In an FPGA, all of the routing and look-up table (LUT) configuration is done via SRAM cells. This means that the majority of the transistors in a typical FPGA are involved with the configuration rather than the actual logic function. Any given design implemented in an FPGA will require many more active transistors (estimates are in the 5x-10x range) than that same design implemented in a metal-programmed technology. In today’s small process geometries (90nm, 65nm, and 45/40nm), oxides are so thin that these transistors leak – a lot. All those extra leaky transistors mean that your design will consume many times (5x-10x maybe?) more static power than its metal-programmed counterpart.
ash_riple_768180695 2008-9-6 17:26
ash_riple_768180695 2008-9-6 09:33
ash_riple_768180695 2008-9-4 21:56
ash_riple_768180695 2008-9-4 21:48
用户1179221 2008-9-4 18:50
用户461316 2008-9-4 08:53
用户1143423 2007-5-21 13:15
用户26997 2007-5-18 18:56