NAME 名称 compile Performs logic-level and gate-level synthesis and optimization on the current design. 对当前设计执行逻辑级和门级综合和优化
SYNTAX 语法 status compile [-no_map] [-map_effort medium | high] [-area_effort none | low | medium | high] [-incremental_mapping] [-exact_map] [-ungroup_all] [-boundary_optimization] [-auto_ungroup area | delay] [-no_design_rule | -only_design_rule | -only_hold_time] [-scan] [-top] [-power_effort none | low | medium | high] [-gate_clock]
ARGUMENTS 参数 -no_map Specifies not to map the current design into the target technol- ogy library. With this option, generic Boolean equations and generic flip-flops represent the resulting design. 不要进行目的工艺库映射。使用此选项将使用一般布尔等效和一般flip-flop表达结果设计。
-map_effort medium | high Specifies the relative amount of CPU time spent during the map- ping phase of compile. Valid values are medium, and high. You can select one value. The default is medium. 指定编译时mapping阶段使用的CPU时间相对量。有效参数值是medium和high。 你可以选择其一,缺省值是medium。
-area_effort none | low | medium | high Specifies the relative amount of CPU time spent during the area recovery phase of compile. Valid values are none, low, medium, and high. You can select one value. The default is the speci- fied map_effort. 指定编译时面积优化阶段使用的CPU时间相对量。有效值是none,low,medium,high。 你可以选择其一,缺省值是map_effort的制定值。
-incremental_mapping Specifies to attempt only incremental improvements to the gate structure of a design. Portions of a design that are already mapped are exempt from logic level optimization, and the result- ing design should be the same (if no improvements can be made) or better in terms of its design constraints. Implementations for DesignWare operators are reselected in an incremental com- pile run if the swap can improve the Optimization Cost based on the Optimization constraints on the design.
-exact_map Specifies that the sequential elements in the final design must exactly match the descriptions specified in the HDL. SEQGEN is
a technology-independent representation of a sequential element that is inferred by the HDL compiler from HDL descriptions of sequential circuits. When you specify this option, the tool attempts to find sequential elements in the target technology library that match the behavior of only the SEQGEN element (that is, no surrounding logic is considered). In the event that an exact match for a SEQGEN is not available, a different sequen- tial element is used. For improved sequential inference, use this option in conjunction with the HDL directives sync_set_reset, sync_set_reset_local, and sync_set_reset_all. The new attributes or directives tell HDL Compiler how to con- nect nets to the SEQGEN component. Use of the attributes/direc- tives with the -exact_map option ensures that the results of compile are predictable.
-ungroup_all Collapses all levels of hierarchy in a design, except those that have the dont_touch attribute set.
-boundary_optimization Optimizes across all hierarchical boundaries in the design. This can change the function of the design such that it can operate only in its current environment. If input or output ports are complemented as a result of using this option, port names are changed according to the port_complement_naming_style variable.
-auto_ungroup area | delay Automatically ungroups hierarchies in the design. A hierarchy will be considered for auto_ungrouping only if it satisfies all of the following criteria:
o It does not have the dont_touch or ungroup attribute set on it.
o There are no timing constraints or exceptions set on its pins.
o Its wire load model is the same as that of its parent, or compile_auto_ungroup_override_wlm is set to true.
o It has fewer child cells than the value of the com- pile_auto_ungroup_area_num_cells variable if you select area.
If you select area, all hierarchies that meet the above criteria will be ungrouped. The -auto_ungroup area option is generally used to ungroup small hierarchies in the design to improve area recovery. It does not have a significant impact on the timing of the design.
The -auto_ungroup delay option employs an intelligent ungrouping strategy that attempts to improve the overall timing of the design. It chooses hierarchies that are most likely to benefit from the extra boundary optimizations that ungrouping exposes.
The algorithm emphasizes hierarchies containing paths that are either critical, or likely to become critical, after subsequent optimization steps.
Delay-driven auto-ungrouping offers a less CPU-intensive alter- native to using the -ungroup_all option for improving design timing.
-no_design_rule Determines, along with the -only_design_rule and -only_hold_time options, whether the command fixes design rule violations before exiting. The -no_design_rule option specifies for the command to exit before fixing design rule violations, thus allowing you to check the results in a constraint report before fixing the violations. The -no_design_rule, -only_design_rule, and -only_hold_time options are mutually exclusive. You can select only one. The default is to perform both design rule fixing and mapping optimizations before exiting.
