原创 PIC24HJ单片机自学笔记-输入捕获头文件

2013-12-19 16:35 2013 25 25 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式 文集: PIC24HJ单片机自学笔记


/*输入捕捉模块头文件 */
/*修改:guitronic */
/*日期:2013.12.19 */
/*输入捕捉模块头文件 */
/*本头文件只针对PIC24HJ系列有效 */
#if defined(__PIC24H__)
#include <p24Hxxxx.h>
#error "Does not build on this target"
#ifndef __INCAP_H
#define __INCAP_H
/* 相关寄存器复位初始值,可以根据需要进行修改 */
/* 这里注意没有IC0CON */
#define IC1CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC1BUF_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC2CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC2BUF_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC3CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC3BUF_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC4CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC4BUF_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC5CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC5BUF_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC6CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC6BUF_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC7CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC7BUF_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC8CON_VALUE 0x0000
#define IC8BUF_VALUE 0x0000
/*ICXCON各位宏定义 */
#define IC_IDLE_CON 0xdfff /* IC operate in sleep mode */
#define IC_IDLE_STOP 0xffff /* IC stop in sleep mode */
#define IC_TIMER2_SRC 0xffff /* Timer2 is the clock source for Capture */
#define IC_TIMER3_SRC 0xff7f /* Timer3 is the clock source for Capture */
#define IC_INT_4CAPTURE 0xffff /* Interrupt on fourth Capture*/
#define IC_INT_3CAPTURE 0xffdf /* Interrupt on third Capture */
#define IC_INT_2CAPTURE 0xffbf /* Interrupt on second Capture*/
#define IC_INT_1CAPTURE 0xff9f /* Interrupt on first Capture */
#define IC_INTERRUPT 0xffff /* Interrupt pin only in CPU sleep and idle mode */
#define IC_EVERY_16_RISE_EDGE 0xfffd /* Every 16th rising edge */
#define IC_EVERY_4_RISE_EDGE 0xfffc /* Every 4th rising edge */
#define IC_EVERY_RISE_EDGE 0xfffb /* Every rising edge */
#define IC_EVERY_FALL_EDGE 0xfffa /* Every falling edge */
#define IC_EVERY_EDGE 0xfff9 /* Every rising/falling edge */
#define IC_INPUTCAP_OFF 0xfff8 /* Input Capture Off */
#define IC_INT_ON 0xffff /* Input Capture Enable */
#define IC_INT_OFF 0xfff7 /* Input Capture Disable */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_0 0xfff8 /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 0 */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_1 0xfff9 /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 1 */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_2 0xfffa /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 2 */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_3 0xfffb /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 3 */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_4 0xfffc /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 4 */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_5 0xfffd /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 5 */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_6 0xfffe /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 6 */
#define IC_INT_PRIOR_7 0xffff /* Input Capture PriorityLevel 7 */
/* 下面定义捕获1~8的使能,优先级,开关捕捉,配置和读取函数 */
#define EnableIntIC1 _IC1IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC1 _IC1IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC1(priority) _IC1IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 1 */
void CloseCapture1() __attribute__ ((section(".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture1 */
void ConfigIntCapture1(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture1 */
void OpenCapture1 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture1 */
void ReadCapture1(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#define EnableIntIC2 _IC2IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC2 _IC2IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC2(priority) _IC2IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 2 */
void CloseCapture2() __attribute__ ((section(".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture2 */
void ConfigIntCapture2(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture2 */
void OpenCapture2 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture2 */
void ReadCapture2(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#define EnableIntIC3 _IC3IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC3 _IC3IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC3(priority) _IC3IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 3 */
void CloseCapture3() __attribute__ ((section(".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture3 */
void ConfigIntCapture3(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture3 */
void OpenCapture3 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture3 */
void ReadCapture3(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#define EnableIntIC4 _IC4IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC4 _IC4IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC4(priority) _IC4IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 4 */
void CloseCapture4() __attribute__ ((section(".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture4 */
void ConfigIntCapture4(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture4 */
void OpenCapture4 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture4 */
void ReadCapture4(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#define EnableIntIC5 _IC5IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC5 _IC5IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC5(priority) _IC5IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 5 */
void CloseCapture5() __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture5 */
void ConfigIntCapture5(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture5 */
void OpenCapture5 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture5 */
void ReadCapture5(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#define EnableIntIC6 _IC6IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC6 _IC6IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC6(priority) _IC6IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 6 */
void CloseCapture6() __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture6 */
void ConfigIntCapture6(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture6 */
void OpenCapture6 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture6 */
void ReadCapture6(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#define EnableIntIC7 _IC7IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC7 _IC7IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC7(priority) _IC7IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 7 */
void CloseCapture7() __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture7 */
void ConfigIntCapture7(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture7 */
void OpenCapture7 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture7 */
void ReadCapture7(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#ifdef _IC8IF
#define EnableIntIC8 _IC8IE = 1
#define DisableIntIC8 _IC8IE = 0
#define SetPriorityIntIC8(priority) _IC8IP = priority
/* CloseCapture 8 */
void CloseCapture8() __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ConfigIntCapture8 */
void ConfigIntCapture8(unsigned int ) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* OpenCapture8 */
void OpenCapture8 (unsigned int) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
/* ReadCapture8 */
void ReadCapture8(unsigned int * buffer) __attribute__ ((section (".libperi")));
#endif /*头文件结束 */


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