tag 标签: designer

  • 热度 26
    2018-2-4 22:49
    11560 次阅读|
    8 个评论
    Altium designer使用笔记之怎样在覆铜后再抠铜?
    1、问题描述:如下图所示, 在板卡覆铜结束后,考虑到EMC设计,突然想到覆铜要离固定孔远一些,就要对该部分进行 抠 铜处理。此时的解决办法有两种,一种是重新覆铜,重新覆铜太麻烦,不建议使用。另外一种是在已经覆好的铜上面 抠 除指定的区域。 二、解决步骤: 1、选择你要 抠 除的覆铜的布线层,使用画图功能画出指定的形状,如下图,我想 抠 除top layer层固定孔周围的铜,我先选择 top layer层,然后再画一个圆。 2、选中刚才画的那个圆,按快捷键“t→v→t” (注:快捷键要在英文输入法状态下按才有效) 3、选中 top layer层的覆铜, 按快捷键“t→g”,选择下图箭头指向的选项(注:快捷键要在英文输入法状态下按才有效) 4、最后就可以看到重新覆铜后,刚才圆圈区域内就没有覆铜了。 一个软件的设计是遵循二八定律的,就拿AD这个画图软件来说,只用这个软件20%的功能就能满足80%的人平常的设计需求了,剩下的80%的功能是留给20%的人瞎折腾的。我自认为属于那瞎折腾的20%的人,每次遇到一个问题,解锁一个新功能,就像是玩游戏升级打怪,简直是其乐无穷。我把每次解锁的功能分享出来,一方面方便自己日后的检索,另一方面也希望能给遇到同样问题的你提供一个参考。如果你有更好的解决办法,欢迎在留言中分享;如果我的分享对你有帮助,请记得点赞分享,那是对我最大的鼓励与支持。
  • 热度 21
    2016-5-5 13:18
    1352 次阅读|
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    Altium Designer 流程 1 画器件符号 2 器件封装(制作库) 3 画原理图 4 PCB schematic library 器件库 pcb library 封装库 1 mil 0.0254mm 1 mm = 39.37 mil AD快捷键 : E+F+C 跳转至中心 spce 翻转 pp v+F 中心 全选 shift+ctr+v 等距离分布 画封装: 焊盘 = 实物 + 0.2mm 长度+ 宽度不+ 0.17mm 制作pcb工艺要求的 最小距离 丝印 水平竖直中心距 计算 封装 顶视图
  • 热度 26
    2015-8-25 22:13
    3064 次阅读|
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      Cadence® OrCAD™ PCB Designer 是Cadence® 公司在OrCAD产品线所推出具有完整性,可升级的,并且较为经济的PCB设计软件套件,其整合的设计流程,包括了业界最多人使用的PCB设计程序并搭配Constraint Manager,以及自动布线工具。OrCAD PCB Designer 以最体贴的价格整合了Cadence® OrCAD™ Capture、Cadence® Allegro® PCB 及 Cadence® SPECCTRA® for OrCAD,提供一个从前端到后端的PCB设计环境,可以很容易地将设计从概念到生产,从电路图的绘制,到零件的摆放和电路板的布线及各种生产后的输出都能在其中整合及体现。 原创文章,转载请注明:  转载自  吴川斌的博客  http://www.mr-wu.cn/  本文链接地址:  一张图告诉你,Cadence OrCAD 2015 PCB Designer Professional 有多美 http://www.mr-wu.cn/cadence-orcad-2015-pcb-designer-professional-montage/
  • 热度 28
    2014-9-12 10:32
    5346 次阅读|
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    design-layer stack manager 点击图中的Top Layer,然后在menu中选择add internal panel就ok了,实现在两层板中添加内层电源或者地
  • 热度 21
    2013-9-28 11:52
    1541 次阅读|
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    Wow. I thought I was alone with my meandering musings about not much at all, but it seems I am a proud member of a large group of... of... of what? That is indeed the question. As you may recall, this started with a discussion of the interesting words used to refer to groups of animals, such as a raft of auks, a bloat of hippopotamuses, and a wisdom of wombats. This led to a search for equivalent words for collections of electronic components, such as a race of relays, a gyre of MEMS, a mirror of current sources, a conundrum of FPGAs, a sampling of ADCs, and a congregation of cores. We had some suggestions that weren't related to electronic components per se but certainly struck a chord with me, including a brag of benchmarks, a fail of forecasts, and a hail of hype. All this led us to wonder about appropriate collective nouns for groups in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professions, such as control engineers, embedded designers, civil engineers, mechanical designers, system architects, verification engineers—the list goes on. Actually, we don't have to restrict ourselves to STEM-related professions. Karen Field came up with a blight of bean counters, a requisition of accountants, a ka-ching of salespeople, and a dilbert of managers. In this vein, EE Times member Randa11 suggested a tedium of bores, which I thought was rather clever.   A bizarre of quantum physicists. David Ashton shared an assembly of embedded designers, a construction of civil engineers, a leverage of mechanical designers, a virtuality of system architects, a truthfulness of verification engineers, and (my personal favourite) a wunch of bankers. Member Betajet offered a hackerty of software developers, a busking of free software developers (should that be a busking of open-source software developers?) and a sillygism of digital logic designers. To make sure we're all tap dancing to the same drumbeat here (my father was a member of a troupe of tap dancers), a syllogism is a logical argument in which the conclusion is inferred from two or more premises. A sillygism (a portmanteau combining the words "silly" and "syllogism") is a sequence of statements that appear logical but produce nonsense. Betajet also told us that "horripilation" is another name for goose bumps or goose flesh, but he didn't take this any further. I'm still trying to work out how to drop this rascal into conversation somewhere. How about "a horripilation of hardware designers"? For myself, a proud member of the engineering profession, might I suggest an enterprise of engineers? How about you? Do you have a cornucopia of capriciously cunning suggestions to share with the rest of us? If so, please post them as comments below.  