-only_design_rule Determines, along with the -no_design_rule and -only_hold_time options, whether the command fixes design rule violations before exiting. The -only_design_rule option specifies for the command to perform only design rule fixing; that is, mapping optimiza- tions are not performed. The -no_design_rule, -only_design_rule, and -only_hold_time options are mutually exclusive. You can select only one. The default is to perform both design rule fixing and mapping optimizations before exit- ing.
-only_hold_time Determines, along with the -no_design_rule and -only_design_rule options, whether the command fixes design rule violations before exiting. The -only_hold_time option specifies for the command to perform only hold time fixing, ignoring other design rules. The set_fix_hold command must be specified for hold time fixing to be performed. The -no_design_rule, -only_design_rule, and -only_hold_time options are mutually exclusive. You can select only one. The default is to perform both design rule fixing and mapping optimizations before exiting.
-scan Specifies that the command is to consider the impact of scan insertion on mission mode constraints during optimization. This option causes the command to replace all sequential elements during optimization. Some scan-replaced sequential cells might be converted to nonscan cells later in the test synthesis pro- cess because of test design rule violations or explicit user specifications. By accounting for the impact of internal scan insertion from the start of the design process, Test Ready Com- pile eliminates the need for future reoptimization.
-top Fixes design rule and top-level timing violations for a design, but does not perform any mapping on the design. By default, this option fixes all design rule violations, but only those timing violations whose paths cross top-level hierarchical boundaries. If you want this option to fix timing violations for all paths, set the compile_top_all_paths variable to true.
-power_effort none | low | medium | high Specifies the relative amount of CPU time spent during the power optimization phase of compile. Valid values are none, low, medium, and high. You can select one value. The default is the specified map_effort. Since power optimization in compile is enabled by power constraints, this option will be ignored if there is no power constraint on the design.
-gate_clock Enables clock gating optimization: clock gates are automatically inserted or removed. If the variable power_driven_clock_gating is set to true, the optimization is based on the switching activity and dynamic power of the register banks. The -gate_clock option cannot be used in combination with the -only_design_rule option. When used in combination with the -exact_map option, it may not be possible to honor the -exact_map option for those registers that are involved with clock gating optimization.
DESCRIPTION The compile command performs logic and gate-level synthesis and opti- mization on the current design. Optimization is controlled by user- specified constraints on the design. These constraints describe goals for the optimization process, such as make the smallest circuit possi- ble, or try to make specified outputs arrive by a specified time. The optimization process trades off timing and area constraints to provide the smallest possible circuit that meets specified timing requirements. Values for the area and speed of components used in synthesizing and optimizing the design are obtained from user-specified libraries.
Constraints fall into one of two categories: Design Rule Constraints (DRC) and optimization constraints. Design Rule Constraints reflect technology-specific restrictions that must be met for a design to func- tion correctly. Optimization constraints reflect less critical design goals and restrictions that are desirable, but not crucial for the operation of a design.
The Design Rule Constraints are max_transition, max_fanout, max_capaci- tance, and min_capacitance. All other constraints are optimization constraints. Examples include maximum delay and maximum area.
During optimization, both types of constraints are considered, but precedence is given to meeting Design Rule Constraints. The min_delay and fix_hold constraints are treated similarly to Design Rule Con- straints except that they have lower priority than the maximum delay constraints. The priority given to various constraints can be modified by using the set_cost_priority command.
Often when a design read from an HDL description is optimized, new designs modeled from the synthetic library are generated. These designs are named according to the style specified in the syn- thetic_design_naming_style variable. For details, see the com- pile_variables man page.
When the current design is hierarchical, and there are multiple design instances of a subdesign, it is no longer necessary to run the uniquify command before running the compile command. The uniquify command can still be used on multiple design instances so that they can be individ- ually optimized. For all designs marked with the uniquify attribute, compile copies and renames them according to the uniquify_naming_style variable.
The compile command does not optimize across hierarchical boundaries unless the boundary_optimization attribute is true. All synthetically generated designs are created with this flag set to true. If boundary optimization causes ports to be complemented, port names are changed according to the port_complement_naming_style variable.
To customize the way the compile command optimizes subdesigns, use com- pile directives. Commands for placing these directives include set_flatten and set_structure. Command line options pass global direc- tives that affect how the entire design is optimized to the compile command.
If the current design or any of its subdesigns, is represented as a state table, the compile command automatically performs finite-state machine optimizations on these designs. Finite-state machine synthesis is also controlled with compile directives placed directly on these designs by using commands such as set_fsm_encoding and set_fsm_mini- mize.
