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  • 热度 30
    2015-12-1 12:57
    2516 次阅读|
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    Over the past decade the embedded world has undergone tremendous change. With the advent of mobile phones, smart lifestyle gadget like wearables, health and wellness devices, on the consumer front, users are demanding smaller and thinner gadgets. This has lead in turn to designs that increasingly need efficient memory architectures such as high memory capacity and high performance in small area and multiple bus issues that call for high scalability.  The designs demand compact and more densely populated electronic assemblies. Package on package (PoP) is one of the techniques to address the demand for compact assemblies. PoP is a stacked packaging method to have two ball grid array (BGA) packages mounted one above the other with a standard interface to route signals between them. The most widely used integration components for stacking are the processor and memory. The combination of RAM Flash memory in single chip BGA solution is also available, which allows a much higher component density on smaller form factor PCB design through the PoP assembly.   Stacking memory is one way to achieve the dual goals for enhanced functionality and greater packaging density of a product. It is fast becoming a promising solution, offering high integration that leads to product miniaturization. Mobile applications can benefit from the combination of this stacked package, offering small footprint and minimal PCB space. Other portable electronic products such as •      mobile phones (baseband or applications processor plus combo memory), •       digital cameras (image processor plus memory), •       PDAs, portable media players (audio/graphics processor plus memory), gaming and others also benefit from this design approach. Benefits of PoP Technology Using PoP technology in a design offers many advantages. The most obvious is the reduction in the PCB size or the small footprint of the PCB. Using PoP technology also ensures a reduction in the no. of layers of the PCB as the connection lines between the processor and the memory are minimized. This also improves signal integrity on the board by minimizing trace length between different interoperating parts, such as controller and memory. The direct interconnections between the circuit yields reduced propagation delay, noise and cross-talk.  Using PoP technology also makes for easy memory scalability on the hardware. This is because most of the memory modules for PoP design come in multi-chip packages (eg: Flash + DDR). Hence, both the Flash and DDR memory can be upgraded by replacing the single PoP memory package. And finally, there is the reduction in BoM cost achieve as a result of elimination of termination discretes on the PCB. The ARM advantage PoP technology is most popularly being used with ARM chipsets. Texas Instruments was one of the first semiconductor companies that adopted this technology. This is now being followed by other silicon vendors like Freescale etc. ARM chipsets are known for low power and are popular for small footprint, portable applications. The low power ensures less thermal radiation to the memory; when it is placed over the processor in the PoP technology. In comparison, Intel SoCs and other DSP are high power and have high thermal radiation. Therefore, there is a possibility of the memory to stall during operation, if the PoP technology concept is used for these chipsets.   An important point to note for product developers is that assembly of PoP PCBs requires special skillset and the need to follow a defined assembly process. The PCB manufacturer should follow the required methodology to ensure minimal yield issues for a successful implementation to take advantage of the benefits of such a design.   Contributed By, S Vijay Bharat, Associate Vice President - Hardware Design, Mistral Solutions
  • 热度 22
    2012-11-20 13:03
    1947 次阅读|
    1 个评论
           杰康半导体(香港)有限公司, 是中国出色的多品种供货商,我们不仅提供中小批量供货,同时也提供大批量期货预定 。 我们分销全球超过400个品牌的主、被动元器件。 公司的所有产品均出自原厂家。    目前DIGIKEY  MOUSER  FARNELL 被公认为是全球目录分销商中的佼佼者。JK将以他们为楷模,做中国的出色的多品种分销商。     推荐订货品牌: 杰康主推品牌AVX,VISHAY,EXAR,TI,ON,ST,XNP,VLSI 更多资询请查询我们的网站: http://www.googleic.hk/  
  • 热度 15
    2012-11-7 12:17
    2662 次阅读|
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    CM3218是台湾Capella(凌耀)公司最新推出的环境光传感器。目前获得微软windows on ARM平台认证。   需要CM3218样品的,请来电  18603021320  marte@foxmail.com   QQ 29091365   CM3218 is an advanced ambient light sensor with I2C protocol interface and designed by the CMOS process. It is easily operated via a simple I2C command. The active interruption feature within the threshold windows setting offers the benefit of eliminating loading of the controller monitor.   CM3218 incorporates a photodiode, amplifiers and analog circuits into a single chip. The best spectral sensitivity is used to closely capture real human eye responses. CM3218 have excellent temperature compensation. Its robust refresh rate setting does not need an external RC low pass filter. Software shutdown mode is provided which reduces power consumption to be less than 1μA. CM3218’s operating voltage ranges from 2.7V to 5V and can detect a wide range of ambient light power. The maximum detective light strength is over 140K Lux.        
