热度 18
2012-8-1 20:18
1980 次阅读|
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So here's the deal. I'm already the proud owner of the coolest, geekiest watch on the planet ... quite possibly in the known universe. I am of course referring to my Nixie Tube Watch from the folks at Cathode Corner . Steve Wozniak (the co-founder of Apple Computers), also owns one of these little beauties. In fact, he's on the record as saying that out of all the things he's seen, this is the one he wishes he'd invented himself. So who could want anything more? Well, certainly not I ... until that little rascal Jay Dowling emailed me to say "Have you seen this cool timepiece?" Jay also thoughtfully provided a link to the Navitron Steampunk Wrist Compass and Sundial page on the Think Geek Website. Arrggghhh! May 1,000 curses rain down on Jay's head. I am in torment. Just look at the evocative words from the folks at Think Geek: The wind blows through your hair as you steer your personal dirigible along the wispy seas of air. For a moment, you forget yourself in the beauty of it all. But then you remember the lunch meeting you have. You quickly look to your wrist, get your bearings, and check the time – all without electricity – because, naturally, you're using your Navitron Steampunk Wrist Compass and Sundial. Made of antique brass, this little scamp acts as a sundial, latitude finder, and compass (with locking button), all strapped to a heavy-duty, brown leather band. Furthermore, all of the features, including sundial and angular latitude arm, fold flat for a compact look. Now I obviously do not need this. In addition to the fact I have my Nixie Tube Watch, I've also been blessed with the talent to always know the right time. Seriously! It doesn't matter if it's day or night or if I'm in the Northern or Southern hemispheres. All I have to do is look at the sky and observe the position of the sun, moon, and stars, and I can say without any doubt of hesitation: "It's time for a beer," and I'm always right!