Wishbone => Avalon Wishbone Avalon Bus Description
cyc = chipselect indicates that a valid bus cycle is in progress
stb = !write_n or !read_n indicates a valid data transfer cycle
we = !write_n and read_n indicates whether the current local bus cycle is a READ or WRITE cycle. The signal is negated during READ cycles, and is asserted during WRITE cycles.
ack = !waitrequest indicates the termination of a normal bus cycle by slave device.
Avalon => Wishbone Avalon Bus Wishbone Description
chipselect = cyc indiates that slave device is selected.
write_n = !(stb and we) indicated that master requests to write to slave device.
read_n = !(stb and !we) indicated that master requests to read from slave device.
waitrequest = !ack indicates that slave requests that master wait.