sudo apt-get install gedit
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/kate /usr/bin/gedit
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backupsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
## Add comments (##) in front of any line to remove it from being checked. ## Use the following sources.list at your own risk. deb dapper main restricted universe multiversedeb-src dapper main restricted universe multiverse## MAJOR BUG FIX UPDATES produced after the final releasedeb dapper-updates main restricted universe multiversedeb-src dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse## UBUNTU SECURITY UPDATESdeb dapper-security main restricted universe multiversedeb-src dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse## BACKPORTS REPOSITORY (Unsupported. May contain illegal packages. Use at own risk.)deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiversedeb-src dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse## PLF REPOSITORY (Unsupported. May contain illegal packages. Use at own risk.)deb dapper free non-freedeb-src dapper free non-free
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get upgrade
Use Update Manager: System -> Administration -> Update Manager
wget -zxf easyubuntu-3.0.tar.gzcd easyubuntusudo python
wget -c tar jxvf gnome-clipboard-daemon-1.0.bin.tar.bz2 -C /usr/bin/sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/gnome-clipboard-daemonsudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/gnome-clipboard-daemonsudo gnome-clipboard-daemon &export EDITOR=gedit && crontab -e
@reboot gnome-clipboard-daemon
sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Then choose the option that corresponds to J2SE.
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfreesudo update-flashplugin
sudo apt-get install acroreadsudo apt-get install mozilla-acroreadsudo apt-get install acroread-plugins
sudo apt-get install d4x
sudo apt-get install gftp
wget -c sudo tar zxvf linuxdcpp.tar.gz -C /optsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/dcpp.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Encoding=UTF-8Name=DC++Exec=/opt/linuxdcpp/ldcppTerminal=falseType=ApplicationStartupNotify=trueIcon=/opt/linuxdcpp/pixmaps/linuxdcpp.svgCategories=Application;Network;
wget -c tar jxvf Azureus_2.4.0.2_linux.tar.bz2 -C /optsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/azureus.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Name=AzureusComment=A Bittorrent clientExec=/opt/azureus/azureusIcon=/opt/azureus/Azureus.pngTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Network;
sudo apt-get install amule
wget -c dpkg -i FrostWire-4.10.9-2.i586.deb
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
## Repository for Skypedeb stable non-free
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install skype
sudo apt-get install linpopupsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/linpopup.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=LinPopUpComment=LinPopUpExec=linpopupIcon=/usr/share/pixmaps/linpopup.xpmTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Utility;
Stubby All known codecs work except for wmv
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpegsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-glsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-basesudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-goodsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-badsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiversesudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-uglysudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
gstreamer dvd plugin is available as part of plugins-bad (or ugly?) and
does not work reliably. However, Totem works with the xine backend to
play back DVDs. This will keep you going until gstreamer gets dvd
playback. Note that you do not have to install xine-ui or mplayer as
suggested in
sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.shsudo apt-get install totem-xine
Stubby: gstreamer dvd plugin not ported to dapper yet. following instructions will not work properly
sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2
sudo apt-get install xine-ui libxine-extracodecs
gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/volume_manager/autoplay_dvd_command "xine dvd://"sudo rm -f /usr/share/applnk/Multimedia/xine.desktopsudo ln -fs /usr/share/xine/desktop/xine.desktop /usr/share/applications/sudo cp /usr/share/applications/defaults.list /usr/share/applications/defaults.list_backupsudo sed -e 's/totem.desktop/xine.desktop/g' /usr/share/applications/defaults.list_backup > /tmp/defaults.listsudo mv /tmp/defaults.list /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-*
sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin
sudo apt-get install xmmssudo apt-get install xmms-skinswget -c dpkg -i xmms-wma_1.0.4-2_i386.deb
sudo cp /usr/share/applications/defaults.list /usr/share/applications/defaults.list_backupsudo cp /usr/share/applications/defaults.list /tmp/defaults.list_tmpsudo sed -e 's/audio\/mpeg=.*/audio\/mpeg=XMMS.desktop/g' /tmp/defaults.list_tmp > /tmp/defaults.mp3sudo sed -e 's/audio\/x-mpegurl=.*/audio\/x-mpegurl=XMMS.desktop/g' /tmp/defaults.mp3 > /tmp/defaults.m3usudo sed -e 's/audio\/x-wav=.*/audio\/x-wav=XMMS.desktop/g' /tmp/defaults.m3u > /tmp/defaults.listsudo mv /tmp/defaults.list /usr/share/applications/defaults.listsudo rm -f /tmp/defaults.*
