原创 analysis bootloader YLP-S3C2440

2009-2-27 13:01 2807 4 4 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式


1define the address of program

The entry address must be specified by the initialization program:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



Here use “AREA” pseudo-operation define a code segment Init, use “ENTRY” pseudo-operation define the entry address of program.

;1)The code, which converts to Big-endian, should be in little endian code.

;2)The following little endian code will be compiled in Big-Endian mode.

;  The code byte order should be changed as the memory bus width.

;3)The pseudo instruction,DCD can't be used here because the linker generates error.




           b       ChangeBigEndian             ;DCD 0xea000007




           andeq         r14,r7,r0,lsl #20   ;DCD 0x0007ea00




           streq r0,[r0,-r10,ror #1] ;DCD 0x070000ea



    b         ResetHandler


From option.inc, ENDIAN_CHANGE is been defined, ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH  is also been defined in addition as follows:

           GBLL        ENDIAN_CHANGE



           GBLA        ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH

ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH          SETA         16

From the definiens of ENDIAN_CHANGE and ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH, we know IF pseudo-operation’s logic expression is FALSE, and the program can also see as:

    b         ResetHandler

When difine ENDIAN_CHANGE { FALSE }, the content of 0x0 address in 2440.init.s.list is as follows:

   97 00000000                 ASSERT  :DEF:ENDIAN_CHANGE

   98 00000000                 [       ENDIAN_CHANGE

  112 00000000 EAFFFFFE        b       ResetHandler

  113 00000004                 ]

   97 00000000                 ASSERT  :DEF:ENDIAN_CHANGE

   98 00000000                 [       ENDIAN_CHANGE

   99 00000000                 ASSERT  :DEF:ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH

When difine ENDIAN_CHANGE { TRUE }, the content of 0x0 address in 2440.init.s.list is as follows:

  100 00000000                 [       ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH=32

  102                          ]

  103 00000000        

  104 00000000                 [       ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH=16

  105 00000000 0007EA00        andeq   r14,r7,r0,lsl #20 ;DCD 0x0007ea00

  106 00000004                 ]

  107 00000004        

  108 00000004                 [       ENTRY_BUS_WIDTH=8

  110                          ]

  111 00000004                 |

  113                          ]

  114 00000004 EAFFFFFE        b       HandlerUndef ;handler for Undefined mode     

2Disable the watchdog and interruption

When reset the system, watchdog, interruption and so on, should be disable at once or initialization, otherwise cpu would reset or enter an unknown state.


           ldr     r0,=WTCON       ;watch dog disable

         ldr     r1,=0x0

         str     r1,[r0]

WTCON is watchdog control register, here write it 0x0, to disable all function of it, include timer interrupt, overflow interrupt and overflow reset.

ldr     r0,=INTMSK

         ldr     r1,=0xffffffff  ;all interrupt disable

         str     r1,[r0]

INTMSK is interrupt mask register, write it 0xffffffff, is to disable all interrupted, because of the interrupt vector table hasn’t been initialization.

         ldr     r0,=INTSUBMSK

         ldr     r1,=0x7fff            ;all sub interrupt disable

         str     r1,[r0]

S3C2440’s peripherals interrupt source is too much, INTMSK didn’t enough, also required INTSUBMSK to disable the interruption remaining.

3Test the LED display

           [ {FALSE}

           ; rGPFDAT = (rGPFDAT & ~(0xf<<4)) | ((~data & 0xf)<<4);

           ; Led_Display

           ldr     r0,=GPFCON

           ldr     r1,=0x5500

           str     r1,[r0]

           ldr     r0,=GPFDAT

           ldr     r1,=0x10

           str     r1,[r0]


First of all, set LED I/O(GPF[7:4]) output (GPFCON = 0x5500), and then light three of them (GPFDAT = 0x10, low level is light on). The code is use IF and ENDIF([{FALSE}……]) pseudo-operation, and the logic of IF is {FALSE}, so the code didn’t compile into the object file.

4System clock initialization

         ;To reduce PLL lock time, adjust the LOCKTIME register.

           ldr     r0,=LOCKTIME

         ldr     r1,=0xffffff

         str     r1,[r0]

LOCKTIME is PLL(lock time count register).

