# -waveform defaults to 50/50 duty cycle create_clock -period 10.000 \ -name clkA \ [get_ports {clkA}] #create a clock with a 2.5 ns offset create_clock -period 10.000 \ -waveform {2.500 7.500} \ -name clkB [get_ports {clkB}]
Basic Clock Divider Using -divide_by
这部分描述的命令是 create_clock 和 create_generated_clock
你可以通过一个源时钟衍生出一个时钟(衍生时钟derived clock),当这个时钟比源时钟慢的时候(You can derive clocks in a design from a clock source where the derived clock is slower than the source clock)。当约束一个比源时钟慢的衍生时钟,使用-divide_by 选项。Figure 1–3显示了一个2分频衍生时钟(divided-by-two derived clock)
Example 1–3shows the constraints for adivide-bywith -waveformclock 是一个分频时钟约束的例子,通过-waveform 命令
Example 1–3.Divide-by with -waveform Clock Constraints