I tend to separateage of conan gold features in an age of conan goldMMORPG into two categories: basic repetitive age of conan gold units (like combat or crafting), and content (mobs, zones, quests, etc.). age of conan goldAge of Conan wins on the strength of aoc goldthe basic repetitive unit of combat, because that is where it plays "new". aoc goldOn the side of content I'd say AoC is better than Vanguard, aoc gold but not quite as good as LotRO. LotRO used its license a lot better. Most of AoC isn't strictly Conan related, aoc gold but could be any other random fantasy game.
I don't buy age of conangoldthink that the "mature" content drives sales much. For me it wouldn't make any difference buy age of conangoldif a patch tomorrow removed all the gore and nipples. But then "age of conan nudity" buy aoc goldis *still* the top search term that leads people to my blog, so buy aoc goldI could be wrong on that.age of conan gold Maybe one has to be immature to enjoy mature content.
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