The Quartus II software offers a variety of megafunctions, including the library of parameterized modules (LPM) functions and other parameterized functions. Megafunctions are listed below by function. Functions indicated by an asterisk (*) are provided for backward compatibility only.
<?xml:namespace prefix = v />Arithmetic MegaWizards and Megafunctions:
Arithmetic components include accumulators, adders, multipliers, and LPM arithmetic functions.
MegaWizard | Megafunction(s) | Comments |
ALTACCUMULATE | altaccumulate | Parameterized accumulator megafunction. 参数化的寄存器模块 |
ALTECC | altecc_decoder | Error correction code (ECC) megafunction. 数据代码纠正模块 |
altecc_encoder | Error correction code (ECC) megafunction. 数据代码纠正模块 | |
ALTFP_ADD_SUB | altfp_add_sub | Floating-point adder/subtractor megafunction. 浮点、加法器/减法器模块 |
ALTFP_COMPARE | altfp_compare | Parameterized floating-point comparator megafunction. 参数化的浮点比较器模块 |
ALTFP_CONVERT | altfp_convert | Parameterized floating-point conversion megafunction. 参数化的浮点转换器模块 |
ALTFP_DIV | altfp_div | Parameterized floating-point divider megafunction. 参数化的浮点分配器模块 |
ALTFP_MULT | altfp_mult | Parameterized floating-point multiplier megafunction. 参数化的浮点乘法器模块 |
ALTFP_SQRT | altfp_sqrt | Parameterized floating-point square root megafunction. 参数化的浮点平方根模块 |
ALTMEMMULT | altmemmult | Parameterized memory multiplier megafunction. 数化的记忆乘法器模块 |
ALTMULT_ACCUM (MAC) | altmult_accum | Parameterized multiply-accumulate megafunction. 参数化的乘-累积模块 |
ALTMULT_ADD | altmult_add | Parameterized multiplier/adder megafunction. 参数化的乘法器/加法器模块 |
ALMULT_COMPLEX | altmult_complex | Parameterized complex multiplier megafunction. 参数化的综合乘法器模块 |
ALTSQRT | altsqrt | Parameterized integer square root megafunction. 参数化的整数平方根模块 |
LPM_ABS | lpm_abs | Parameterized absolute value megafunction. 参数化的绝对值模块 |
LPM_ADD_SUB | lpm_add_sub | Parameterized adder/subtractor megafunction. 参数化的加法器/减法器模块 |
LPM_COMPARE | lpm_compare | Parameterized comparator megafunction. 参数化的比较器模块 |
LPM_COUNTER | lpm_counter | Parameterized counter megafunction. 参数化的计数器模块 |
LPM_DIVIDE | lpm_divide | Parameterized divider megafunction. 参数化的分配器模块 |
divide* | Parameterized divider megafunction. 参数化的分配器模块 Use the divide megafunction with mature device families. For newer device families, use the lpm_divide megafunction.
| |
LPM_MULT | lpm_mult | Parameterized multiplier megafunction. 参数化的乘法器模块 |
altsquare | Parameterized squarer megafunction. 参数化的 squarer 模块 | |
PARALLEL_ADD | parallel_add | Parallel adder megafunction. 参数化的并联加法器模块 |
Gates MegaWizards and Megafunctions:
Gates include multiplexers and LPM gate functions.
MegaWizard | Megafunction(s) | Comments |
LPM_AND | lpm_and | Parameterized AND gate megafunction. 参数化的与门模块 |
LPM_BUSTRI | lpm_bustri | Parameterized tri-state buffer megafunction. 参数化的三态缓冲器模块 |
LPM_CLSHIFT | lpm_clshift | Parameterized combinational logic shifter or barrel shifter megafunction. 参数化的组合逻辑转换模块 |
LPM_CONSTANT | lpm_constant | Parameterized constant generator megafunction. 参数化的常数发生器模块 |
LPM_DECODE | lpm_decode | Decoder megafunction. 参数化的解码器模块 |
LPM_INV | lpm_inv | Parameterized inverter megafunction. 参数化的反相器模块 |
LPM_MUX | lpm_mux | Parameterized multiplexer megafunctions. 参数化的多路转换器模块 |
LPM_OR | lpm_or | Parameterized OR gate megafunction. 参数化的或门模块 |
LPM_XOR | lpm_xor | Parameterized XOR gate megafunction. 参数化的异或门模块 |
I/O MegaWizards and Megafunctions:
I/O components include Clock Data Recovery (CDR), phase locked loop (PLL), double data rate (DDR), gigabit transceiver block (GXB), LVDS receiver, LVDS transmitter, PLL reconfiguration, and remote update megafunctions.
