Applied Voltage Levels
* For a specific ESD test Level, the lower the value of capacitance under test, the greater the voltage applied.
* Higher values of capacitance can withstand high levels of ESD pulses。
* The actual applied voltage is also limited by air discharge, which is a function of the case size.
* Capacitor Capabilites
Dielectric materials and Rated Voltage
* C0G will wishstand higher levels of ESD for the same voltage rating and capacitance value
* Higher voltage ratings are important if higher ESD levels were going to be involved
* For the same chip size, as the voltage rating increases, the maximum capacitance available decreases
Chip Size
* Chip size has little effect on basic ESD capability,providing the same capacitance value is available at the same voltage rating
* For smaller chip sizes, the maximumu availabe capacitance at the same voltage rating decreases
* Reduction of chip size should be evaluated carefully for ESD critical appliactions.This is especially true if it is necessary to trade off voltage rating or capacitance value
* Use of 0603 chip sizes will most likely result in lower ESD levels.Air Breakdown is a factor to be considered
* Chip sizes samller than 0603 should not be used in ESD critical Applications
电容封装大小 电容大小对ESD能力影响不大,如果是同样的容值和同样的额定电压的情况下。
Voltage Coefficient
* C0G dielectric materials are close to ideal, and are not affected by voltage coefficients
* X7R dielectric materials are Ferro electric, this effect increase the voltage applied
* Higher voltage ratings are again desirable to reduce the impact of the voltage coefficient on the voltage applied
* Smaller size chips may also influence the impact of the voltage coefficient
用户1695394 2014-5-28 16:31
用户1360717 2010-5-20 19:03
用户1371162 2010-5-20 10:47
用户1488137 2010-5-20 10:05
用户1401397 2010-5-3 09:58
用户1394612 2010-4-30 16:25
结合着看比较好 http://forum.eet-cn.com/BLOG_ARTICLE_3727.HTM
用户1356784 2010-4-30 12:59
用户1321083 2010-4-29 17:00
用户1335336 2010-4-29 16:40
用户1371162 2010-4-29 16:00