Many LCD display modules require a negative or positive voltage that is higher than the logic voltage used to power an LCD. This voltage, called Vl, Vee or the bias voltage, would require a second power supply in the application device. If this power source is not available the LCD bias voltage must be generated from an existing voltage, either the logic voltage (+3.0-+5v) or a battery. This application note describes circuits for generating either a negative or positive LCD bias voltage from such a voltage source.
用户130985 2008-1-10 14:47
用户130985 2008-1-10 14:46
用户851691 2006-10-31 14:14
用户1271842 2006-10-29 00:14
用户1063369 2006-10-26 09:21
用户1053025 2006-10-24 11:13