MegaWizard | Megafunction(s) | Comments |
ALT2GXB | alt2gxb | GXB megafunction. 千兆位收发器 |
ALT2GXB_RECONFIG | alt2gxb_reconfig | GXB dynamic reconfiguration megafunction. 千兆位动态配置收发器 |
ALTASMI_PARALLEL | altasmi_parallel | Active serial memory interface parallel megafunction. 并联接口的串行存储器 |
ALTCLKCTRL | altclkctrl | Clock control block megafunction. 时钟控制模块 |
ALTCLKLOCK | altclklock | Parameterized PLL megafunction. 参数化的锁相环模块 |
ALTDDIO_BIDIR | altddio_bidir | DDR bidirectional megafunction. 双倍数双向模块 |
ALTDDIO_IN | altddio_in | DDR input megafunction. 双倍数输入模块 |
ALTDDIO_OUT | altddio_out | DDR output megafunction. 双倍数输出模块 |
ALTDLL | altdll | Delay locked loop (DDL) megafunction. 锁相环模块 |
ALTDQ | altdq | Data strobe megafunction. 数据滤波模块 |
ATLDQS | altdqs | Parameterized bidirectional data strobe megafunction. 参数化的双向数据滤波器 |
| atldq_dqs | Parameterized data strobe megafunction. 参数化的数据滤波器 |
ALTGX | alt4gxb | High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) GXBmegafunction. 高速串行千兆收发器 |
ALTGXB | altgxb | GXB megafunction. 千兆位收发器 |
ALTIOBUF | altiobuf_bidir | Bidirectional I/O buffer megafunction. 双向I/O缓冲模块 |
altiobuf_in | Input I/O buffer megafunction. 输入缓冲模块 | |
altiobuf_out | Output I/O buffer megafunction. 输出缓冲模块 | |
ALTLVDS | altlvds_rx | Low voltage differential signalling (LVDS) receiver megafunction. 低电压差分信号接收器 |
altlvds_tx | Low voltage differential signalling (LVDS) transmitter megafunction. 低电压差分信号发送器 | |
ALTMEMPHY | ALTMEMPHY | External DDR Memory PHY interface megafunction. PHY接口的外部的DDR存储器 |
ALTOCT | alt_oct | On-chip termination (OCT) megafunction. 片上终端模块 |
ALTPLL | altpll | Parameterized PLL megafunction. 参数化的锁相环模块 |
ALTPLL_RECONFIG | altpll_reconfig | Parameterized PLL reconfiguration megafunction. 参数化可重配置的锁相环模块 |
ALTREMOTE_UPDATE | altremote_update | Parameterized remote update megafunction. 参数化的远程更新模块 |
| altstratixii_oct | Parameterized OCT megafunction. 参数化的片上终端模块 |
MAX II oscillator | altufm_osc | Oscillator megafunction. 震荡器模块 |
JTAG-accessible Extensions MegaWizards and Megafunctions:
MegaWizard | Megafunction(s) | Comments |
In-System Sources and Probes | altsource_probe | In-system debugging megafunction. 在系统调试模块 |
Parallel Flash Loader | altparallel_flash_loader | Parallel flash loader (PFL) megafunction. 并行的快速载入模块 |
Serial Flash Loader | altserial_flash_loader | Serial flash loader megafunction. 串行的快速载入模块 |
SignalTap II Logic Analyzer | sld_signaltap | SignalTap II Logic Analyzer megafunction. SignalTap II逻辑分析模块 |
Virtual JTAG | sld_virtual_jtag | Virtual JTAG Interface (VJI) megafunction. 虚拟的JTAG接口模块 |
Memory Compiler MegaWizards and Megafunctions:
Memory Compiler includes FIFO Partitioner, RAM, ROM, and memory functions.