sudo apt-get install amarok
sudo apt-get install realplay
sudo apt-get install streamtunersudo apt-get install streamripper
sudo apt-get install cowbell
sudo apt-get install easytag
sudo apt-get install kinosudo apt-get install kinoplussudo apt-get install kino-timfxsudo apt-get install kino-dvtitler
sudo apt-get install audacity
sudo apt-get install dvdripsudo apt-get install vcdimagersudo apt-get install cdrdaosudo apt-get install subtitlerippersudo ln -fs /usr/bin/rar /usr/bin/rar-2.80sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/dvdrip.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=dvd::rip Comment=dvd::ripExec=dvdripIcon=/usr/share/perl5/Video/DVDRip/icon.xpmTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;AudioVideo;
sudo apt-get install gooboxsudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/goobox.desktopsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/goobox.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=CD Player & RipperComment=Play and extract CDsExec=gooboxIcon=goobox.pngTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;AudioVideo;
sudo apt-get install digikam digikamimageplugins kipi-plugins
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
# Google Picasa for Linux repositorydeb stable non-free
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install picasa
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
# The Opera web browser repopsitorydeb etch non-free
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install opera
sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird
wget -c apt-get install libgmime2.1sudo dpkg -i pan_0.100_i386.deb
wget -c tar zxvf rssowl_linux_1_1_3_bin.tar.gz -C /opt/sudo chown -R root:root /opt/rssowl_linux_1_1_3_bin/sudo gedit /usr/bin/
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla-firefoxexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}cd /opt/rssowl_linux_1_1_3_bin/./
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/runRSSOwl.shsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/RSSOwl.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=RSSOwlComment=RSSOwlExec=runRSSOwl.shIcon=/opt/rssowl_linux_1_1_3_bin/rssowl.xpmTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Network;
sudo apt-get install nvusudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/nvu.desktopsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/nvu.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=NvuComment=Web Development EditorExec=nvuIcon=nvu.xpmTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Network;
sudo apt-get install quanta
sudo apt-get install planner
sudo apt-get install gnucashsudo rm -fr /usr/share/gnome/apps/Applications/sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/GnuCash.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=GnuCashComment=GnuCash Personal FinanceExec=gnucashIcon=/usr/share/pixmaps/gnucash/gnucash-icon.pngTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Office;
sudo apt-get install scribus
sudo apt-get install dia-gnome
sudo apt-get install xchm
sudo apt-get install gnomebaker
sudo apt-get install k3b k3b-mp3
sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp
wget -c tar zxvf rp-pppoe-3.6.tar.gz -C /opt/sudo chown -R root:root /opt/rp-pppoe-3.6/sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/RP-PPPoE.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=RP-PPPoEComment=RP-PPPoEExec=gksudo /opt/rp-pppoe-3.6/go-guiIcon=Terminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Network;
sudo apt-get install bum
sudo apt-get install gparted
sudo apt-get install firestarter
sudo apt-get install ethereal
sudo apt-get install nessussudo apt-get install nessusdsudo nessus-addusersudo ln -fs /etc/init.d/nessusd /etc/rc2.d/S20nessusdsudo /etc/init.d/nessusd startsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/Nessus.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=NessusComment=NessusExec=nessusIcon=/usr/share/pixmaps/nessus.xpmTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;System;
sudo apt-get install rarsudo ln -fs /usr/bin/rar /usr/bin/unrar
sudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-arabicsudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-asiansudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-chinesesudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-chinese-bigsudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-europeansudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-japanesesudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-japanese-bigsudo apt-get install xfonts-intl-phoneticsudo apt-get install gsfonts-x11sudo apt-get install msttcorefontssudo fc-cache -f -v
following advices are outdated and it could be hard to revert to normal
afterwards. Please follow instead the official Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake
guide at
note that scim is now installed by default in Dapper, and installing
Chinese, Japanese or Korean Support is done using
System>Administration>Language Support. The wiki details the
method more thoroughly
