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  • 热度 22
    2018-8-14 16:13
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    去年10月份的时候,超哥的Tesla的P2.5然后分了两篇文章写, 从这个基准来看,确实像这两篇文章所说的,实际量产的产品在这个基础上是迭代的。 AP2.5正反面一共有两块板,正面是一块Parker的自动驾驶控制板,反面是基于Intel芯片加上SPC5748G MCU Autopilot板子:这块板子具体的还需要仔细学习一下,主要是要核对一下这个板子和NV之前的一些参考有多大的差异,基本如超哥之间分析的那样 两颗NVIDIA “PARKER” +NVIDIA GP106-510-KC的芯片,与整车交互的是INFINEON TriCore AUTRIX TC297TX-128 MCU 寻常我们采用计算芯片,水冷的还是少,这里专门为了这个芯片做了好多的结构,用了不少的传热胶来保证芯片的散热 在这个里面,一个是考虑结构固定方面,一个是布置位置。如果偏向于底盘和动力方面,怎么引入较大大面积的计算芯片对于这个芯片的保护和布置需要挺多的震动和耐久方面的考虑 根据板载的输入信号来看,这一半就是视频处理器 在整个线束上,需要梳理一下各个摄像头传输到这个主板的路径 各个摄像头的数据都直接拉进来进行处理,包含REAR CAM后摄像头、SELFIE内置驾驶员摄像头、MAIN CAM前置主摄像头、B-PILLAR B柱两路摄像头和FISHEYE NARROW两路窄幅鱼眼摄像头 REPEATER两路转发和GPS天线 这边是偏向于传统的控制器,主要是基于Tri-core的传统交互和运行部分 蓝色的是供电接口 金属部分是Tegra的调试和连接 黑色的为MCU连接 白色为通信IO 内部很多设计,有些跟不上节奏,需要做一轮基于这类视频处理的硬件方面的对比学习^_^ 两块电路板之间没有物理连接在单元内部,共用了水冷散热部分,整合到同一个金属外壳之中,在这个里面,设计到ECU的冷热管理在未来也比较有趣 大部分的发热单元都采用了导热胶 在核心的主芯片上面还放置了一段PTC来辅助热启动,温度范围不够宽靠温度管理来救 小结:看到日经有关《先锋沦落到向其他企业求援》,在汽车内部,汽车电子价值链的转移非常快,核心价值有个技术导入的过程,也叫清盘洗场子
  • 热度 2
    2018-4-28 12:40
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    今天王总给了我几张图,信息太少,实在是没办法单独写一篇文章,不过我们可以对比一下BMW和Tesla的设计理念。 第一部分 模块化设计理念 1)BMW的模块化扩展电池 如下图所示,BMW考虑模块化是分成60/90/120kW三个档次 Kwh Section Section电池包 模组数量 模 组电量 60 3 20 12 5 90 4 22.5 16 5.625 120 5 24 20 6 如上图所示,我们把三个档次的按照这个示意图进行拆解,每个分成3、4、5的Section,每个Section根据结构进行加强,形成以Section位隔断的梁的结构。 模组电量再横向与纵向都进行扩展,横向是模组的一些电量差异(5~6),纵向 而大的区隔就是模组的数量,并且按照一个Section的布置,形成模组与结构强度相通的概念 我们把上面的60Kwh的电池系统,如下图所示,拆成了3个Section,每个Section再分解成4个模组。 2)Tesla的模组设计理念 这里我们要分成早期阶段和现在的阶段,设计尚有非常有趣的变化。 2.1 采取一个模组一个Section,形成对置式的效果 模组可以分为14~16个,再尾部进行叠加空间的办法 模组内可以采取并联多一些少一些的办法 2.2)长条式配置 如下图所示,分成4个Section,然后根据Section的长度,来设计串行的长条形母排,这样就实现了要多少个并联,一排联通。使得长度方向上面,形成 以要实现96S为例,每个section有24S,再切分成,就可以灵活的根据Busbar的长度,和串数来进行组织了。 这个树杈的每个形成12个,就可以分两段 2)热管理系统和其他设计细节 2.1 BMW BMW的下一代热管理系统,应该还是在之前的基础上拓展,把整车的热管理系统与之整合。有时候在这个领域,传统汽车企业是往更安全,更成熟的方向发展。 2.2)Tesla 王总就给了我几张照片,我来解读下 用了4个CSC,中间用很特殊的通信线进行连接 真的挺有创意的 散热结构:如下图所示 看出来了不?这个模组和外部的DCDC、车载充电机的流道接口,很有意思啊。整个流道进入到四个大模组,还有模组之间的连接,用这个漏斗形状的来弄,里面还有 模组的流道插接件 小结:我觉得电动汽车做新技术,还是需要开一些脑洞的。比起单纯的依靠能量密度这样的单一指标,我们在工程设计和一些大的方向上面有很多的文章可以做的。
  • 热度 27
    2015-5-26 19:04
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    There are a few people I consider visionaries of their times. In the 15th century, we had Leonardo da Vinci. He was centuries ahead of his times and unmatched in his abilities, talent and knowledge of subjects as varied as science, arts, materials, structures, aeronautics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, medicine etc. A true multi-faceted genius. In our times, we have had Steve jobs. His mix of technology business acumen and knowing what people want has made Apple what it is today. Alas, we lost Steve..... I guess many will partially blame him for some wrong choices he made treating his illness. All said done, he was a genius of our times. He dared to dream and dream crazy dream big...... or as my good friend, Verne Harnish, would say he had a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). Moving ahead, I think we now have a living genius among us today..  ELON MUSK . He has achieved what people considered the impossible. He has a vision for the future that bridges the gap between science fiction reality. He is changing the dynamics of technology and business. All he needs to do is dream and investors will write him a Billion Dollar check to experiment with his dream..... till he goes to sleep and dreams again.  