为什么打开cremental compilation后,signaltap中增加节点会默认为 post-fitting filter.有关文章是这么说的:
Once your design is set up to use full incremental
compilation, the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer acts as its own separate
design partition. You can begin taking advantage of incremental
compilation by using the SignalTap II: post-fitting filter in the Node
Finder to add signals for logic analysis.
Incremental compilation enables you to preserve the synthesis and fitting
results of your original design and add the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer
to your design without recompiling your original source code. This
feature is also useful when you want to modify the configuration of the
.stp file. For example, you can modify the buffer sample depth or memory
type without performing a full compilation after the change is made.
Only the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer, configured as its own design
partition, must be recompiled to reflect the changes.
ps,can't find the instance这个错误也遇到过,当时用的方法相当土,直接重新编译。真土
用户1359795 2010-11-30 11:16
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用户128735 2008-1-13 11:25
折腾了很久,最后的解决办法是:将编译选项的full ncremental complation给off掉,去掉sigaltapII编译后测发包,是错误的。然后加上signaltapII再编译,这时发包还是错误的了。好,带着signaltapII编译的情况下bug也出现了!接下来的事情就好办了,这时signaltapII抓出来的波形里面已经暴露出明显的逻辑错误了,改代码,编译,发包测试OK。然后再去掉signaltapII,再测,还是OK。于是这才算是真正OK了。
至于为什么将编译选项的full ncremental complation给off掉后编译结果就比较真实,原因我还不太清楚,初步猜想可能是:不off掉的话是增量编译,不如完整编译的结果好,在此基础上添加的siganltapII的结果也不完全可信;一旦完整译过一次之后,内部逻辑和节点数据库都是可信的,那么在此基础上添加的siganltapII的可信度也会更高。以后如果找到针对于此的altera文档我在贴上来吧,兄弟们如果实在没办法的话可以用我这个土办法试一试。