sudo apt-get install scimsudo apt-get install scim-chinesesudo apt-get install scim-config-socketsudo apt-get install scim-gtk2-immodulesudo apt-get install scim-tables-zhwget -c tar zxvf fireflysung-1.3.0.tar.gz -C /usr/share/fonts/truetype/sudo chown -R root:root /usr/share/fonts/truetype/fireflysung-1.3.0/ sudo fc-cache -f -v
Press 'Ctrl + Space'
sudo apt-get install gdeskletssudo apt-get install gdesklets-data
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install anjuta
sudo apt-get install mono mono-gmcs mono-gac mono-utils monodevelop
sudo apt-get install blender
sudo apt-get install planetpenguin-racer planetpenguin-racer-data planetpenguin-racer-extras
sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble
sudo apt-get install scorched3dsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/scorched3d.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=Scorched 3DComment=A 3D Remake Of Scorched EarthExec=scorched3dIcon=Terminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Game;ArcadeGame;
sudo apt-get install stellariumsudo gedit /usr/share/applications/stellarium.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=StellariumComment=Virtual planetariumExec=stellariumTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;Education;
wget -c sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin
sudo cp /usr/local/google-earth/googleearth.desktop /usr/share/applications/
sudo apt-get install kdeedu
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
# Repository for winedeb dapper maindeb-src dapper main
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install wine
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc pkg-config libglib2.0-0 \ libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-dev libxml++2.6c2a libxml++2.6-dev \ libvte-dev libvte4 a2ps libxpm-dev libxpm4 alsa-source alsa alsa-base \ alsa-oss alsa-utils libxml-parser-perl libpng12-0 libpng12-dev libdbh1.0-dev
chmod +x xfce4- ./xfce4-
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Module" Load "i2c" Load "bitmap" ... Load "type1" Load "vbe"EndSection
# Load "dri"# Load "GLcore"
Load "glx"
Section "Device" Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV34M [GeForce FX Go5200]" Driver "nv" BusID "PCI:1:0:0"EndSection
Section "Device" ... Driver "nvidia" ... Option "RenderAccel" "true" Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"EndSection
Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Device "NVIDIA Corporation NV34M [GeForce FX Go5200]" Monitor "Generic Monitor" DefaultDepth 16
DefaultDepth 24
sudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnomesudo cp /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom-backupsudo gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom
# GDM Configuration Customization file.## This file is the appropriate place for specifying your customizations to the# GDM configuration. If you run gdmsetup, it will automatically edit this# file for you and will cause the daemon and any running GDM GUI programs to# automatically update with the new configuration. Not all configuration# options are supported by gdmsetup, so to modify some values it may be# necessary to modify this file directly by hand.# # To hand-edit this file, simply add or modify the key=value combination in# the appropriate section in the template below. Refer to the comments in the# gdm.conf file for information about each option. Also refer to the reference# documentation.# # If you hand edit a GDM configuration file, you should run the following# command to get the GDM daemon to notice the change. Any running GDM GUI# programs will also be notified to update with the new configuration.## gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG <configuration key>"## For example, the "Enable" key in the "[debug]" section would be specified by# "debug/Enable".## You can also run gdm-restart or gdm-safe-restart to cause GDM to restart and# re-read the new configuration settings. You can also restart GDM by sending# a HUP or USR1 signal to the daemon. HUP behaves like gdm-restart and causes# any user session started by GDM to exit immediately while USR1 behaves like# gdm-safe-restart and will wait until all users log out before restarting GDM.# # For full reference documentation see the gnome help browser under# GNOME|System category. You can also find the docs in HTML form on# # NOTE: Lines that begin with "#" are considered comments.# # Have fun![daemon][security][xdmcp][gui][greeter][chooser][debug][servers]# Override display 1 to use Xgl0=Xgl [server-Xgl] name=Xgl server command=/usr/bin/Xgl :0 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo flexible=true
sudo gedit /usr/bin/thefuture
#!/bin/bashgnome-window-decorator & compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher &xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/thefuture
wget -c dpkg -i usplash-minimalistic_0.1.debsudo update-alternatives --config
sudo passwd root
sudo passwd -l root
Security Tab -> Security -> Allow root to login with GDM (Checked)
sudo -s -HPassword: <specify user password>
Users Tab -> Add User.../Properties/Delete
sudo useradd jimsudo userdel jim
man usermod
Groups Tab -> Add Group.../Properties/Delete
Security Tab -> Enable Automatic Login (Checked)Now choose a user from the drop-down menu.
