原创 日月光(ASE)某位工程师,离别感言

2007-9-20 20:46 5295 7 7 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造


         日月光(ASE)某位工程师,离别感言, 这篇文章,造成公司不小的震撼, 还被副总约谈一番, 经过几番慰留,目前暂以留职停薪处理,完成学业再说!原文是英文,已附上翻译.


I will end my job in ASE on 8/31 and then I will go to study?inNational  Sun-Yan-San University.I want to appreciate many peoplein ASE during my  working time.am glad to cooperate with you over two years.


I entered ASE on 2000/3/13. It's nearly my first job (my firstjob existed only one month) after I graduated from army, and I
learned> many things during two years. There are many advantages inthis company.


First, the hierarchy in ASE is not very obvious. The distinctnessamong manager, staff member and clerk is latent and working atmospherein ASE is approximatelyharmonious.That's the reason why I can stayhere over two  years.


Second, semiconductor industry is a global competitive environment.Working in ASE can help me to extend my vision about world environment.Working in ASE can help me to extend my vision about world because I have many opportunities to work with people from many countries.
English ability improvement is the largest income for me in my careerlife. This experience can help me to compete with other people in this globalize competitive market in the future. Working in IC assembly
industry can study about knowledge of all the semiconductor supply chain from wafer fabrication  to SMT.

It's a good way to involve into electronic engineering for
mechanical background engineers.



Third, I studied mechanical engineering in university and in
graduated school; working experience let me know about that other subject is
also important for an engineer. I didn't like chemistry in school, but
we have many chemical materials here and engineers need to have
knowledge about materials.This let me understand what's application of
knowledge in  school and I also try to learn many things about semiconductor
by myself  after work. These are my incomes in ASE during these two years.


Working in a large company can also let me know about what other
department doing in an enterprise like human resource, producing
management,inventory, and many things. ASE is an institutional company.
Maybe someone doesn't think so.?But if we compare with some other
companies, ASE is really more institutional in many departments.


However, I also have some suggestions and complaints about ASE.?
The definition of position of process engineer is not very clear.
After  worked here over two years, I am still not sure what's the
difference among  process engineer, R&D engineer and QA engineer.?
People in production line also don't know about this point.?So there are
many tedious  things need process engineer to do.


Most things I handled in my first year in ASE are excursive events
happened in production line. I always answer phone from production
line,"There is a wetting not enough case, and what should we do" What
can I do?? The solution is to reject or to waive.?Isn't it the job of
QA engineer?

Why don't people in production call QA engineer to argue the waived
criteria with QA engineer? Why I must waive the products for production
line?  Why don't people in production line be responsible for their fault?

Most of my time in first year is to sign "Hold and Release notice" day
after day.Isn't it the job of supervisor in production line?


I supposed job of process engineer is similar with R&D
engineer,but besides new process and material phased in, we also have to handle
all the tedious and trouble things happened in production line. They
are like they can't find travel cards, lead-frames are not enough, they
set up by wrong parameters, and they don't know where the products shipped.
Most of our energy is be exhausted by these boring and routine things
happened in production line. I don't think that process engineer still have
interesting to learn about new invention in assembly technology after
twisted by these tedious things. Therefore when we really meat large trouble
from customer complaint, we don't know how to solve it.

It's like n-VIDIA case, and we  lost a large customer. Engineers
are exhausted by so many little tedious  things and then they don't
have  enough ability to solve real excursion needs  engineers to handle.
We can even say it's lack of professional ability. In  my opinion, an
engineer should be trained to have ability to solve big  trouble, not the chicke
n feathers and garlic skins. On the other hand, an  engineer's ability
should be based on knowledge of materials, process, and  equipment but
doesn't on tedious administration procedure.



Peter Drucker proposed that enterprise must reduce tedious things
for knowledge worker whose contribution is not handling these routine

Does ASE consider engineer be a knowledge worker? When we phased in a
new material, most we can do is to try and error. We try to use
different materials and processes and to compare them by reliability result.

