原创 Durnholde

2009-8-17 16:31 1482 2 2 分类: 工程师职场

A greater pain than any he had ever known clutched at Gold’s chest. He pulled out more letters . . . by the Light, there had to be dozens here . . . maybe hundreds. How long had the two been conspiring? For some reason his eyes stung and breathing became difficult.Tari . . . Tari, how could you, you never lacked for anything. . . . “My lord?” aion gold Remka’s concerned voice brought Gold out of his painful shock. He took a deep breath and blinked the telltale tears back. “Is all well?” “No, Major Remka.” His voice was as cool and composed as ever, for which he was grateful. “All is not well.

You had my orc Thrall, one of the finest gladiators ever to have graced the ring. He’s made me a great deal of money over the years and was supposed to make me a great deal more. Beyond a doubt, it was he your man captured. And it is he whom I do not see in this line at all.” He took keen pleasure in watching the color drain from Remka’s face. “He could be hiding inside the camp,” she offered. “He could be,” said Gold, drawing back his lips from white teeth in a rictus of a smile. aoc gold “Let us hope so, for your continued good fortune, Major Remka. Search the encampment.Now. ” She scurried away to do his bidding, shouting orders. Thrall certainly wouldn’t have been stupid enough to come to a lineup, like a dog responding to a whistle. It was possible he was still here. But somehow, Gold sensed that Thrall was gone. He was elsewhere, doing . . . ?

What? What kind of scheme had he and that bitch Taretha cooked up? Gold was right. An extensive search turned up nothing. None of the orcs, curse them, would even admit to seeing Thrall. Gold demoted Remka, put Waryk in her place, and rode slowly home. Langston met him halfway, and commiserated with him, but even Langston’s cheerful, brainless chatter could not stir Gold from his gloom. In one fiery night, he had lost the two things most important to him: Thrall and Taretha. He climbed the steps to his quarters, went to his bedchamber, and eased open the door. The light fell across Taretha’s sleeping face. cheap wow gold Gently, so as not to wake her, Gold sat down on the bed. He removed his gloves and reached to touch the soft, creamy curve of her cheek. She was so beautiful. Her touch had thrilled him, her laughter moved him. But no more. “Sleep well, pretty traitor,” he whispered. He bent and kissed her, the pain in his heart still present but ruthlessly suppressed. “Sleep well, until I have need of you.” NINE Thrall had never been so exhausted or hungry in his life. But freedom tasted sweeter than the meat he had been fed, and felt more restful than the straw upon which he had slept as Gold’s prisoner at Durnholde. He was unable to catch the coneys and squirrels that flitted through the forest, and wished that somehow survival skills had been taught to him along http://www.vipaiongold.comwith battle histories and the nature of art. Because it was autumn, there were ripe fruits on the trees, and he quickly became adept at finding grubs and insects. These did little to appease the mammoth hunger that gnawed at his insides, but at least he had ready access to water in the form of the myriad small streams and brooks that wound through the forest.



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