5memory control register initialization

Memory control register initialization is set S3C2440’s Memory Bank[7:0]. Because the apply program is run in SDRAM(Bank 6) finally, and stack interrupt vector table positioning in SDRAM, so it must initialize them before deal with them.



; DESC         : Memory bank configuration file

; Revision: 02.28.2002 ver 0.0

; Revision: 03.11.2003 ver 0.0        Attatched for 2440





B0_Tacs              EQU 0x0    ;0clk

B0_Tcos              EQU 0x1    ;0clk

B0_Tacc              EQU 0x7    ;14clk

B0_Tcoh             EQU 0x1    ;0clk

B0_Tah               EQU 0x0    ;0clk

B0_Tacp             EQU 0x0

B0_PMC            EQU 0x0    ;normal

;Bank 6 parameter

B6_MT               EQU 0x3    ;SDRAM

B6_Trcd              EQU 0x1    ;3clk

B6_SCAN           EQU 0x1    ;9bit


;REFRESH parameter

REFEN               EQU 0x1    ;Refresh enable

TREFMD           EQU 0x0    ;CBR(CAS before RAS)/Auto refresh

Trp                      EQU 0x1    ;3clk

Tsrc            EQU 0x1    ;5clk  Trc= Trp(3)+Tsrc(5) = 8clock

Tchr           EQU 0x2    ;3clk

;REFCNT           EQU 1580 ;HCLK=60Mhz, (2048+1-7.81*60) hzh

;REFCNT           EQU 1502 ;HCLK=70Mhz, (2048+1-7.81*70) hzh

;REFCNT           EQU 1424 ;HCLK=80Mhz, (2048+1-7.81*80) hzh

REFCNT            EQU 1346 ;HCLK=90Mhz, (2048+1-7.81*90) hzh

;REFCNT           EQU 1268 ;HCLK=100Mhz, (2048+1-7.81*100) hzht

This part can be found in Memcfg.inc, it defined memory controller associated special register of all functional specific numerical.


; Memory configuration should be optimized for best performance

; The following parameter is not optimized.

; Memory access cycle parameter strategy

; 1) The memory settings is  safe parameters even at HCLK="75Mhz".

; 2) SDRAM refresh period is for HCLK<=75Mhz.


         DCD (0+(B1_BWSCON<<4)+(B2_BWSCON<<8)+(B3_BWSCON<<12)+(B4_BWSCON<<16)+(B5_BWSCON<<20)+(B6_BWSCON<<24)+(B7_BWSCON<<28))

         DCD ((B0_Tacs<<13)+(B0_Tcos<<11)+(B0_Tacc<<8)+(B0_Tcoh<<6)+(B0_Tah<<4)+(B0_Tacp<<2)+(B0_PMC))   ;GCS0

         DCD ((B1_Tacs<<13)+(B1_Tcos<<11)+(B1_Tacc<<8)+(B1_Tcoh<<6)+(B1_Tah<<4)+(B1_Tacp<<2)+(B1_PMC))   ;GCS1

         DCD ((B2_Tacs<<13)+(B2_Tcos<<11)+(B2_Tacc<<8)+(B2_Tcoh<<6)+(B2_Tah<<4)+(B2_Tacp<<2)+(B2_PMC))   ;GCS2

         DCD ((B3_Tacs<<13)+(B3_Tcos<<11)+(B3_Tacc<<8)+(B3_Tcoh<<6)+(B3_Tah<<4)+(B3_Tacp<<2)+(B3_PMC))   ;GCS3

         DCD ((B4_Tacs<<13)+(B4_Tcos<<11)+(B4_Tacc<<8)+(B4_Tcoh<<6)+(B4_Tah<<4)+(B4_Tacp<<2)+(B4_PMC))   ;GCS4

         DCD ((B5_Tacs<<13)+(B5_Tcos<<11)+(B5_Tacc<<8)+(B5_Tcoh<<6)+(B5_Tah<<4)+(B5_Tacp<<2)+(B5_PMC))   ;GCS5

         DCD ((B6_MT<<15)+(B6_Trcd<<2)+(B6_SCAN))    ;GCS6

         DCD ((B7_MT<<15)+(B7_Trcd<<2)+(B7_SCAN))    ;GCS7

         DCD ((REFEN<<23)+(TREFMD<<22)+(Trp<<20)+(Tsrc<<18)+(Tchr<<16)+REFCNT)


