原创 生产环境下高亮度LED的高精度高性价比测试——最大限度减少LED测试误差

2011-7-21 09:39 1360 8 8 分类: 采购与分销

Common sources of measurement error in LED production testing include lead resistance, leakage current, electrostatic interference, and light interference, but junction self-heating is one of the most significant error sources. The two tests susceptible to junction heating are the forward voltage and leakage current tests. As the junction heats, the voltage will drop or, more importantly, the leakage current will increase during the constant voltage test. Therefore, it is important to shorten the test time as much as possible without sacrificing measurement accuracy or stability.




Smart instruments with onboard test script engines simplify configuring the device soak time before the measurement, as well as the amount of time the input signal is acquired. The soak time allows any circuit capacitance to settle before the measurement begins. The measurement integration time is determined by the number of power line cycles (NPLC). If the input power were at 60Hz, a 1NPLC measurement would require 1/60th of a second or 16.667ms. The integration time defines how long the A-to-D converter acquires the input signal, and it represents a trade-off between speed and accuracy.


具有板载测试脚本引擎[5]的智能仪器能够简化配置测量前器件的保温时间(soak time)以及采集输入信号的时间。在保温时间内所有的电路电容在测量开始前稳定下来。测量积分时间(integration time)取决于电源线周期数(NPLC)。如果输入电源是60Hz,那么1NPLC测量就需要1/60秒,即16.667ms。积分时间决定了A/D转换器采集输入信号的时间,它要在测量速度和精度之间进行折中。


Typical soak times for the VF test are from less than a few hundred microseconds to five milliseconds, and from five to 20 milliseconds for the IL test. By using these short test times, errors due to the junction heating are reduced. Also, the junction heating characteristics can be determined by performing a series of tests and only varying the test time.



To further reduce test time and junction self-heating, Series 2600A instruments are capable of pulsed operation. In this mode, they can source their outputs precisely for a specified period. Pulse width resolution of one microsecond gives precise control over how long power is applied to the device. Pulsed operation also allows these instruments to output current levels well beyond their DC capabilities. For example, the Model 2602A can output 3A DC at 6V. In pulsed mode, it can output 10A at 20V.



[1] 误差源:http://www.keithley.com.cn/llm/a/9.html

[2] 引线电阻:http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/localizedproducts/2004_china_catalog.pdf

[3] 静电干扰:http://www.keithley.com.cn/llm/a/22.html

[4] 自热:http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod110414

[5] 脚本引擎:http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod080923

[6] 脉冲测试:http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod061121




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