热度 24
2016-6-1 17:58
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如何达到最大负载电流 开关稳压芯片的最大负载电流,实际使用的时候往往达不到技术手册上的标称值。比如 LM2677 的标称最大负载电流是 5A ,但是实际上往往到不了 4A ,再增大负载时,输出电压会被拉下来。这是为什么呢?难道是芯片买到假货了吗? 并联输出电容,能够稍微的增大负载能力,因为并联降低了输出电容的 ESR ,也减轻了在电容上的损耗。可是,这个措施能带来的改进,实在是很小。 LM2677 的输出电容,即使并联了 5 个,能够提高的负载能力也不过不到 0.2A 而已。其实 switch regular 能否到达标称负载能力的关键,在于它的 thermal management 。散热有那么重要么?散热就是有那么重要! 在 http://www.eevblog.com/forum/reviews/lm2596-dc-dc-step-down-modules-load-testing/ 这个论坛中也提到类似的问题:使用 3A 的 regular LM2596 时,当负载电流为 2.5A 时,不到一分钟,输出电压就会被拉下来。下面这段话来自名为 ptricks 的跟帖: “I use quite a few of these switchers (the chip itself not the boards) every month and they are solid performers if you follow the data sheet.There is a lot of those for sale on ebay and I never buy them because of the way they implement the heat sink is only good for low current loads, the recommended size is 2oz copper and at least 2 square inches. The inductor used also isn't ideal , at high currents a torroid is best. They also do not include the filtering of the output to remove switching noise.” 下面这段话来自名为 sleemanj 的跟帖: “I believe those converters are "rated" to handle 10 Watts Power Output, not 10 Watts of heat dissipation. If you add a (large) heatsink you can take that to 20 Watts Output I believe. You are pumping 30 watts out of that poor wee board, without any heatsink at all, not even a itty bitty one. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did .” 以下内容来自 TI 公司的 Application Report Therma l Design By Insight, Not Hindsight : “ With only natural convection (i.e. No airflow), and no heat sink, a typical two sided PCB with solid copper fills on both sides, needs at least 15.29cm2(2.37in2) of area to dissipate 1 watt of power for a 40 ° C rise in temperature. Adding airflow can typically reduce this size requirement by up to half. To reduce board area further a heat sink will be required. ” “ A typical 12 mil diameter thru hole via with 0.5 oz copper sidewalls has a thermal resistance of 261 ° C/Watt. Place as many thermal vias as will fit underneath the exposed pad to form an array, with 1mm spacing. Connect the vias to as many layers of copper as possible to spread the heat away from the package and to the PCB surface where it can transfer to the ambient air. For many DC-DC converters the exposed pad is electrically connected to ground and thus, the internal ground layer and the bottom ground layer are usually the most convenient copper planes for heat transfer. The thermal resistance is significantly lowered by having as solid a bottom layer ground as possible. ” LM2677 输入 +28V 电流 4A 时,输入功率 112W ,热功率 112W*8%=8.96W ,因此需要 15.29cm 2 *6.72=137 cm 2 的面积。 LM2677 的 TO263 背板过孔不用太大( 12mil ),但是要很多。 “ Maintain a copper ground plane on either the top or bottom copper layer with as few breaks as possible to create a heat spreader on the PCB. Spreading the heat across the PCB provides a low impedance path to the surface of the PCB and improves convective heat transfer. Traces perpendicular to the heat flow will create high impedances(speed bumps) for the heat and create hot spots(traffic jams). If traces through the copper heat spreader are unavoidable try to make them run parallel to the heat transfer, which flows radially from the heat source. ” 如果用于散热的地平面,一定要被切割,那么就平行于热力线发散的方向来走线。 “ The thermal resistance to the top of the package is considerably higher because of the plastic interface. ” “ A heat sink on top of the package is connected in series with the high thermal impedance of the plastic making the heat sink less effective. A heat sink on the bottom of the board is connected in series with the low thermal impedance of the exposed pad and the relatively low thermal impedance of the vias making the heat sink more effective. ” 散热片加在 LM2677 的 bottom 比加在 top 要好。从图上来看,散热片的面积不用很大,覆盖 exposed pad 即可。 (要达到标称的 5A 负载,在器件的选择和散热的处理上,都要狠下功夫。目前这块电路板,调整过输出电容、输出电感、钳位二极管,修改过散热措置,但是能达到的最大负载电流只有 3.8A (输出电压 5V 情况下),而且随着输入输出压差的减小,最大负载电流也会减小 ~~ 更深的研究,就留给各位感兴趣的童鞋吧 ~~ )