原创 VLSI Interview question

2009-3-31 22:06 3281 6 6 分类: 工程师职场

  • What are the various design changes you do to meet design power targets?

    with Multi-VDD designs, Areas which requires high performance, goes
    with high VDD and areas which needs low-performance are working with
    low Vdd's, by creating Voltage-islands and making sure that appropriate
    level-shifters are placed in the cross-voltage domains Designing with
    Multi-Vt's(threshold voltages), areas which require high performance,
    goes with low Vt, but takes lot of leakage current, and areas which
    require low performance with high Vt cells, which has low leakage
    numbers, by incorporating this design process, we can reduce the
    leakage power. As in the design , clocks consume more amount of power,
    placing optimal clock-gating cells, in the design and controlling them
    by the module enable's gives a lot of power-savings.

    As clock-tree's always switch making sure that most number of
    clock-buffers are after the clock-gating cells, this reduces the
    switching there by power-reduction.

    Incorporating Dynamic Voltage and Frequency scaling (DVFS) concepts
    based on the application , there by reducing the systems voltage and
    frequency numbers when the application does not require to meet the
    performance targets. Ensure the design with IR-Drop analysis and
    ground-bounce analysis, is with-in the design specification
    requirement. Place power-switches, so that the leakage power can be
    reduced. related information.

  • what is meant by Library Characterizing
    Ans: Characterization in terms of delay, power consumption,..

  • what is meant by wireload model
    In the synthesis tool, in order to model the wires we use a concept
    called as "Wireload models", Now the question is what is wireload
    models: Wireload models are statistical based on models with respect to
    fanout. say for a particular technology based on our previous chip
    experience we have a rough estimate we know if a wire goes for "n"
    number of fanin then we estimate its delay as say "x" delay units. So a
    model file is created with the fanout numbers and corresponding
    estimated delay values. This file is used while performing Synthesis to
    estimate the delay for Wires, and to estimate the delay for cells,
    technology specific library model files will be available

  • what are the measures to be taken to design for optimized area

    silicon real-estate is very costly and saving is directly propotional
    to the company's revenue generation lot of emphasize is to design which
    has optimial utilization in the area-front. The steps to reduce area

    If the path is not timing-critical, then optimize the cells to use the
    low-drive strength cells so that there will saving in the area. Abut
    the VDD rows Analyzing the utilization numbers with multiple
    floor-planning versions which brings up with optimized area targets.

  • what all will you be thinking while performing floorplan

    the data-flow graph of the design and place the blocks accordingly, to
    reducing the weighted sum of area, wire-length. Minimize the usuage of
    blocks other-than square shapes, having notches Place the blocks based
    on accessibility/connectivity, thereby reducing wire-length. Abut the
    memory, if the pins are one-sided, there-by area could be reduced. If
    the memory communicates to the outside world more frequently , then
    placing at the boundary makes much of a sense. Study the number of pins
    to be routed, with the minimum metal width allowed , estimate the
    routability issues. Study the architecture and application , so that
    the blocks which will be enabled should be scattered, to reduce the
    power-ground noise.

  • what are the measures in the Design taken for Meeting Signal-integrity targets

    more and more devices are getting packed, results in more congested
    areas, and coupling capactiances dominating the wire-capacitance,
    creates SI violations. Let's see now by what are all the measures we
    can reduce/solve it.

    As clock-tree runs across the whole chip, optimizing the design for SI,
    is essential route the clock with double-pitch and triple spacing.
    In-case of SI violation, spacing the signal nets reduces cross-talk

    Shield the nets with power-nets for high frequency signal nets to prevent from SI.

    Enable SI aware routing , so that the tool takes care for SI

    Ensure SI enabled STA runs, and guarantee the design meeting the SI requirements

    Route signals on different layers orthogonal to each other

    Minimize the parallel run-length wires, by inserting buffers.

  • what are the measures taken in the Design achieving better Yield

    yield could be achieved by reducing the possibility of
    manufacturability flaws. Guaranting the circuit performance, by
    reducing parametric yield, with process variations playing a major role
    is a big-challenge.

    Create more powerful stringent runset files with pessimistic spacing/short rules.

    Check for the areas where the design is prone to lithographic issues, like sharp cuts and try to re-route it.

    For via-reliability issues, use redundant vias, to reduce the chances for via-breakage.

    In order to design for yield-enhancement , design systems, which could have optimal redundancy, like repairable memories.

    Optimal placing of de-coupling capacitances, reduces the power-surges.

    Doubling the width of the non-critical nets, clock-nets can increase the yield parameter.

    Ensure that the poly-orientation are maintained.

  • what are the measures or precautions to be taken in the Design when the chip has both analog and digital portions

    for Optimal integration of Analog and Digital As today's IC has analog
    components also inbuilt , some design practices are required for
    optimal integration. Ensure in the floorplanning stage that the analog
    block and the digital block are not siting close-by, to reduce the
    noise. Ensure that there exists seperate ground for digital and analog
    ground to reduce the noise. Place appropriate guard-rings around the
    analog-macro's. Incorporating in-built DAC-ADC converters, allows us to
    test the analog portion using digital testers in an analog loop-back
    fashion. Perform techniques like clock-dithering for the digital

  • what are the steps incorporated for Engineering Change Order[ECO]

    more and more complex the IC design is , and with lot of first time
    application , is more prone to last minute changes, there should be
    provision in the design-flow to accomodate the functional and timing
    bugs. The step to perform this called as Engineering change order(ECO).
    Ensure that the design has spare functional gates well distributed
    across the layout. Ensure that the selection the spare gates, has many
    flavours of gates and universal gates, so that any functionality could
    be achieved.

  • what are the steps performed to achieve Lithography friendly Design

    Designing for Manufacturability requires validating the design full-filling lithography rules

    Checking the layout confirming the design rules (spacing,trace-width,shorts).
    Check for the less-congested areas and increasing the spacing of the nets.

  • what does synthesis mean

    Synthesis is a step of mapping the RTL files (verilog format or vhdl format) to convert it to the technology specific cells..

  • What are the various ways to reduce Clock Insertion Delay in the Design

    1. Number of Clock sinks

    2. Balancing two different clock frequencies

    3. Placement of clock sinks.

    4. Placement of Clock gating cells

    5. Clock tree buffers/inverters drive strength's

    6. Clock Transition

    7. placement of Clockgating cells and the clock sinks

    8. Combinationals cells in the path of clocks (say clock dividers, muxes, clockgates) ...

  • what are the various functional verification methodologies

    TLM(Transaction Level Modelling)


    RTL Simulation ( Enivronment involving : stimulus generators, monitors, response checkers, transactors)

    Gate level Simulation

    Mixed-signal simulations


  • What does formal verification mean?
    Formal verification uses Mathematical techniquest by prooving the
    design through assertions or properties. Correctness of the design can
    be achieved through assertions with out the necessity for simulations.
    The methods of formal verification are
    1. Equivalence checking In this method of checking the designs
    are compared based on mathematical equations and compared whether they
    are equal or not . Original RTL vs Modified RTL RTL vs Netlist Golden
    Netlist vs Modified/Edited Netlist Synthesis Netlist vs Place and route
    Netlist Remember : Formal verification doesnt check for functionality
    of the RTL code. It will be only checking the equivalence.

    2. Model checking Property specification languages like PSL or
    SVA, are formally analyzed to see if they are always true for a design.
    This can exhaustively prove if a property is correct, but does tend to
    suffer from state-space explosion: the time to analyse a design is
    directly propotional to the amount of states.


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