We always do experiment blindly from customer's request. Many
engineer don't have enough knowledge background to convince customer it's
unnecessary to do it because engineers don't have enough time to study.?These
boring excursive events only exhaust them and engineers don't grow up intheir
knowledge.When they notice about this, the only thing they can do is to  change
a new way in their career life.

If we really hope that engineers  can extend their knowledge
during working,we should train people in  production line to handle something
independently.At least, I don't  consider to sign "hold and release notice" or t
o change the defect code to  die discrepancy code or to account how many
dies lost during process or to bind working instructions on travel cards
can help engineers to extend their  knowledge.?

I think that company provides 30000 one month to an  engineer also
doesn't want he only to handle this kind of things.



至少,我不认为  签"暂停放行单"或是将缺点码调成晶粒差异或是h数

What's the definition of character for process engineer? It's confined
in manufacture engineer or R&D engineer? If we define PE in manufacture
engineer, we should reduce developing loading and if we define PE in R&D
engineer,we should reduce tedious things handling from production line.

No matter what kind of identification, I think an engineer must focused
his career on improve professional knowledge and ability, not on
signing notice, changing defect codes, binding travel cards, falsifying data,
or picking up the pieces. However engineers in ASE waste their 80% time
on these tedious things.


Although most of time for a process engineer is to handle excursion
in production line, quarterly merit score is according the quantity
of reports  you provided.?It's very well to assess staff by quality scores,
but items are not matched with percentage of working loading. I don't
know what's the purpose the managers want engineers to do. If I give up
handling excursion and let production line to do by themselves and I just work
hard  to write many reports in the office,
I can still get high scores in every quarterly merit.

Why do I need to be twisted by tedious things?
Is writing reports really the main job of process engineer?
Apparently, managers want us to focus on OJT,project and task.?
But if we really respect engineer's knowledge growing up and on job training,
I consider that we must reducing tedious things loading to engineer
andgive us more time to study.

Learning  is also one segment of our job in studying organization.
Learning  new knowledge shouldn't be the another loading for us.

分 数却是根据你产出报告的数量为依据。考核可以做量化的评核是非常好的事,

Do anyone try to search the solution from our KM server? Do you know
the cause of delamination? Do you know the cause of solder voids after
SMT? When I met these case, I try to find solution through our KM server,
but I am disappointed. I can't find information of delmination and solder
voids. So I try to search by Internet. When I key in delmination,
reliability,PDF in GOOGLE, I can get hundreds papers talked about?reliability.

I knew that delamination caused by thermal stress and moisture through
different failure phenomenon. When I got complaint about solder voids
from  customer,I also try to search solder voids, SMT, PDF through GOOGLE,
and also? get hundreds papers talked solder voids caused by IR
reflow problems.?

We even don't know that many problems had been sloved by other
people. Some companies showed their research result publicly. I felt
that I should have confidence to tell customer it's SMT problem and then
I got help from PC-Liu talked to me it's caused by via hole on the PCB through
IR reflow.

After we took samples to QA to do FA, the SEM shown it really caused
by SMT problem not the package problem. I solved this problem through
knowledge and expert's help, not through handling tedious things from MFG.
Handling rountine can only add our experience, but can't add our knowledge!
However there are many troubles need to be solved by engineer's

所以,我透过网际网路去搜寻当我在GOOGLE打入delamination, relaibility, PDF时,
我可以得到数百篇有关可靠度的文献.?我知道了delamination是由气和热应力造成的, 由
搜寻solder voids, SMT, PDF并且得到百篇的文献讨论由造成的锡孔洞.

在我们送样品到QA做失败分析後, SEM显示的确是SMT的问题而不是封装的问题.

事务只能增加我们的经验, 可是无法增长我们的知识 然而,很多的问题却是需要透过工程师

We found corrosion after wafer sawn for one customer. Customer give
us many wafers to saw. Our D/A engineer just take wafers to MFG to saw
again and again. If you read text book of wafer fabrication, textbook tell
you corrosion caused by chemical residue after etching.
Wasting one days to saw  wafer is worse to wasting two hours to read textbook.

