原创 Age Of Conan Girls Get Accidental Boob Job

2008-7-5 11:03 1550 3 3 分类: 工程师职场

As if Age of Conan subscribers didn't age of conan goldhave enough to complain about already, aoc goldnow Funcom goes and forces involuntary age of conan goldplastic surgery on them. aoc goldIn a perfect, happy world, no one would have been paying enough attention to their character's animated breasts to notice, but when certain players age of conan gold logged in after the latest patch and broke out the tape measure, aoc goldthey realized their enormous busts  age of conan goldhad been busted. aoc goldAOC forum user Gust even went as far as to  age of conan goldprovide photo evidence,aoc gold seen above. No need to worry though folks, as Funcom promises things will soon be back to abnormal.

Funcom can confirm that age of conan goldsome of the female models in the game have had the size of their breasts changed.buy aoc gold  This is due to anage of conan gold unintended change in data that was introduced in an earlier patch,buy aoc gold data which controls the so-called morph values associated with character models and theage of conan gold size of their respective body parts. age of conan goldWe are working on a fix for buy aoc goldthis and your breasts should be back to normal soon.

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