Since he sold PayPal to eBay for $1.5B, Elon has forged ahead to bigger ideas. He built the All Electric  Tesla  car. No one imagined that such a car can roll out from Silicon valley. I have driven the Tesla and I consider it the best most advanced car in the world. From cars to Rockets seems like a logical step for Elon. But I think the big disruption that he will cause in our times is in the area of Solar energy battery technology. He will find ways that will disrupt systems that we have got accustomed to over the last 100 years. I am sure we will see many new ventures from him stable in our lifetime. Tesla Energy has already gathered a big buzz. I just can't wait to get  a  Tesla Power Wall. Over the last 10 years, Steve Jobs enticed everyone in our homes to have 2-3 of his products which averaged a price of about $400. In the next 10, we will be buying products from Elon's companies. The only difference is that the product prices will be anything from $3500 to $100,000. The volumes will still be in high millions. So get ready to be mesmerized! Anees Ahmed, President, Mistral Solutions
  • 热度 35
    2014-2-17 10:56
    1988 次阅读|
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    汽车为什么需要无线充电?     汽车不同于手机,汽车对无线充电的渴求会更大,不仅是方便的问题,更是安全的问题,汽车在户外充电要面临雨水等问题,无线充电可以完全规避这些风险。况且电动汽车对续航能力的要求更要命。 这里暂时只分析汽车无线充电的发展情况,关于汽车无线充电技术等分析会专门撰文分析(请关注“无线充电充电圈”微信:WXCDQ360)。汽车无线充电在原理上与手机无线充电类似,但由于汽车无线充电需求的功率大,我们一般把汽车无线充电归为大功率无线充电,手机无线充电归为小功率无线充电。 看汽车无线充电,一定要看电动汽车,电动汽车的发展将决定汽车无线充电的发展。 业内电动汽车发展比较好的企业主要为:美国的Tesla、GM,德国的宝马、戴姆勒-奔驰,日本的丰田、日产,中国的比亚迪等。 让我们一起来看看这些企业的无线充电情况:     Tesla(特斯拉) 看电动汽车,现在一定要先看Tesla(特斯拉),他的一举一动都将是行业的标杆。2013年科技界最引人注目的创新产品应该当属Tesla的电动汽车Model S了。ModelS为纯电动汽车,充一次电可以跑480公里。Tesla品牌已经成了众多名流追捧的品牌。公司CEO Elon Musk也宣称2013年左右,将Tesla公司的Super Charger计划覆盖全美。 如果找Tesla的无线充电信息,或许你只能在网络上看到关于安利旗下的子公司FultonInnovation几年前曾经为Tesla公司开发的称为eCoupled的无线充电技术的只言片语。 当时的无线充电技术还不够成熟,很多电动汽车业内的朋友和投资的朋友都分析Tesla自己在研发无线充电技术,未来Tesla也会最先将无线充电普及开来。     GM(通用汽车) 再看看被GM收购的克莱斯勒旗下的雪佛兰的Volt(沃蓝达),Volt是一款增程式电动汽车。新版Volt充一次电可以跑80公里。08年金融危机时Volt为了和日产的Leaf竞争,连奥巴马总统都在宣传,可见当时这款车被赋予的重任。 GM早就开始着手无线充电的研发,他们主要是和第一大汽车零配件供应商德国的Bosch合作。Bosch成了GMVolt的无线充电技术和产品的供应商和合作伙伴,Bosch主要与知名无线充电技术公司Evatran合作研发无线充电产品。     BMW(宝马) 宝马也是传统汽车领域对电动汽车觉悟最早的一家公司,2013年就发布了纯电动汽车i3和i8。其中i3充一次电可以跑150公里,也是大家都非常看好的电动汽车之一。 对于无线充电,暂时还不知道宝马这一块的计划,只是传说知名无线充电技术公司的WiTricity有在宝马的纯电动汽车上做相关的无线充电实验,宝马选择WiTricity合作也有极大的可能性。     Toyota(丰田汽车) 如果分析电动汽车和无线充电,不能不提丰田这个汽车行业的巨无霸,丰田很早就推出了Prius(普锐斯)混合动力汽车,2013年宣布暂时停止纯电动汽车的研发,又开始推广插电式混合动力汽车。这几天关于丰田的无线充电汽车基本占据了头条,90分钟可以充满电。具体也可以见我们“无线充电圈”的微信的“圈评”分析。 丰田投资了Tesla汽车,在无线充电技术领域很早就和WiTricity开始合作,采用的是磁共振技术,这次研发的无线充电产品也是和WiTricity合作的成果。由于布局早,眼光长远,估计丰田的无线充电会早于其他电动汽车厂商推出和量产。     Nissan(日产) 看无线充电行业,不能不看Nissan(日产)的Leaf(聆风)。日产是最早推广纯电动汽车的公司之一,迄今为止,也是纯电动汽车销量最大的公司,Leaf也就自然而然吸引了众多人的目光。当年在美国市场把Volt都搞得节节败退。 2013款的Leaf搭载了24KWh的电池组,宣传的续航能力达到了250公里。 Nissan在无线充电上主要也是选择与Bosch合作,通过 Bosch提供无线充电产品,采用的是Evatran的PluglessPower无线充电技术。估计Nissan很快就会推出无线充电产品。     BYD(比亚迪)   国内如果要提电动汽车,毫无疑问BYD(比亚迪)是NO.1,电池起家的BYD有着雄厚的电子技术和实力,加之其传统汽车的成熟经验,他将成为挑战传统汽车的新星,中国电动汽车的骄傲。 BYD也是全球最早推广电动汽车的厂商之一,纯电动汽车的e6,电动大巴的K9,还有2013年底推出的神车“秦”更是成了BYD挑战传统汽车的最有利的武器。 BYD“秦”是一款插电式混合动力汽车,纯电动模式续航能力为70公里,百公里加速5.9s,综合工况下100公里油耗为1.6L。 BYD在电池、储能和充电技术上都有较多布局和研发。虽然还没有推出无线充电的产品,但我相信,凭着BYD的低调,早就有了相关的技术和自己研发准备好了对应的产品。 我们应该给予国产车BYD更多的关注和赞誉。     其他 另外像传统汽车巨头Daimler(Benz)(戴姆勒-奔驰)也对电动汽车和无线充电投入较大,在国内与BYD合作成立一个新的品牌腾势,专门生产高端纯电动汽车。戴姆勒公司很早就开始研发磁感应无线充电。 高端传统汽车品牌Audi(奥迪)也陆续研发生产电动汽车,且与WiTricity合作研发磁共振无线充电技术。甚至包括Volvo(沃尔沃)研发出了无线充电产品。 前段时间,SAE(美国汽车工程师协会)就无线充电的标准频带达成一致,确定为85KHz,频带范围为81.38KHz~90.00KHz。且将无线充电标准充电输出功率分为3级,3.7KW,7.7KW和快充的22KW。为电动汽车的无线充电的发展奠定了基础。 我们“无线充电圈”(微信号:WXCDQ360)后续会有关于汽车无线充电等大功率无线充电的技术分析、相关技术公司的相关分析和报道,主要针对这次加入A4WP阵营的WiTricity,研发出HALO的Qualcomm,无线充电技术品牌的PluglessPower的Evatran等,敬请关注! 对无线充电行业感兴趣的朋友可以关注"无线充电圈"微信,微信号:WXCDQ360
  • 热度 23
    2012-9-18 20:34
