "I feel like a fool," you should immediately reply, "So do I, but where are we going to find one at this time of the day?" Think about it... think about it. These are the jokes the Muppet Show refused (grin). Anyhoo, the thing is that I just realized that I've been causing myself a lot of unnecessary hassle, and now I have the solution I cannot believe how silly I've been. So here's the deal... I dropped my backpack and smashed my computer whilst on a trip to speak at the Embedded Live conference in London toward the end of last year. It wasn't really the backpack's fault – the one I was using wasn't padded and it was never intended for carrying computers around. On my return I had to purchase a new computer. Initially I was also planning on purchasing a padded computer case type thing, but I really do prefer to use a backpack when I'm travelling. Thus, I was delighted to find something called a Swiss Gear IBEX Computer Backpack, which is capable of holding any notepad up to a 17-inch display. This little beauty is padded and protected and is just really, REALLY well designed and implemented (even the handle on the top has a steel cable running through it). Your computer itself goes in a specially padded and reinforced area in the middle of the pack, but there are numerous other pockets all over the place to hold papers and power supplies and travel documents and ... all of the stuff you end up carrying around with you when you travel.   So why do I feel like a fool? Well, my backpack has ended up as the repository for all of my portable electronic devices, including my notepad computer, digital still camera, digital video camera, Kindle e-book reader, headphones, and – more recently – my new iPad 2 . The thing is that I've been sticking all of the cables in the same pocket in the backpack. Isn't it amazing how easily a bunch of cables can entwine themselves together – it's almost like they are intelligent life forms that devote themselves to performing topological exercises. So for months now, when I pull my notepad's power cable out of the backpack it has invariably been entangled with my headphones, and my Droid smartphone cable is always tied in knots with my iPod cable, and ... you get the picture. Anyway, when I was preparing for my trip to DAC 2011 last week, I had everything unpacked sitting on our kitchen table because I wanted to make sure that I'd (a) removed any superfluous items and (b) wasn't missing anything I would need. During this process, I was looking warily at the pile of cables when a metaphorical light bulb turned on inside my head. What was the answer? You will laugh when I tell you... I put each cable (apart from the notepad power supply, which I use every day) in its own Ziploc plastic bag. That's it. No magic. Nothing outrageously clever. Just common quart-size plastic bags. But I tell you, the difference this has made to my life is amazing. In addition to saving oodles of time this has dramatically minimized my frustration coefficient (grin). I told you you'd laugh. This really is so obvious that I cannot believe I didn't think of it before.
  • 热度 17
    2011-7-14 23:06
    1871 次阅读|
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    This is an old one, but this joke still usually gets a laugh. When someone says "I feel like a fool," you should immediately reply, "So do I, but where are we going to find one at this time of the day?" Think about it... think about it. These are the jokes the Muppet Show refused (grin). Anyhoo, the thing is that I just realized that I've been causing myself a lot of unnecessary hassle, and now I have the solution I cannot believe how silly I've been. So here's the deal... I dropped my backpack and smashed my computer whilst on a trip to speak at the Embedded Live conference in London toward the end of last year. It wasn't really the backpack's fault – the one I was using wasn't padded and it was never intended for carrying computers around. On my return I had to purchase a new computer. Initially I was also planning on purchasing a padded computer case type thing, but I really do prefer to use a backpack when I'm travelling. Thus, I was delighted to find something called a Swiss Gear IBEX Computer Backpack, which is capable of holding any notepad up to a 17-inch display. This little beauty is padded and protected and is just really, REALLY well designed and implemented (even the handle on the top has a steel cable running through it). Your computer itself goes in a specially padded and reinforced area in the middle of the pack, but there are numerous other pockets all over the place to hold papers and power supplies and travel documents and ... all of the stuff you end up carrying around with you when you travel. So why do I feel like a fool? Well, my backpack has ended up as the repository for all of my portable electronic devices, including my notepad computer, digital still camera, digital video camera, Kindle e-book reader, headphones, and – more recently – my new iPad 2 . The thing is that I've been sticking all of the cables in the same pocket in the backpack. Isn't it amazing how easily a bunch of cables can entwine themselves together – it's almost like they are intelligent life forms that devote themselves to performing topological exercises. So for months now, when I pull my notepad's power cable out of the backpack it has invariably been entangled with my headphones, and my Droid smartphone cable is always tied in knots with my iPod cable, and ... you get the picture. Anyway, when I was preparing for my trip to DAC 2011 last week, I had everything unpacked sitting on our kitchen table because I wanted to make sure that I'd (a) removed any superfluous items and (b) wasn't missing anything I would need. During this process, I was looking warily at the pile of cables when a metaphorical light bulb turned on inside my head. What was the answer? You will laugh when I tell you... I put each cable (apart from the notepad power supply, which I use every day) in its own Ziploc plastic bag. That's it. No magic. Nothing outrageously clever. Just common quart-size plastic bags. But I tell you, the difference this has made to my life is amazing. In addition to saving oodles of time this has dramatically minimized my frustration coefficient (grin). I told you you'd laugh. This really is so obvious that I cannot believe I didn't think of it before.  