export EDITOR=gedit && sudo visudo
system_username ALL=(ALL) ALL
export EDITOR=gedit && sudo visudo
...system_username ALL=(ALL) ALL...
system_username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
sudo -K
Right click on files/folders -> Properties
Permissions Tab -> Read/Write/Execute (Checked the permissions for Owner/Group/Others)
sudo chown system_username /location_of_files_or_folders
sudo chgrp system_groupname /location_of_files_or_folders
sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-commonsudo nvidia-glx-config enable
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
...Section "Device" Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400]" Driver "nvidia" BusID "PCI:1:0:0"...
Option "NoLogo"
wget -c -c scanModem.gz > scanModemchmod +x scanModemsudo cp scanModem /usr/bin/
sudo scanModemgedit Modem/ModemData.txt
uname -r (must be 2.6.10-5-386)wget -c dpkg -i sl-modem-modules-*.debsudo apt-get install sl-modem-daemon
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/10-custom.rules
BUS="usb", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", KERNEL="ttyUSB*", NAME{ignore_remove}="pilot", MODE="666"
sudo fdisk -l
df -T -h
sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdromsudo cp /etc/hdparm.conf /etc/hdparm.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/hdparm.conf
/dev/cdrom { dma = on}
sudo mount /media/cdrom0/ -o unhide
sudo umount /media/cdrom0/
sudo umount /media/cdrom0/ -l
sudo mount -a
a detailed guide with screenshots about how to configure the "Extended
input devices" in your graphic applications, please follow the official
Dapper guide at
the version of the Linux Wacom driver (0.7.2) in Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper
Drake, if you unplug you tablet, it won't function when you plug it
back in and you will have to restart X. For this reason, it is best to
leave the tablet plugged in. This limitation will be removed when the
0.7.4 version of the driver is included in Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wacom wacom-tools
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo umount /dev/cdromcdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast
nautilus burn:///
File Menu -> Write to Disc... -> Write
Right click on Image (ISO) file -> Write to Disc... -> Write
sudo umount /dev/cdromdd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=1024
mkisofs -o file.iso /location_of_folder/
md5sum file.iso > file.iso.md5
md5sum -c file.iso.md5
sudo mkdir /media/isosudo modprobe loopsudo mount file.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop
sudo umount /media/iso/
/ -> apps -> nautilus-cd-burner -> default_speed (set/change the burn speed)
/ -> apps -> nautilus-cd-burner -> burnproof (Checked)
/ -> apps -> nautilus-cd-burner -> overburn (Checked)
Connections Tab -> Select "Ethernet connection" -> Activate/Deactivate
Connections Tab -> Select "Ethernet connection" -> PropertiesConnection -> Enable this connection (Checked)Connection Settings -> Configuration: Select "DHCP/Static IP address"
DNS Tab -> DNS Servers -> Add/Delete
sudo pppconfig
sudo pon provider_name
sudo poff
sudo pppoeconf
General Tab -> Host Settings -> Hostname: Specify the computer name
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
... server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)...
server string = new_computer_descriptions
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
... workgroup = MSHOME...