         DCD 0x32     ;SCLK power saving mode, BANKSIZE 128M/128M

         ;DCD 0x02              ;SCLK power saving disable, BANKSIZE 128M/128M


         DCD 0x30     ;MRSR6 CL="3clk"

         DCD 0x30     ;MRSR7 CL="3clk"

The beginning of this program, use DATA pseudo-operation designate SMRDATA is a Section of data, not code. And then, use DCD admeasure of a single word of memory cell, and initialized to count the register value with parameters which defined in memcfg.inc, total 13 words(52 bytes).

Set memory control registers

        ldr     r0,=SMRDATA  ;be careful!, hzh

         ldr     r1,=BWSCON    ;BWSCON Address

         add    r2, r0, #52  ;End address of SMRDATA


         ldr     r3, [r0], #4

         str     r3, [r1], #4

         cmp  r2, r0

         bne    %B0

This code is to carry SMRDATA DATA table to memory controler so as to initialize them.

6stack initialization

Arm has many modes, different mode has different stack point.

;Start address of each stacks,


;The location of stacks

UserStack  EQU (_STACK_BASEADDRESS-0x3800)     ;0x33ff4800 ~

SVCStack   EQU (_STACK_BASEADDRESS-0x2800)     ;0x33ff5800 ~

UndefStack         EQU (_STACK_BASEADDRESS-0x2400)     ;0x33ff5c00 ~

AbortStack          EQU (_STACK_BASEADDRESS-0x2000)     ;0x33ff6000 ~

IRQStack   EQU (_STACK_BASEADDRESS-0x1000)     ;0x33ff7000 ~

FIQStack   EQU (_STACK_BASEADDRESS-0x0) ;0x33ff8000 ~

Stack base address defined “_STACK_BASEADDRESS   EQU 0x33ff8000” local in option.inc, but different mode stack point is defined in 2440init.s. The address of 0x33ff8000 belong to Bank6’s 64MB SDRAM space.

Initialize stacks of different mode.

         ;Initialize stacks

         bl      InitStacks


;function initializing stacks


         ;Don't use DRAM,such as stmfd,ldmfd......

         ;SVCstack is initialized before

         ;Under toolkit ver 2.5, 'msr cpsr,r1' can be used instead of 'msr cpsr_cxsf,r1'

         mrs   r0,cpsr

         bic     r0,r0,#MODEMASK

         orr     r1,r0,#UNDEFMODE|NOINT

         msr   cpsr_cxsf,r1                  ;UndefMode

         ldr     sp,=UndefStack           ; UndefStack="0x33FF"_5C00

The program use mrs operation read the static register value to r0 first, and change the r0 corresponding processor mode bit, and then write to static register, at last the stack point point to UndefStack. The same to other mode:

         orr     r1,r0,#ABORTMODE|NOINT

         msr   cpsr_cxsf,r1                  ;AbortMode

         ldr     sp,=AbortStack            ; AbortStack="0x33FF"_6000


         orr     r1,r0,#IRQMODE|NOINT

         msr   cpsr_cxsf,r1                  ;IRQMode

         ldr     sp,=IRQStack              ; IRQStack="0x33FF"_7000


         orr     r1,r0,#FIQMODE|NOINT

         msr   cpsr_cxsf,r1                  ;FIQMode

         ldr     sp,=FIQStack               ; FIQStack="0x33FF"_8000


         bic     r0,r0,#MODEMASK|NOINT

         orr     r1,r0,#SVCMODE

         msr   cpsr_cxsf,r1                  ;SVCMode

         ldr     sp,=SVCStack              ; SVCStack="0x33FF"_5800


         ;USER mode has not be initialized.


         mov  pc,lr

         ;The LR register won't be valid if the current mode is not SVC mode.

Here USER mode has not be initialized, because of system didn’t access to user mode.