  • 热度 25
    2010-6-29 09:30
    3163 次阅读|
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    ——作者:In-Stat中国副总经理 雷云 Ipad在80天时间内卖了300万部,从作为与kindle抗衡的电子书设备的角度来讲很让kindle汗颜。上市几年以来kindle的量也不过几百万部,在国内基本上也是无人问津。虽然ipad很火爆,但在中国市场我觉得还是叫好不叫座。 Kindle和ipad都是采取“设备+服务”的模式,只不过kindle由于功能单一更彻底一些而已。Apple为ipad专门开发了应用网店、现有的一些iphone应用能在ipad中使用毫无疑问对苹果迷或者iphone现有用户来讲是一个购买ipad 的原因之一。但这个基数不会很大,国内较多的iphone用户都是水货,应用的使用也是采取“越狱”的方式。 Kindle在中国没有市场是因为它的服务无法落地,单卖设备对用户没啥吸引力。Ipad在这方面好点,中国用户购买ipad之后虽然很少直接花钱去下载应用,不过浏览图片、观看视频的需求很大。但Ipad和iphone一样,一个致命伤是不支持flash,这就决定了ipad用户很难访问国内大多数的视频网站。再来看ipad的电子阅读功能,9.7寸的屏幕、1斤的重量、仅支持部分电子书格式,这些对于喜欢阅读的用户来说都是一个很大的挑战。你不能指望用户在乘车或者休息的时候端着一个大家伙看书,那样会让用户觉得自己很尴尬;也不能指望用户在床上斜躺着双手举着一个大家伙看书,那样会让用户累死。 作为一个便携式设备,ipad太大了。便携式设备的意思就是用户方便携带,在乘车、等车、旅途中也方便拿出来使用。对于中国用户更多的使用场景是上下班等车和乘车的时候,他们需要的是一个尺寸更小些的、可以拿在手上的。而欧美用户轿车拥有率很高,对于他们来讲,应用场景是乘机或者会议这种有固定位置可以放便携式设备的地方。再者,499美元对于欧美用户来讲实在不算什么,但对于中国用户来讲,要花七八千块买一个非必需品实在是一个挑战。 简单一句话:ipad在中国是叫好不叫座。放大一点就是平板电脑在中国的市场培育期比较长,至少两年左右。 点击浏览更多 雷云博客文章
  • 热度 26
    2010-6-24 09:36
    1534 次阅读|
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    ——作者:In-Stat中国 助理分析师 李兵 Nook降价了,Kindle也降价了,同时Apple宣布iPad在上市80天的时候,销量达到300万。看起来似乎电子阅读器与iPad之间有某种关联。但是我宁可相信Kindle的降价是由于产品本身的技术限制。 ChangeWave在五月底做的调研显示,iPad成为了电子阅读市场排名第二的终端,份额超过Sony等其他电子阅读器。诚然,iPad确实开拓了电子阅读市场,但是我们看到过去的一份调研Kindle的70%的用户在40岁以上。可以想象得到,购买iPad的用户大多数应该在40岁以下。年龄是这两种产品用户群的第一道分水岭。而另有一份关于iPad排队购买用户的调研,发现确定要买iPad的人群中,只有不到8%拥有Kindle且希望将来用iPad替换掉Kindle,这也确认能看出来其实iPad对Kindle的影响没有想象中那么大。 但是Kindle自第一代产品发布以来至今,产品形态上并无太大变化。年纪大的阅读者不一定追逐新产品,但是不代表他们就会满足于现有的阅读体验。彩色屏、触摸操作、除了看书以外,偶尔上上网,看看视频等等这些需求,也在不断膨胀。我相信,Kindle的降价仅仅是基于电子纸的阅读器间的价格战,但是正如iPad是一款满足年轻人的融合终端一样,Kindle作为老年人的终端也一定有融合的趋势,或许Kindle赖以成名的电子纸技术已经成为其前进的羁绊,类纸显示技术的革命迫在眉睫。 点击浏览更多 李兵博客文章
  • 热度 22
    2010-5-28 13:31
    1754 次阅读|
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    ——作者:In-Stat中国助理分析师 李兵 在亚马逊的股东大会上,贝索斯宣布彩色版的电子纸技术还不成熟,有相当一段长的路要走。无疑,在来势汹汹的iPad面向,这个消息给亚马逊的股东们浇了一盆凉水。鉴于电子纸翻页反应慢的特点,kindle显示多功能化也仅仅是一个念想。 实际上,从过往的电子产品的经验看来,融合和专业往往在经过一段对立之后,达到一种平衡的状态,就像是数码相机和拍照手机,PND和GPS手机等等。相比起Kindle,iPad功能更为丰富、有趣,但Kindle也有iPad不能达到的优势,如保护眼睛方面,这就使得将来买kindle的用户必然是深阅读用户,而买iPad的用户则不一定有阅读的需求。对于那些只有浅阅读需求的用户来说,仅仅在尺寸上的优势,iPad不足以吸引用户有了iPhone再买一个iPad。 在价格差别不大的情况下,真正的阅读者还是会选择专业的kindle,iPad只是给非阅读者创造了阅读的需求而已。 点击浏览更多 李兵博客文章
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