workgroup = new_domain_or_workgroup
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo apt-get install ipchecksudo gedit /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/
#!/bin/sh USERNAME=myusername PASSWORD=mypassword cd /root/ if [ -f /root/ipcheck.dat ]; then ipcheck -r $USERNAME $PASSWORD $HOSTNAME else ipcheck --makedat -r $USERNAME $PASSWORD $HOSTNAME fi
sudo chmod 700 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update.shsudo sh /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/
Right click on folder -> Share folder
Shared folder -> Share with: Select "SMB"Share properties -> Name: Specify the share name
sudo mkdir /media/sharenamesudo mount // /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername,password=mypassword
sudo umount /media/sharename/
sudo mkdir /media/sharenamesudo mount // /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername,password=mypassword,dmask=777,fmask=777
sudo umount /media/sharename/
sudo mkdir /media/sharenamesudo gedit /root/.smbcredentials
sudo chmod 700 /root/.smbcredentialssudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backupsudo gedit /etc/fstab
// /media/sharename smbfs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials 0 0
sudo mkdir /media/sharenamesudo gedit /root/.smbcredentials
sudo chmod 700 /root/.smbcredentialssudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backupsudo gedit /etc/fstab
// /media/sharename smbfs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777 0 0
wget -c zxvf pptp.tar.gzsudo sh ./pptp/install
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/pptpconfig.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=PPTP ClientComment=Configure and start PPTP tunnels (VPN)Categories=Application;NetworkEncoding=UTF-8Exec=gksudo pptpconfigIcon=gnome-remote-desktop.pngStartupNotify=trueTerminal=falseType=Application
Sharing ->Allow other users to view your desktop (Checked)Allow other users to control your desktop (Checked)
Security ->Ask you for confirmation (Un-Checked)Require the user to enter this password: (Checked)Password: Specify the password
vncviewer -fullscreen
Press 'F8' -> Quit viewer
sudo mkdir /media/windowssudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222
sudo umount /media/windows/
sudo mkdir /media/windowssudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000
sudo umount /media/windows/
sudo mkdir /media/windowssudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backupsudo gedit /etc/fstab
/dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0
sudo mkdir /media/windowssudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backupsudo gedit /etc/fstab
/dev/hda1 /media/windows vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0
grub> md5cryptPassword: ****** (ubuntu)Encrypted: $1$ZWnke0$1fzDBVjUcT1Mpdd4u/T961 (encrypted password)grub> quit
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backupsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
...## password ['--md5'] passwd# If used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing# control (menu entry editor and command-line) and entries protected by the# command 'lock'# e.g. password topsecret# password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/# password topsecret...
password --md5 $1$ZWnke0$1fzDBVjUcT1Mpdd4u/T961 (encrypted password above)
...title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386 (recovery mode)root (hd0,1)kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro singleinitrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-5-386savedefaultboot...
#title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386 (recovery mode)#root (hd0,1)#kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro single#initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-5-386#savedefault#boot
rm -f $HOME/.bash_historytouch $HOME/.bash_historychmod 000 $HOME/.bash_history
sudo cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab_backupsudo gedit /etc/inittab -t1 -a -r now...
#ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now
sudo telinit q
sudo cp /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc_backupsudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc
alias rm='rm -i'alias cp='cp -i'alias mv='mv -i'
Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386 (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash
grub edit> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash rw init=/bin/bash
boot: rescue
# passwd root
# passwd system_main_username
grub> md5cryptPassword: ****** (ubuntu)Encrypted: $1$ZWnke0$1fzDBVjUcT1Mpdd4u/T961 (encrypted password)grub> quit
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backupsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
...password --md5 $1$gLhU0/$aW78kHK1QfV3P2b2znUoe/...
password --md5 $1$ZWnke0$1fzDBVjUcT1Mpdd4u/T961 (encrypted password above)
# grub-install /dev/hda
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backupsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
title Microsoft Windowsroot (hd0,0)savedefaultmakeactivechainloader +1
Press 'Ctrl + Alt + Backspace'
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
sudo apt-get install numlockxsudo cp /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default_backupsudo gedit /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default
...exit 0
if [ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ]; then /usr/bin/numlockx onfi
Startup Programs Tab -> Add/Edit/Delete
Press 'Ctrl + Alt + F1' (F2 - F6)
Press 'Alt + F1' (F2 - F6)
Press 'Alt + F7'
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "ServerFlags" Option "DontZap" "yes"EndSection
gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete"gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"
killall nautilus
killall gnome-panel
/ -> apps -> gedit-2 -> preferences -> editor -> save -> create_backup_copy (Unchecked)/ -> apps -> gedit-2 -> preferences -> editor -> save -> auto_save (Checked)
Press 'Ctrl + H'
Edit Menu -> Preferences
Views Tab -> Default View -> Show hidden and backup files (Checked)
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/Nautilus-root.desktop
[Desktop Entry]Name=File Browser (Root)Comment=Browse the filesystem with the file managerExec=gksudo "nautilus --browser %U"Icon=file-managerTerminal=falseType=ApplicationCategories=Application;System;
Right click on file -> Properties
Open With Tab -> AddSelect "Open with" program
Select "Open with" program (Checked)
Mail Reader Tab -> Default Mail Reader -> Command: mozilla-thunderbird %s
gedit $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open\ as\ root
for uri in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS; do gksudo "gnome-open $uri" &done
chmod +x $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open\ as\ root
Right click on file -> Scripts -> Open as root
Not for Dapper---- firingstone
Edit Menu -> Current Profile...
