原创 FreeModbus文档——介绍

2007-9-2 23:25 7109 6 6 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式



Introduction 介绍

The latest version of this document is available on http://freemodbus.berlios.de/api.


FreeModbus是一个针对嵌入式系统的Modbus ASCII/RTU和Modbus TCP的实现。FreeMODBUS 提供了一个针对Modbus 应用层协议V1.1以及支持在Modbus over serial line speifications 1.0 协议中定义的RTU/ASCII 传输模式。自从0.7版本以后,FreeModbus也支持在 Modbus Messaging on TCP/IP Implementation Guide V1.0a中定义的Modbus TCP协议。在0.9版本中,首次实现了针对嵌入式系统的使用IwIP的TCP/IP协议栈的Modbus/TCP移植。

FreeModbus is a Modbus ASCII/RTU and Modbus TCP implementation for embedded systems. It provides an implementation of the Modbus Application Protocol v1.1a and supports the RTU/ASCII transmission modes defined in the Modbus over serial line specification 1.0. Since version 0.7 FreeModbus also supports Modbus/TCP. Version 0.9 added the first Modbus/TCP port for embedded systems using the lwIP TCP/IP stack.


ARM devices: ARM系列

  • STR71X with FreeRTOS/GCC. See STR71X/simple2.c for an example.
  • STR71TCP with FreeRTOS/lwIP/GCC. This port includes FreeRTOS, lwIP and a fully working PPP stack. The lwIP, PPP and FreeRTOS part is generic and therefore can be used for other ports ( or other projects ).
  • LPC214X with Keil. See LPC214X/demo.c for an example. This port uses the Keil ARM Compiler 2.41.

AVR devices: AVR系列

  • ATMega8/16/32/128/168/169 with WinAVR. See AVR/demo.c for an example.

Coldfire devices: 冷火系列

  • MCF5235 with GCC. See MCF5235/demo.c for an example.
  • MCF5235 with CodeWarrior and FreeRTOS port for ColdFire. See MCF5235CW/demo.c for an example.
  • MCF5235/TCP with GCC. This port features FreeRTOS and the lwIP stack. The lwIP part is generic and therefore it should be used as a basis for other lwIP ports.

MSP430 devices MSP430系列

  • MSP430F169 with Rowley Crossworks. See MSP430/demo.c for an example.
  • MSP430F169 with GCC. See MSP430/demo.c for an example.

Z8Encore devices Z8系列

  • Z8F6422 and Z8F1622 port. See Z8ENCORE/demo.c for an example. The port uses ZDS II - Z8 Encore! 4.10.1 as development environment.


  • A Win32 Modbus RTU/ASCII Port.
  • A Win32 Modbus/TCP Port.


  • A Linux (uCLinux or other distributions) Modbus RTU/ASCII Port.


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