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    Several readers wanted to know more about some of the simple electronics projects I built in my early pre-high school days, based on instructions I found in a book published 50 years earlier in about 1915 titled "Boy Mechanic: A book that tells how to build things." I do not have any record of the details of how I built the simple radio receiver I wrote about previously, but I did find the instructions for an earlier project that I took back to California from Oklahoma: making high frequency Oudin and Tesla coils with very mundane simple components, including cardboard tubes, magnetic wire, discarded phonograph records, and miscellaneous scraps of brass, wood and cloth fiber. The reason I still have them is that upon entering ninth grade in high school, I used the same plans to build versions for the annual high school Science Fair, part of a trend that became popular in U.S. high schools in the 1960s. Tesla and Oudin coils are both electrical resonant transformer circuits used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity. The difference between the two is that the Oudin coil uses a lower current and is thus safer – both for the builder and the "zapee." The first versions built over a summer I spent on a farm in Oklahoma were, as noted earlier, were constructed with a collection of amazingly simple, and common place, components. To make an Oudin coil ( figure 1 below ) the instructions called for the use of a 6 by 11 inch cardboard tube for the secondary, which is first covered with two or three coats of shellac. When the last coat has dried, a single layer of No. 26 magnetic wire is wound on, with the winding started about half an inch from the upper end of the tube, one end fastened down to the tube and the other, about eight inches, left loose for connection to a brass rod.   Figure 1: Plans for an Oudin coil.   When the winding was finished, I gave it another coat of shellac, which was left to dry, while I created some of the other components. Several wooden disks—roughly the same diameter as the cardboard tubing—I made on my uncle's lathe and fit into the ends of the cardboard tube at the center of the secondary coil. The bottom disk was screwed into a wooden base and the top one drilled through the center to accommodate a brass rod leading to a brass ball attached at the top end. A cap for the coil was made from a seven inch vinyl phonograph record disk, with the hole in the center enlarged to make take the brass rod. Small holes were also drilled at opposite points on the disk for small round head wooden screws which were used to fasten it to the wooden disk at one end. I found the brass ball I needed from a metal bedstead in a pile of "stuff" that my uncle had collected in the farm's workshop. The base of the Oudin coil was made of hard wood, supported and insulated from the ground by rubber crutch tips, which fitted over wooden pegs, one at each corner. After completing the secondary, it was necessary to build the coil's primary winding, which consisted of eight turns of one inch copper ribbon attached to the base by four wooden cleats, slotted to separate the individual turns from each other. Flexible leads, with helix clips attached to one end were used to connect to binding posts to complete the coil. Using a half kilowatt transformer and a single unit, oil immersed, high tension condenser, I was able to generate sparks 10 to 16 inch in length from the coil. In the first version, my test subjects were the many hens and roosters in the yard of the nearby chicken coop. What a commotion!! Building a Tesla coil Suprisingly, compared to the Oudin coil, the Tesla coil ( figure 2 ) was even simpler to make and operate and consisted of a secondary winding of a single layer of No. 28 cotton covered magnetic wire over a shellacked 5 by 18 inch cardboard tube. The basic differences involved the number of windings on the primary and secondary and differences in the resistance of the copper winding. It even used the same type of condenser as that in the Oudin coil.   