General Tab -> General -> Terminal bell (Un-Checked)
Address Bar -> about:config
Filter: ->network.dns.disableIPv6 -> truenetwork.http.pipelining -> truenetwork.http.pipelining.maxrequests -> 8network.http.proxy.pipelining -> true
Address Bar -> about:config
Filter: -> accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound -> false
deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiversedeb-src dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb dapper free non-freedeb-src dapper free non-free
Edit Menu -> Reload Package Information
Edit Menu -> Mark All Upgrades... -> Default UpgradeEdit Menu -> Apply Marked Changes
Edit Menu -> Search... Specify the package name
Select "package_name"Package Menu -> Mark for InstallationEdit Menu -> Apply Marked Changes
Select "package_name"Package Menu -> Mark for RemovalEdit Menu -> Apply Marked Changes
sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb
sudo dpkg -r package_name
sudo alien package_file.rpm
wget -c tar zxvf mvb_1.6.tgz -C /usr/share/sudo chown -R root:root /usr/share/mvb_1.6/sudo ln -fs /usr/share/mvb_1.6/mvb /usr/bin/mvb
sudo apt-get install imagemagickwget -c cp /usr/bin/bbipssudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/bbips
sudo cp /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc_backupsudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc
man command | col -b > file.txt
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backupsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backupsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
...timeout 3...
timeout X_seconds
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backupsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
...default 0...
default X_sequence
wget -c 644 ubuntu.xpm.gzsudo mkdir /boot/grub/imagessudo cp ubuntu.xpm.gz /boot/grub/images/sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backupsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)# grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),# grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub# and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/....
splashimage (hd0,1)/boot/grub/images/ubuntu.xpm.gz
convert -resize 640x480 -colors 14 wallpaper.png splashimage.xpm && gzip splashimage.xpm
Press 'Ctrl + C'
sudo cp /etc/init.d/sysklogd /etc/init.d/sysklogd_backupsudo gedit /etc/init.d/sysklogd
... stop) log_begin_msg "Stopping system log daemon..." start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --exec $binpath --pidfile $pidfile log_end_msg $?...
rm -fr /tmp/* /tmp/.??*
Press 'Shift + Page Up'
Press 'Shift + Page Down'
cat /etc/issue
mkdir ~/.backgroundscd ~/.backgroundswget -c +x
export EDITOR=gedit && crontab -e
@reboot ~/.backgrounds/
man 5 crontab
See #How to add the Keyboard (Layout) Indicator applet to add the Keyboard Indicator applet.
setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift,grp_led:scroll us,2nd_laguage_code
#!/bin/tcshsetxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift,grp_led:scroll us,il
Keyboard Indicator applet appears on the panel. The default language
should be USA for U.S. English. You can either right-click on this
applet for more options or see above on how to configure.
key marked ['"] is now a dead key. When you press it, nothing happens.
However if you press a consonant immediately afterwards, the consonant
appears with an accent.
Similarly, ` and a consonant generates à, è, ù, ì, ò. Similarly, ~ and a consonant generates ã, ũ, ĩ, õ, ñ.
type ' and ", press RightAlt+' and RightAlt+" respectively. To type '
and ", you may also press '+<space> and "+<space>
There are more characters available by keeping RightAlt pressed and typing a character. Therefore,
Now you can type extended characters using the RightWin key (next to AltGr), according to this keyboard settings file. Specifically, the lines that start with GDK_Multi_key are those that we can use here. The Compose key is actually GDK_Multi_key.
Some examples,
sudo apt-get install clamav
sudo freshclam
sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders
export EDITOR=gedit && sudo crontab -e
00 00 * * * sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders
sudo apt-get install cupsys*
sudo cp /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.backup sudo gedit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
<Location /> ... Allow localhost ...</Location>
sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
sudo cp /etc/cups/client.conf /etc/cups/client.conf.backup sudo gedit /etc/cups/client.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
vitek@lightfox:~$ lpq HPLJ6P is ready no entries
sudo apt-get install sambasudo apt-get install smbfs
sudo smbpasswd -a system_usernamesudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers
system_username = "network username"
sudo smbpasswd -a system_username
sudo smbpasswd -x system_username
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
...# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change next# parameter to 'yes' if you want to be able to write to them. writable = no...
