原创 Leaves torn fromhis

2009-8-17 16:32 1950 4 4 分类: 工程师职场

Blinking, he located the sun. It was starting its late afternoon journey toward the horizon. The west; Kelgar had said that Grom Hellscream’s clan had come from the west. aion4gold He would find this Hellscream, and together, they would liberate their imprisoned brothers and sisters. Black-gloved hands clasped behind him, the Commander of the Camps, one Aedelas Gold, walked slowly down the line of orcs. All of them shied away from him, staring at their mud-encrusted feet. Gold had to admit they had been more entertaining, if more deadly, when they had had some spirit to them. Wincing at the stench, aion gold Gold lifted a scented kerchief to his nose. Following him closely, like a dog awaiting its master’s whim, was Major Remka.

He’d heard good things about her; she was apparently more efficient than the majority of the men. But if she had had his Thrall, and let him slip through her fingers, he would not be merciful. “Where is the one you said you thought was Thrall?” he demanded of Remka’s guardsman Waryk. The young man held his composure better than his commanding officer did, but even he was starting to show hints of panic about the eyes. “I had seen him at the gladiator battles, and the blue eyes are so rare. . . .” said Waryk, starting to stammer a little. “Do you see him here?” “N-no, Lieutenant General. I don’t.” “Then perhaps it was not Thrall.”

“We did find some things he had stolen,” said Waryk, brightening. He snapped his fingers and one of his men raced off, returning in a few moments with a large sack. “Do you recognize this?” He extended a plain dagger to Gold, hilt first as etiquette demanded. gold4power Gold’s breath caught in his throat. He had wondered where that had gone to. It wasn’t a very expensive one, but he had missed it. . . . He ran his gloved thumb over the symbol of his crest, the black falcon. “This is mine. Anything else?” “Some papers . . . Major Remka has not had time to look at them yet. . . .” Waryk’s voice trailed off, but Gold understood. The idiot couldn’t read. What kind of papers could Thrall possibly have had? Leaves torn fromhis books, no doubt. Gold snatched the sack and rummaged through the papers at the bottom. aionkina He drew one out into the light. . . . wish I could talk to you instead of just sending you these letters. I see you in the ring and my heart breaks for you. . . . Letters! Who could possibly . . . he seized another one. . . . harder and harder to find time to write. Our Master demands so much of both of us. I heard that he beat you, I am so sorry my dear friend. You don’t deserve . . . Taretha.



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