  • 所需E币: 0
    时间: 2024-6-5 15:12
    大小: 2.76KB
    一、前言在Kubernetes(K8s)中,Pod是最小的可调度单元。当Spark任务运行在K8s上时,无论是Driver还是Executor都由一个单独的Pod来表示。每个Pod都被分配了一个唯一的IP地址,并且可以包含一个或多个容器(Container)。Driver和Executor的JVM进程都是在这些Container中启动、运行和销毁的。当一个Spark作业被提交到K8s集群后,首先会被启动的是DriverPod。然后,Driver负责按需向Apiserver请求创建ExecutorPods。Executor负责执行具体的Task。一旦作业完成,Driver将负责清理所有已创建的ExecutorPods。二、在将Spark任务提交到K8s集群上时,不同的公司可能会采取不同的方法。以下是目前常见的几种做法以及我们在线上所采用的任务提交和管理方式。1、使用原生spark-submit原生的spark-submit命令可以直接提交作业,集成起来简单且符合用户习惯。然而,这种方法不便于作业状态跟踪和管理,无法自动配置SparkUI的Service和Ingress,并且在任务结束后不能自动清理资源。因此,在生产环境中并不适合使用这种方式。2、使用spark-on-k8s-operator这是目前较常用的一种提交作业方式,需要先在K8s集群中安装spark-operator。客户端通过kubectl提交yaml文件来运行Spark作业。本质上,这是对原生方式的扩展,提供了作业管理、Service/Ingress创建与清理、任务监控、Pod增强等功能。尽管此方法可在生产环境中使用,但它与大数据调度平台的集成性较差,对于不熟悉K8s的用户来说,学习曲线较为陡峭。3、使用spark-k8s-cli在我们的生产环境中,我们使用spark-k8s-cli来提交任务。spark-k8s-cli是一个可执行文件,基于阿里云emr-spark-ack提交工具进行了重构、功能增强和深度定制。它融合了spark-submit和spark-operator两种作业提交方式的优点,所有作业都能通过spark-operator管理,并支持交互式spark-shell和本地依赖的提交。同时,它的使用方式与原生spark-submit完全一致。三、sparkonk8s的优点和缺点优点:1.资源隔离:SparkonKubernetes可以更好地管理资源,实现资源隔离,避免不同应用之间的资源竞争。2.灵活性:Kubernetes支持弹性伸缩,可以根据应用的需求自动扩容或缩容。3.易于部署:使用Kubernetes集群部署Spark应用更加简单方便,不需要手动管理集群资源。缺点:1.性能开销:在Kubernetes上运行Spark会带来一定的性能开销,相比传统的YARN或Mesos部署方式可能会有性能损失。2.学习成本:需要对Kubernetes和Spark有一定的了解,对于初学者来说可能需要花费一定时间学习。3.依赖外部组件:可能需要额外的监控和调优工具来对Spark应用进行管理,增加了系统的复杂度。四、Spark的集群部署模式Spark官方提供了四种集群部署的模式:Standalone、YARN、Mesos、Kubernetes。Standalone需要常驻Master服务和Worker服务。它作为资源调度,只能去调度Spark做作业。同时它需要每个节点预先准备好Spark运行时环境,所以不太适合生产环境使用。YARN在传统的大数据体系下是一个比较好的调度器。它不需要常驻Spark相关的服务,YARN的容器内其实也是可以进行任何作业的,但是需要每个节点去事先准备好运行时环境,YARN其实是更贴近于我们的传统Hadoop生态,它也有一些调度上的优化,比如计算时会尽可能地去找数据所在的HDFS节点,不过在我们云原生的场景下就不太适用了。Mesos在Spark3.2版本后已经被标记为弃用了,所以我们就不过多谈它。Kubernetes也是无需常驻Spark相关服务,支持容器化运行任何作业,也不需要依赖节点运行时环境,它是更贴近于云原生生态的。五、Sparkonk8s如何运行首先Spark有一个客户端,客户端会构建好driverpod对象,向K8s的apiserver发送请求,去创建driverpod,Spark的driver进程运行在driverpod当中。Sparkdriver启动之后,会在driver内构建executorpod的对象,创建executorpod,并持续watchandlist去监听每一个executorpod的状态。当任务运行结束的时候,executorpod会被清理,driverpod会继续以completed的状态存在。这就是SparkonK8s的运行过程。六、关于spark配置使用spark难免会需要一些hdfs、hive-metastore等配置、xml等,把这些配置打到镜像里显然可以,但很不灵活。本地spark-submit进程创建pod时会将本地的spark配置作为configMap挂在到pod中,所以只要维护好本地提交的spark环境即可,可以先通过kubectldescribe pod**来找到对相应的configMap,然后通过kubectldescribe configmap来确认配置
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