# By default, the home directories are exported read-only. Change next# parameter to 'yes' if you want to be able to write to them. writable = yes
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo mkdir /home/groupsudo chmod 777 /home/group/sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
[Group] comment = Group Folder path = /home/group public = yes writable = no valid users = system_username1 system_username2 create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 force user = nobody force group = nogroup
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo mkdir /home/groupsudo chmod 777 /home/group/sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
[Group] comment = Group Folder path = /home/group public = yes writable = yes valid users = system_username1 system_username2 create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 force user = nobody force group = nogroup
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo mkdir /home/publicsudo chmod 777 /home/public/sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public public = yes writable = no create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo mkdir /home/publicsudo chmod 777 /home/public/sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public public = yes writable = yes create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo mkdir /home/publicsudo chmod 777 /home/public/sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = share
[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public public = yes writable = no create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo mkdir /home/publicsudo chmod 777 /home/public/sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
...; security = user...
security = share
[public] comment = Public Folder path = /home/public public = yes writable = yes create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force user = nobody force group = nogroup
sudo testparmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.backup gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
... # printing = cups # printcap name = cups ...
printing = cups printcap name = cups
sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
sudo apt-get install ssh
ssh username@
scp -r username@ .
scp -r localfile.txt username@
rsync -v -u -a --delete --rsh=ssh --stats username@ .
rsync -v -u -a --delete --rsh=ssh --stats localfile.txt username@
sudo apt-get install sshfs
sudo modprobe fuse
sudo gedit /etc/modules
sudo adduser your_user_name fuse
mkdir ~/remote_music
sshfs ~/remote_music
sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.ORIGINAL
sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo apt-get install dhcp3-serversudo cp /etc/default/dhcp3-server /etc/default/dhcp3-server_backupsudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server
sudo cp /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
...# option definitions common to all supported networks...option domain-name "";option domain-name-servers,;
default-lease-time 600;max-lease-time 7200;...
# option definitions common to all supported networks...#option domain-name "";#option domain-name-servers,;
#default-lease-time 600;#max-lease-time 7200;
...# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.#subnet netmask {# range;# option domain-name-servers;# option domain-name "";# option routers;# option broadcast-address;# default-lease-time 600;# max-lease-time 7200;#}...
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.subnet netmask { range; option domain-name-servers,; option domain-name ""; option routers; option broadcast-address; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200;}
sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf
...#bind-address =
mysqladmin -u root password your-new-passwordmysqladmin -h root@local-machine-name -u root password your-new-passwordsudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
sudo apt-get install mysql-admin
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php4sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo gedit /var/www/testphp.php
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
sudo apt-get install php5sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo gedit /var/www/testphp.php
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql
sudo apt-get install php<version-number>-mysqlsudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
sudo gedit /etc/php<version>/apache2/php.ini
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/conf.d/alias
Alias /URL-path /location_of_folder/
<Directory /location_of_folder/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all</Directory>
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo cp /etc/apache2/ports.conf /etc/apache2/ports.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Listen 80
Listen 78
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
wget -c mkdir /var/www/feedssudo tar zxvf magpierss-0.71.1.tar.gz -C /var/www/feeds/sudo mv /var/www/feeds/magpierss-0.71.1/* /var/www/feeds/sudo rm -fr /var/www/feeds/magpierss-0.71.1/sudo chown -R www-data:root /var/www/feeds/sudo gedit /var/www/feeds/index.php
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title> - News</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ /* DEFAULT TAG STYLES */ body { background: #ffffff; margin-left: 20px; font-family: bitstream vera sans,sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; } h1 { font-family: luxi sans,sans-serif; font-size: 15pt; } /*]]>*/ </style> </head> <body> <?php require_once ''; error_reporting(E_ERROR); $url = ''; $rss = fetch_rss($url); if ($rss) { echo "<h1>"; echo "<a href=$url>", $rss->channel[title], "</a><br/>"; echo "</h1>"; foreach ($rss->items as $item ) { $url = $item[link]; $title = $item[title]; $description = $item[description]; echo "<li>"; echo "<b>Topic:</b> <a href=$url><b><u>$title</u></b></a><br/><br/>"; echo "$description<br/><br/>"; echo "</li>"; } } else { echo "<a href=$url>", $url, "</a> - Server Down!<br/>"; } ?> </body> </html>
sudo apt-get install proftpd
sudo cp /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/proftpd.conf
...DenyFilter \*.*/...