Figure 2: Circa 1915T coil. The actual building of new versions of the coils in preparation for the ninth grade science fair at the high school I was attending near Burbank in Los Angeles, Calif., was not a problem. But obtaining the parts was. What I was able to find so easily on my uncle's farm or nearby ones, was much more difficult in Los Angeles. It required many weekends of searching through hardware stores and other resources I could get to within walking distance. Fortunately we were living near the Burbank airport, which turned out to have a number of aerospace machine shop subcontractors and retail outlets that served their needs. The brass bed posts were a problem, but a machinist I met on my search volunteered to create them when I explained my needs. I finished the project on time for the Science Fair, but I did not win anything. But it was popular with the visitors to my booth and almost everyone got a "charge" out of it, though not quite as dramatic as the effect on the chickens on my Uncle's farm. Also, I was told it would be credited toward qualifying me for inclusion in the special college prep classes the following year in physics and calculus that had just been started at the high school I was attending. Another bonus out of the Science Fair project was that the process of collecting the parts from various machine shops made it easier for me to find a job the following summer. As it turned out, I would need every penny of what I earned. How I learned to think After that summer, the first thing I did on first day of class in the tenth grade was buy the text books for the college prep courses I was eager to sign up for. However, for a variety of reasons, it was decided that I was not college-bound material. I refused to accept that and got the principal to agree to add credits for those courses to my high school transcript if I hired a tutor that was acceptable to him to teach me the same material from the books I had purchased. With his approval, I found a tutor that met the school's requirements, a mechanical engineer I had met at the machine shop I was working at during the previous summer. Unfortunately for me, at the end of the semester the school district refused to allow the principal to add the tutored classes to my transcript. But the one-on-one process of working with my tutor on the physics and calculus problems -, usually in his office at the machine shop on weekends—was the most useful part of my entire high school education. I could not tell you now about anything I learned in my regular high school classes or about any of the teachers. But my sessions with my tutor and the lessons I learned from him are still vivid in my memory. Every chance he could, he would take me out on the shop floor and show me a real world practical examples of the problems I had to work on in the physics and math texts. He also taught me all sorts of tricks for visualizing problems and short cuts that eliminated a lot of unnecessary math. He showed me how to apply those same techniques to all aspects of life, outside of engineering, math and physics. He also taught me strategies for taking written tests and passing them. I firmly believe those lessons in thinking and how to approach problems were a significant factor in getting my Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores high enough to qualify for entry into college. More importantly, those lessons in thinking and problem-solving are still helping me to this day.  