7interrupt vector table

The entrance of interruption

         AREA    Init,CODE,READONLY



         b       ResetHandler

         b       HandlerUndef     ;handler for Undefined mode

         b       HandlerSWI        ;handler for SWI interrupt

         b       HandlerPabort     ;handler for PAbort

         b       HandlerDabort    ;handler for DAbort

         b       .                  ;reserved

         b       HandlerIRQ        ;handler for IRQ interrupt

         b       HandlerFIQ         ;handler for FIQ interrupt

This part is start at the address of 0x0 that successive 32 bytes. It’s the entrance of interruption, each interruption occupy 4 word memory space. For S3C2440, these entrance of interruption is fixed and only.

Interrupt service program entrance address table

_ISR_STARTADDRESS       EQU 0x33ffff00

This part is defined in option.inc, to save Interrupt service program entrance address, memory table address.



         AREA RamData, DATA, READWRITE


         ^   _ISR_STARTADDRESS                 ; _ISR_STARTADDRESS=0x33FF_FF00

HandleReset       #   4

HandleUndef      #   4

HandleSWI                   #   4

HandlePabort    #   4

HandleDabort    #   4

HandleReserved  #   4

HandleIRQ                   #   4

HandleFIQ          #   4


;Don't use the label 'IntVectorTable',

;The value of IntVectorTable is different with the address you think it may be.



HandleEINT0               #   4

HandleEINT1               #   4


HandleRTC                 #   4

HandleADC                #   4


This part is defined in 2440init.s. Firstly, use “AREA” pseudo-operation define a readable writeable data segment, and use “MAP(^)” pseudo-operation define a struct memory table that beginning address as 0x33ffff00(_ISR_STARTADDRESS), use “FIELD(#)” define the data domain of memory table. Other operation reference Label before FIELD to read and write the entrance address of interruption.

       ; Setup IRQ handler

         ldr     r0,=HandleIRQ       ;This routine is needed

         ldr     r1,=IsrIRQ   ;if there isn't 'subs pc,lr,#4' at 0x18, 0x1c

         str     r1,[r0]

Save the address of IRQ interrupt service program’s IsrIRQ Label in data domain of HandleIR in memory table.

HandlerFIQ      HANDLER HandleFIQ


         sub    sp,sp,#4     ;decrement sp(to store jump address)

         stmfd         sp!,{r0}     ;PUSH the work register to stack(lr does't push because it return to original address)

         ldr     r0,=$HandleLabel ;load the address of HandleXXX to r0

         ldr     r0,[r0]   ;load the contents(service routine start address) of HandleXXX

         str     r0,[sp,#4]      ;store the contents(ISR) of HandleXXX to stack

         ldmfd   sp!,{r0,pc}     ;POP the work register and pc(jump to ISR)


This part is from IRQ entrance address of interrupt(0x18) jump to run program, it read entrance address of IRQ interrupt(IsrIRQ) from data domain of HandleIRQ in memory table to PC, so as to go into IsrIRQ program and run.


#define _ISR_STARTADDRESS 0x33ffff00


This part defined in option.h, to save Interrupt service program entrance address, memory table address. It is the same with _ISR_STARTADDRESS  in assembly document, because they are the same table.

// Exception vector

#define pISR_RESET            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x0))

#define pISR_UNDEF          (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x4))

#define pISR_SWI                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x8))

#define pISR_PABORT                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0xc))

#define pISR_DABORT                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x10))

#define pISR_RESERVED    (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x14))

#define pISR_IRQ                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x18))

#define pISR_FIQ                 (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x1c))

// Interrupt vector

#define pISR_EINT0            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x20))

#define pISR_EINT1            (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x24))


#define pISR_CAM              (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x38))                // Added for 2440.


#define pISR_NFCON                   (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x80))                // Added for 2440.


#define pISR_RTC                (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x98))

#define pISR_ADC               (*(unsigned *)(_ISR_STARTADDRESS+0x9c))

This part is defined by 2440addr.h, it is the same with assembly document (2410init.s) to save the entrance address of interrupt service program’s memory table. It’s usually initialize them with the entrance address of interrupt service program, in interrupt initialize program, as follows:


         pISR_SWI  =(unsigned)HaltSwi;




It is interrupt service program at the right side of equal mark, for example:

void HaltUndef(void)


         Uart_Printf("Undefined instruction exception!!!\n");




