其实也就是uC/OS-II v2.86中的simple read部分,具体如下:
1) 物理层封包:
(A) 4 1-byte start delimiters, forming the ASCII of "uCPr".
(B) 1 2-byte length, the length of the data segment;
(C) 1 2-byte padding, unused;
(D) n bytes of data; and
(E) 1 1-byte checksum; and
(F) 1 1-byte end delimiter, the character '/'.
| 'u' | 'C' | 'P' | 'r' |
| Length | Padding |
| Data |
| . |
| . |
| . |
| Checksum| '/' |
2) Data区数据格式分析:(蓝色部分在ltProbe中已实现)
index(1,0) = format {注: (rx[1]<<8)+rx[0] }
format value: (Rx) {注: Tx |= 0x8000; }
0x0000 ---Error
0x0001 ---Query
0x0002 ---Simple Read
0x0003 ---Simple Write
0x0004 ---Info
0x0007 ---Multiple Read
0x0008 ---Multiple Write
0x0009 ---String Read
0x000A ---String Write
++++++++++++++++0x0002 ---Simple Read ++++++++++++++++++++++++
(1) The RX format:
(A) A 2-byte format , indicating the data segment format;
(B) A 2-byte length , indicating the number of bytes to read;
(C) A 4-byte address, the starting address of the data to read.
| Format | Number of bytes |
| Address |
(2) The TX format:
(A) A 2-byte format, indicating the data segment format;
(B) A 1-byte status, indicating the status after the request;
(C) A 1-byte modifier;
(D) The memory data.
| Format | Status | Modifier |
| Data |
| . |
| . |
| . |