原创 Quartus II TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Cookbook翻译P20-P21

2015-3-22 15:48 998 14 14 分类: FPGA/CPLD
System Synchronous Output 系统同步输出
这部分描述的约束命令是 create_clock 和 set_output_delay
Figure 1–13
Example 1–15 shows the constraints for system synchronous output
Example 1–15. System Synchronous Output Constraints
#specify the maximum external clock delay to the FPGA
set CLKs_max 0 .200
#specify the minimum external clock delay to the FPGA
set CLKs_min 0 .100
#specify the maximum external clock delay to the external device
set CLKd_max 0 .200
#specify the minimum external clock delay to the external device
set CLKd_min 0 .100
#specify the maximum setup time of the external device
set tSU 0 .125
#specify the minimum setup time of the external device
set tH 0 .100
#specify the maximum board delay
set BD_max 0 .180
#specify the minimum board delay
set BD_min 0 .120
#create a clock 10ns
create_clock -period 10 -name sys_clk [get_ports sys_clk]
#create the associated virtual input clock
create_clock -period 10 -name virt_sys_clk
#create the output maximum delay for the data output from the FPGA that
#accounts for all delays specified
set_output_delay -clock virt_sys_clk \
    -max [expr $CLKs_max + $BD_max + $tSU - $CLKd_min] \
    [get_ports {data_in
  • }]
  • #create the output minimum delay for the data output from the FPGA that
    #accounts for all delays specified
    set_output_delay -clock virt_sys_clk \
        -min [expr $CLKs_min + $BD_min - $tH - $CLKd_max] \
        [get_ports {data_in
  • }]

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    如果想要了解更多关于约束 源同步输入输出(source synchronous input and output)接口,请查询
    AN 433: Constraining and Analyzing Source-Synchronous Interfaces.

    I/O Timing Requirements tSU, tH, and tCO

    这部分描述的约束命令是 set_input_delay 和 set_output_delay
    Example 1–16

    展示了如何指定tsu和tH,通过用set_input_delay ,以及如何指定Tco,通过使用set_output_delay。Figure 1–14展示了一个在指定时序约束下的FPGA diagram
    Example 1–16 shows the constraints for tSU, tH, and tCO.
    Example 1–16. tSU, tH, and tCO Constraints
    #Specify the clock period
    set period 10 . 000
    #Specify the required tSU
    set tSU 1 . 250
    #Specify the required tH
    set tH 0 . 750
    #Specify the required tCO
    set tCO 0 . 4
    #create a clock 10ns
    create_clock -period $period - name clk [get_ports sys_clk ]
    #create the associated virtual input clock
    create_clock -period $period - name virt_clk
    set_input_delay -clock virt_clk \
    -max [ expr $period - $tSU] \
    [get_ports {data_in 
  • }]
  • set_input_delay -clock virt_clk \
         - min $tH \
         [ get_ports {data_in 
  • }]
  • set_output_delay -clock virt_clk \
         - max [ expr $period - $tCO] \(Note:这里不是很明白为什么这样计算)
         [ get_ports {data_out 
  • }]



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