The search process of interrupt service program

HandlerFIQ      HANDLER HandleFIQ

HandlerIRQ      HANDLER HandleIRQ

HandlerUndef    HANDLER HandleUndef

HandlerSWI      HANDLER HandleSWI

HandlerDabort   HANDLER HandleDabort

HandlerPabort   HANDLER HandlePabort



$HandlerLabel HANDLER $HandleLabel



         sub    sp,sp,#4     ;decrement sp(to store jump address)

         stmfd         sp!,{r0}     ;PUSH the work register to stack(lr does't push because it return to original address)

         ldr     r0,=$HandleLabel;load the address of HandleXXX to r0

         ldr     r0,[r0]   ;load the contents(service routine start address) of HandleXXX

         str     r0,[sp,#4]      ;store the contents(ISR) of HandleXXX to stack

         ldmfd   sp!,{r0,pc}     ;POP the work register and pc(jump to ISR)


Because of every interrupt has the same process code, use “MACRO” to define them. You can only write the name of macrodefinition to use the code. For example, FIQ code in 2440init.s.list is as follows:

  148 00000048         HandlerFIQ

                               HANDLER HandleFIQ

   65 00000048

   66 00000048         HandlerFIQ

   67 00000048 E24DD004        sub     sp,sp,#4    ;decrement sp(to store jump


   68 0000004C E92D0001        stmfd   sp!,{r0}    ;PUSH the work register to s

                                                   tack(lr does't push because

                                                   it return to original addres


   69 00000050 E59F00A4        ldr     r0,=HandleFIQ ;load the address of Handl

                                                   eXXX to r0

   70 00000054 E5900000        ldr     r0,[r0]     ;load the contents(service r

                                                   outine start address) of Han


   71 00000058 E58D0004        str     r0,[sp,#4]  ;store the contents(ISR) of

                                                   HandleXXX to stack

   72 0000005C E8BD8001        ldmfd   sp!,{r0,pc} ;POP the work register and p

                                                   c(jump to ISR)

When the FIQ interrupt appear, firstly, PC point to the entrance address of FIQ 0x1c to rum jump operation to HandlerFIQ label. Assume SP = 0x33ff8000, after run “sub   sp, sp, #4”, SP = 0x33ff7ffc; “stmfd     sp!, {r0}” operation is SP decrease 1 word to be 0x33ff7ffc, and then push the data of r0 into the address where sp point to, that is the content of the address at 0x33ff7ff8 is the data of r0; “ldr       r0, =HandleFIQ” operation is send the address(0x33ffff1c) of HandleFIQ label to r0; “ldr r0,[r0]” load the contents(service routine start address) of HandleIRQ; “str              r0,[sp,#4]” operation is to store the contents(ISR) of HandleIRQ to stack at the address of SP + 4(0x33ff7ffc), the value of SP didn’t changed, it is still 0x33ff7ff8; the contents of 0x33ff7ff8 is the first value of r0, the contents of 0x33ff7ffc is the entrance address of interrupt service program of FIQ; “ldmfd   sp!,{r0,pc}” operation is to send the content of sp point to to r0, and then increase 1 word to be 0x33ff8000. PC jump to interrupt service program of FIQ and run at this time.

The search process of interrupt service program of peripheral equipment

       ; Setup IRQ handler

         ldr     r0,=HandleIRQ       ;This routine is needed

         ldr     r1,=IsrIRQ   ;if there isn't 'subs pc,lr,#4' at 0x18, 0x1c

         str     r1,[r0]

This part of code is to save the address of IsrIRQ label to data domain of HandleIRQ in the entrance address table of interruption, so that when IRQ interrupt appear, PC point to the entrance address of IRQ(0x18), to run “b       HandlerIRQ”, so as to let PC enter “HandlerIRQ      HANDLER HandleIRQ”. PC jump to interrupt service program IsrIRQ in the data domain of HandleIRQ, the program of IsrIRQ is as follows:


         sub    sp,sp,#4       ;reserved for PC

         stmfd         sp!,{r8-r9}


         ldr     r9,=INTOFFSET

         ldr     r9,[r9]

         ldr     r8,=HandleEINT0

         add    r8,r8,r9,lsl #2

         ldr     r8,[r8]

         str     r8,[sp,#8]