In my opinion, if  we can't tell customer this, sawing wafers
experiments again and again only  waste our time and money and can't get any
effective improvement. We stand behind machine all day long to watch the
machine sawing wafers.Engineers feel very tired certainly. Why don't we
show the information on textbook to customer and tell them it caused by wafer

If wafer fab doesn't want to improve, assembly house can't get
effective improvement.


又得不到有效的结果而已. 为何我们不拿出教科书的资讯告诉客户,这是晶圆造的

Another complaint is the thing everyone has ever known, salary and
welfare. Have you ever watched discussions in BBS of Internet about ASE?
Most discussions are complaining about the low salary.Despite somebody
complains about low salary, ASE still has a loud reputation in society
for  people who don't know inside information.
When my friends knew about I am  working in ASE, they usually showed

admiration and asked:
"Oh ochyou must have over 500000 NT dollars one month."
I just laughed and didn't answer them.



This joke demonstrates that salary in ASE is lower than the average
level people noticed in industry. I think it's not a glory for the second
largest assembly house in the world. At least, we should be equal with

People in ASECL have worked five days a week for a long time. Why do
people in south Taiwan need to tolerate getting lower salary and welfare?
If the salary can't attract an engineer and he can't grow up from
working.What's the decision he will make? Of course, engineers also handle
routine in some other companies, but they get a lot of stocks or money to
keep they staying.

不是一件光彩之事。 至少,我们应该跟中坜厂的水准一样吧?中坜厂的员工早就实施

We all heard that managers announced that top manager has noticed
about this and tried to improve this salary structure. I had heard about
this information when I entered ASE, and we heard this kind of
announcement every year, so I hoped it's really true good news to everyone.


We also know about that top manager wants to promote everyone's
job title from project engineer to product manager. Girls in club also
called public manager, so all of them are managers. In fact, realistic

income of the job is more practical than the title of the job.
Salary of assistants in some companies is better than of engineers in ASE.
Incomes of assistants in university is over 30000 one month and incomes of
assist professor in university is over 60000 one month. However these jobs
title are named with assist.


The table shows the mean salary in industry, we can compare with them.
I hope that we can reach this average level at least.



       名次 行业 薪资
       1 金融业 34928
       2电脑边业 33460
       3 半导体业 32990
       4电子元件业 32960
       5通讯电信业 32810
       6 化工业 32780
       7 光电业 32500
       8 药业 32250
       9 出版业 31860
       10家电电机业 31760
       11 汽机车业 31710
       12 纺织业 31650
       13 钢铁业 31150
       14 贸易业 31130
       15电脑软体业 31110
       16 网路及网路服务业30970
       17 保险业30660
       18 橡胶胶带业30650
       19 传播业30500
       20 汽机车销售业 30350
       21 建材厨具业30150
       22 电脑及资讯服务业30070
       23 金属品业29960
       24 营建业29640
       25 机械业29430
       26 光学仪器业29200
       27 超市量贩业29090
       28 券业29000
       29 百货业28950
       30 电脑零组件业28800
       31 休旅游业28840
       32 食品业27570

      名次 行业 薪资
       1 电子元件业 40570
       2 通讯电信业 39560
       3 电脑软体业 39160
       4 半导体业 38740
       5 贸易业 37917
       6 金融业 37915
       7 电脑边业 37760
       8 光电业 37570
        9 汽机车业 37320
       10 化工业 37140
       11 纺织业 37130
       12 家电电机业 36130
       13 钢铁业 35870
       14 网路及网路服务业35840
       15 券业 35710
       16 药业35700

The purpose of OJT system in process engineering department is good.
But  in version of knowledge management, OJT system is only a document
deposition  system.