DefaultRoot ~
sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
sudo cp /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/proftpd.conf
<Anonymous ~ftp> User ftp Group nogroup UserAlias anonymous ftp DirFakeUser on ftp DirFakeGroup on ftp RequireValidShell off MaxClients 10 DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChdir .message <Directory *> <Limit WRITE> DenyAll </Limit> </Directory></Anonymous>
sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
sudo cp /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/proftpd.conf
<Anonymous ~ftp> User ftp Group nogroup UserAlias anonymous ftp DirFakeUser on ftp DirFakeGroup on ftp RequireValidShell off MaxClients 10 DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChdir .message</Anonymous>
sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
sudo cp /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/proftpd.conf
<Anonymous /location_of_folder/> User ftp Group nogroup UserAlias anonymous ftp DirFakeUser on ftp DirFakeGroup on ftp RequireValidShell off MaxClients 10 DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChdir .message <Directory *> <Limit WRITE> DenyAll </Limit> </Directory></Anonymous>
sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
sudo cp /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/proftpd.conf
Port 21
Port 77
sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
sudo apt-get install gnump3d
sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf
root = /var/music
root = /home/music
user = gnump3d
user = root
sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart
sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf
port = 8888
port = 7878
sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart
sudo apt-get install gallery (when prompted to restart Apache, choose No or Cancel)sudo apt-get install imagemagicksudo apt-get install jheadsudo apt-get install libjpeg-progssudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restartsudo sh /usr/share/gallery/
Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 1Next Step ->
Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 2General settings Tab ->Admin password: Specify the passwordLocations and URLs Tab ->Album directory: /var/www/albums/Temporary directory: /tmp/Gallery URL: http://localhost/galleryAlbums URL: http://localhost/albumsNext Step -->
Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 3Next Step -->
Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 4Save Config ->
sudo cp /etc/gallery/config.php /etc/gallery/config.php_backupsudo gedit /etc/gallery/config.php
...$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "http://localhost/gallery";$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "http://localhost/albums";...
$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "";$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "";
sudo cp /etc/gallery/config.php /etc/gallery/config.php_backupsudo gedit /etc/gallery/config.php
...$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "http://localhost/gallery";$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "http://localhost/albums";...
$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "/gallery";$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "/albums";
sudo tar zcvf gallery.tgz /var/www/albums/ /etc/gallery/
sudo tar zxvf gallery.tgz -C /
service_name = ntpdate
sudo cp /etc/default/rcS /etc/default/rcS_backupsudo gedit /etc/default/rcS
Set the correct time/date
sudo /etc/init.d/ restart
sudo killall esdsudo cp /etc/esound/esd.conf /etc/esound/esd.conf_backupsudo gedit /etc/esound/esd.conf
...auto_spawn=0spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 5...
auto_spawn=1spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 2 -d default
sudo apt-get install libesd-alsa0sudo gedit /etc/asound.conf
pcm.card0 {type hwcard 0}pcm.!default {type plugslave.pcm "dmixer"}pcm.dmixer {type dmixipc_key 1025slave {pcm "hw:0,0"period_time 0period_size 2048buffer_size 32768rate 48000}bindings {0 01 1}}
sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
System -> Preferences -> SoundSound preferences
General Tab -> Sounds for events (Un-Checked)
sudo rm -fr $HOME/.Trash/
rm -f $HOME/.config/menus/
sudo /etc/init.d/dbus-1 restart
sudo gedit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
network={ssid="YOUR_PREFERRED_CONNECTION_SSID"scan_ssid=1proto=WPAkey_mgmt=WPA-PSKpsk="STRING_TO_GENERATE_PASSWORD"#psk=123456789 #you have option to use connection key instead of connection password}
sudo gedit /etc/init.d/
#! /bin/sh# wifi: wpa_supplicant initecho " * [Wifi]: Enabling WPA supplicant..."if [ -x /sbin/wpa_supplicant ]; then/sbin/wpa_supplicant -B -i ath0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -D madwifi -wfiexit 0
sudo chmod +r /etc/wpa_supplicant.confsudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rcS.d/S40netwifiwpa