         ldmfd         sp!,{r8-r9,pc}

Assume SP = 0x33ff7000 under the IRQ mode, after run “sub  sp,sp,#4”, SP = 0x33ff6ffc; the meaning of “stmfd   sp!,{r8-r9}” is SP decrease 1 word to be 0x33ff6ff8, send r9 to the address of SP point to, and then SP decrease 1 word to be 0x33ff6ff4, send r8 to the address of SP point to, so after runed the operation, SP = 0x33ff6ff4, 0x33ff6ff8 saved the content of r9, 0x33ff6ff4 saved the content of r8; “ldr     r9,=INTOFFSET” operation is to send INTOFFSET register (Indicate the IRQinterrupt request source, it show the request one, the table of the register show what the value it is in S3C2440A datasheet ) to r9; “ldr r9, [r9]” operation is to send the content of r9 to r9, that is, to send the value of INTOFFSET register to r9; “ldr r8,=HandleEINT0” operation is to send the address of HandleIRQ in interrupt service program entrance address table to r8; “add       r8,r8,r9,lsl #2” operation is shift left r9 two and add Original value of r8, and then send it to r8. Shift left r9 two is the reason of every interrupt source occupy 4 bytes; “ldr     r8,[r8]operation is to send the content of r8 to r8, that is , to send the entrance address of interrupt service program which interrupt source appear saved in table to r8; “str r8,[sp,#8]” operation is to send the value of r8 to SP+8, that is send to 0x33ff6ffc, keep SP unchanged, 0x33ff6ff4 saved the entrance address of interrupt processing function this time; “ldmfd  sp!,{r8-r9,pc}” operation is to send the content which SP point to(0x33ff6ff8) to r8, and then SP increase 1 word, send the content which SP point to(0x33ff6ffc) to PC, and then SP increase 1 word. SP = 0x33ff6700, PC point to the interrupt source service function which interrupt appear and run at this time.

8Image file running domain initialization

Running domain initialization

In the startup code, the initialize mission is the operation of copy image document from loading domain to running domain.

Initialize code is as follows:

         IMPORT  |Image$$RO$$Base|    ; Base of ROM code

         IMPORT  |Image$$RO$$Limit|  ; End of ROM code (=start of ROM data)

         IMPORT  |Image$$RW$$Base|   ; Base of RAM to initialise

         IMPORT  |Image$$ZI$$Base|   ; Base and limit of area

         IMPORT  |Image$$ZI$$Limit|  ; to zero initialise


;        ;Copy and paste RW data/zero initialized data

;        ldr     r0, =|Image$$RO$$Limit| ; Get pointer to ROM data

;        ldr     r1, =|Image$$RW$$Base|  ; and RAM copy

;        ldr     r3, =|Image$$ZI$$Base|


;        ;Zero init base => top of initialised data

;        cmp  r0, r1      ; Check that they are different

;        beq    %F2


;        cmp  r1, r3      ; Copy init data

;        ldrcc  r2, [r0], #4    ;--> LDRCC r2, [r0] + ADD r0, r0, #4

;        strcc  r2, [r1], #4    ;--> STRCC r2, [r1] + ADD r1, r1, #4

;        bcc    %B1


;        ldr     r1, =|Image$$ZI$$Limit| ; Top of zero init segment

;        mov  r2, #0


;        cmp  r3, r1      ; Zero init

;        strcc  r2, [r3], #4

;        bcc    %B3

First of all, import external symbol |Image$$RO$$Limit| and so on, they are the symbol made by linker, to read the end address of RO, the beginning address of RW and the beginning address of ZI; compare the end address of RO and the beginning address of RW, if equal, skip copy the data of RW segment. “beq %F2”, “2” is label 2, ‘F’ is follow; “%B1”, “B” is before.

9jump into C program


                  bl      Main ;Don't use main() because ......

                  ;ldr    pc, =Main  ;hzh

                  b       .



    [ THUMBCODE ;for start-up code for Thumb mode

                  orr     lr,pc,#1

                  bx      lr


                  bl      Main ;Don't use main() because ......

                  b       .



At the beginning of code, “:LNOT:THUMBCODE” is the value of not THUMBCODE, THUMBCODE is label of linker, it is true here, so the code is:

                  bl      Main ;Don't use main() because ......



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