The design of search is only be sorted by author. If I want to
find  an excursion case, I must know about who the author is. The
transition speed of server is too slow. When I open an education material,
I must wait for minutes and system usually down. The system is not friendly
and people still don't have habit to search solution by system. Top managers
only want engineers to produce many documents, but we don't control the
quality and don't build a convenience system for people to use. When we meet
problems,mostly we can't get some help from this server and most people
don't have habits to collect data to solve problems.

We always blind our head to do  many experiments or to edit specious reason to convince customers but we  don't know how to use knowledge to explain problems. The result is everyone  felt tired but problems still exist because everyone use labor concentrated method to solve problems


高层主管只想到要工程师提供很多的文件,但是我们没有管控品质,并且未建立一方便人们使用的系统。当我们遇到问题时,我们也不太能从这系统找到什麽有帮助的知识,大部份人也没有习惯去收集资料来解决问题,  我们总是着头拼命做实验,或是编一些似是而非的理由去说服客户,却不知用现有的知识来解释问题.结果是大家都很累, 问题还是存在,大家都用劳力密集的方法去解问题

The labor distribution for process engineer is  not fair. Die attached engineer have to handle from grinding to plasma  cleaning, and sometimes he is also called by 3rd optical inspection or  molding or visualinspection because there are die attached defects found by  them. However some stage engineer only handle one process station. Average  career life of mdie attached engineers in plant 7 is never over one year  because it really too tired.?The labor distribution seems all the same  in IC assembly industry,but does anybody review the labor distribution is  fair or not? I?suggest that there should be one engineer to handle  only die attached,and another engineer to handle grinding to 2nd optical inspection.Plasma cleaning should be belonged to wire bonding engineer.



When I went to ASE, I was be belonged to BCC team. The capacity of BCC increased from 200k one week to 200k one month. The yield improvedfrom 99.5% to above 99.88%. I consider that we are good in PE department.

BCC team didn't received any offical customer complaint when it mass produced in first year. Our effect of OJT and project/task also head the list of successful candidates. However I think we don't get enough notice in PE department. Members of BCC is four men in the first and it's still four men after my leaving.

More capacity of products; more loading for engineers.  It's to push egineers to find new jobs ..I have a feeling that BCC is like an orphan to be shifted from here to there beacuse BCC belongs to neither BGA packages nor traditional leadframepackages.

If there is any  lack of members for other teams, they will pull people from our team. Maybe  it beacuse we don't have big trouble to affect order from customers, so they  feel that BCC may or may not be needed. This way is serious attack to  member's morale in our team.

当我刚进到日月光时, 被归属於BCC team, BCC从当时的一200K的产量到一日200K以上良率由99.5%提到99.88%以上,我一直觉得本组在程工程处算是表现不错的,BCC 量产第一年没有任何一件正式客户抱怨,  在OJT及专案上的表现也都是名列前矛,?

然而, 我觉得我们在PE部门并没有受到足够的重视, BCC的工程师从一开始的四人到最後我离开後还是四人, 品越做越多, 工程师的负担越来越重, 公司这麽做是在逼人找新头路感觉上, BCC不属於BGA产品, 又不属於传统  钉架产品,  像是爹不疼娘不爱地被人踢来踢去, 各组一有缺人马上就从本组拉人, 许我们没有发生过严重到影响客户订单的大问题,  所以有点可有可无的感觉吧这种作法对於本组的士气是一种严重的打击

It seems like I have more complaints than acknowledgement. I think that since I will end my job, I should tell all the things I want to say to everyone. Maybe it's also the thing you want to say but you don't brave to.I hope that I really response everyone's heartfelt wishes. In my researching career of doctiral students,I hope that I can research knowledge sharing and collection in Internet and how to use information technology and knowledge management to help engineers to reduce their
tedious things to make enterprise staff grow up but exhaust their ability.

At last I still want to appreciate everyone, I hope that everyone can get good salary and grow up in ASE in the future. Maybe we have opportunity to cooperate after I get degree few years lalter.





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