If the current design or any of its subdesigns contains arithmetic operations (additions, subtractions, multiplications and comparisons), the compile command automatically transforms them into datapath blocks to be implemented by a datapath generator. Datapath optimization can be controlled by using the hlo_disable_datapath_optimization variable.
The compile command reports progress in real time by displaying a report. During optimization, the report shows incremental results each time a transformation is applied to the design. The default fields of the report are ELAPSED TIME, AREA, WORST NEG SLACK, TOTAL NEG SLACK, DESIGN RULE COST, and ENDPOINT.
ELAPSED TIME Tracks the elapsed time since the beginning of the current com- pile or reoptimize_design.
AREA Shows the area of the design during the optimization.
WORST NEG SLACK Shows the worst negative slack (max_path violation) in all path groups.
TOTAL NEG Shows the sum of the negative slack across all endpoints in the design.
DESIGN RULE COST Measures the distance between the actual results and user-speci- fied design rule constraints.
ENDPOINT Shows the endpoint currently being worked on. When a delay vio- lation is being fixed, the object for the ENDPOINT is a pin or a port. When a design rule violation is being fixed, the object for the ENDPOINT is a net.
You can specify other fields in addition to or instead of any of the default fields. For a list of available fields and other details about specifying the compile log format, see the com- pile_log_format variable man page.
To display the same log format as the 1998.02 version, set com- pile_log_format = "". The fields for the 1998.02 version are TRIALS, AREA, DELTA DELAY, TOTAL NEGATIVE SLACK, and DESIGN RULE COST. The new default does not have the TRIALS and DELTA DELAY fields.
TRIALS Tracks the number of transformations that the optimizer tries before making the current selection.
DELTA DELAY Shows the current max delay cost of the design, which is the sum of the worst negative slack (max_path violation) in each path group.
The log written by compile shows the different phases of optimization. In addition to the Resource Allocation and Mapping phases, there are four more phases. The first of these is the Delay Optimization phase, which fixes max_path violations. In the Phase 1 Design Rule Fixing Phase, design rule violations are fixed without creating any new max_path delay violations. In the Phase 2 Design Rule Fixing Phase, max_path delay constraints might be impacted while fixing design rule violations. Finally, there is an Area Recovery phase that attempts to reduce the area of the design while keeping other constraints intact. The Area Recovery phase always does some minimal cleanup, but performs more CPU-intensive area recovery only if max_area constraints have been set on the design. If the -only_design_rule option is used, Delay Optimization Phase and Area Recovery Phase are skipped. If the -no_design_rule option is used, both Phase 1 Design Rule Fixing and Phase 2 Design Rule Fixing are skipped. If the set_cost_priority com- mand with the -delay option has been used before using the compile com- mand, Phase 2 Design Rule Fixing is skipped.
The set_local_link_library command sets the local_link_library attribute on a design. The local_link_library attribute contains a list of design and library files that are searched before the files are specified with the link_library variable whenever a link operation is performed. The target_library variable specifies a technology library or a list of technology libraries containing the components (usually from a specific ASIC supplier) to use during optimization. The compile command sets the local_link_library attribute of the top-level design to the value of the target_library variable.
If compile is interrupted by an interrupt signal during an interactive process, it displays the following menu:
Please type in one of the following option: 1 to Write out the current state of the design 2 to Abort optimization 3 to Kill the process 4 to Continue optimization Please enter a number:
If you select option 1, the design is written out and the menu reap- pears.
If the process is running in the background, you cannot use the menu. The number of interrupt signals determines what action is performed. The sequence is as follows:
^C Information: Preparing to interrupt optimization... (INT-5) ^C Information: Aborting Optimization... (INT-6) ^C Information: Process terminated by interrupt. (INT-4)
The interrupt signal can be different from one machine to another.
EXAMPLES The following examples apply to all modes.
The following command specifies that the current design be optimized without mapping the logic:
prompt> compile -no_map
The following command optimizes the design TEST twice; once for speed and once for area.
prompt> current_design TEST
prompt> set_max_delay 2.0 -to [all_outputs]
prompt> compile /usr/path/FAST
prompt> set_max_area 250
prompt> compile /usr/path/SMALL
The following example specifies that the command perform restricted optimizations across hierarchical boundaries:
prompt> compile -boundary_optimization
The following example demonstrates a simple optimization strategy. The commands in the example first define the current design. Design attributes and constraints are set. Optimization phases for compile are defined. The compile command is executed with the specified options.