MegaWizard | Megafunction(s) | Comments |
Ram initializer | altmem_init | RAM initialization from ROM megafunction. ROM中载入数据初始化RAM |
CAM | altcam | Content-addressable memory (CAM) megafunction. 可设地址的存储器模块 |
FIFO | dcfifo | Parameterized dual-clock FIFO megafunction. 参数化的双时钟先入先出模块 |
dcfifo_mixed_widths | Parameterized dual-clock mixed-widths FIFO megafunction. 参数化的双时钟混合宽度的先入先出模块 | |
scfifo | Parameterized single-clock FIFO megafunction. 参数化的单时钟先入先出模块 | |
FIFO partitioner | altcsmem | FIFO partitioner megafunction. 先入先出区分模块 |
Flash Memory | altufm_i2c | User flash memory megafunction with the inter-integrated circuit (I2C) interface protocol. IIC接口的闪存模块 |
altufm_none | User flash memory megafunction (no interface protocol). 无接口协议的闪存模块 | |
altufm_parallel | User flash memory megafunction with the parallel interface protocol. 并行接口的闪存模块 | |
altufm_spi | User flash memory megafunction with the serial peripheral interface (SPI) protocol. SPI接口的闪存模块 | |
RAM: 1-PORT | altdpram* | Parameterized dual-port RAM megafunction. 参数化的双端口RAM模块 |
altram* | Parameterized RAM megafunction. 参数化的RAM模块 | |
altsyncram | Parameterized true dual-port RAM megafunction. 参数化的真实双端口RAM模块 | |
RAM: 2-PORT | altdpram* | Parameterized dual-port RAM megafunction. 参数化的双端口RAM模块 |
altsyncram | Parameterized true dual-port RAM megafunction. 参数化的真实双端口RAM模块 | |
lpm_ram_dq* | Parameterized RAM with separate input and output ports megafunction. 参数化的输入/输出接口分开的RAM模块 | |
RAM: 3-PORT | alt3pram | Parameterized triple-port RAM megafunction. 参数化的三倍端口RAM模块 |
ROM: 1-PORT | altrom* | Parameterized ROM megafunction. 参数化的ROM模块 |
altsyncram | Parameterized true dual-port synchronous RAM megafunction. 参数化的真实双端口同步RAM模块 | |
lpm_rom* | Parameterized ROM megafunction. 参数化的ROM模块 | |
ROM: 2-PORT | altsyncram | Parameterized true dual-port synchronous RAM megafunction. 参数化的真实双端口同步RAM模块 |
Shift register(RAM-based) | altshift_taps | Parameterized shift register with taps megafunction. 参数化的移位寄存器模块 |
Storage MegaWizards and Megafunctions:
Storage includes LPM memory functions, parameterized flipflop, parameterized latch, and parameterized shift register functions.
MegaWizard | Megafunction(s) | Comments |
ALTCAM | altcam | Content-addressable memory (CAM) megafunction. 可设地址的存储器模块 |
ALTQPRAM | altqpram* | Parameterized quad-port RAM megafunction. 参数化的四倍接口的RAM模块 |
LPM_FF | lpm_dff* | Parameterized D-type flipflop and shift register megafunction. 参数化的D型双稳态移位寄存器模块 |
lpm_ff | Parameterized flipflop megafunction. 参数化的双稳态模块 | |
lpm_tff* | Parameterized T-type flipflop megafunction. 参数化的T型双稳态模块 | |
LPM_LATCH | lpm_latch | Parameterized latch megafunction. 参数化的锁模块 |
LPM_SHIFTREG | lpm_shiftreg | Parameterized shift register megafunction. 参数化的移位寄存器模块 |
Megafunction | Comments |
csdpram | Parameterized cycle-shared dual port RAM megafunction. 参数化的循环使用的双端口RAM模块 |
lpm_fifo* | Parameterized single-clock FIFO megafunction. 参数化的单时钟先入先出模块 |
lpm_fifo_dc* | Parameterized dual-clock FIFO megafunction. 参数化的双时钟先入先出模块 |
lpm_ram_dp* | Parameterized dual-port RAM megafunction. 参数化的双端口先入先出模块 |
lpm_ram_io* | Parameterized RAM with a single I/O port megafunction. 参数化的单信号端口RAM模块 |
Other Megafunctions:
The following megafunctions are not available in the MegaWizard Plug-in
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