VLSI Frequently asked interview
2009-3-31 22:00
VLSI Frequently asked interview Questions with answers
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- what is the difference between mealy and moore state-machines
- how to solve setup and hold violations in the design
- what is antenna violation & ways to prevent it
- we have multiple instances in RTL(Register Transfer Language), do you do anything special during synthesis stage
- what is tie-high and tie-low cells and where it is used
- what is the difference between latches and flip-flops based designs
- what is High-Vt and Low Vt cells
- what is LEF mean?
- what is DEF mean?
- steps involved in designing an optimal padring
- what is metastability and steps to prevent it
- what is local-skew, global skew and useful skew
- what are the various timing-paths which i should take care in my STA runs?
- what are the various components of leakage-power
- what are the various yield losses in the design
- what is meant by virtual clock definition and why do i need it
- what are the various variations which impacts timing of the design
- what are the various Design constraints used, while performing synthesis for a design
- specify few verilog constructs which are not supported by the synthesis tool
- what are the various capacitances with an MOSFET?
- Vds-Ids curve for an MOSFET, with increasing Vgs
- explain basic operation of an MOSFET
- what is channel length modulation
- what is body effect
- what is latchup in CMOS design and ways to prevent it?
- what are the various design changes you do to meet design power targets
- what is meant by library characterization
- what is meant by wireload model
- what are the measures to be taken to design for optimized area
- what all will you be thinking while performing floorplan
- what are the measures in the design taken for meeting signal integrity targets
- what are the measures taken in the Design achieving better yield
- what are the measures or precautions to be taken in the design when the chip has both analog and digital portions.
- what are the steps incorporated for Engineering Change order[ECO]
- what are the steps performed to achieve Lithography friendly Design
- what does synthesis mean?
- what are the pre-requistes to perform synthesis
- can you explain the synthesis flow
- what are the various ways to reduce clock insertion delay in the design
- what are the various functional verification methodologies
- what does formal verification mean
- how will you time the output path in STA
- how will you time the input path in STA
- what is false path mean in STA and in what scenarios falsepath can come
- what does multicycle path mean in STA and in what scenarios MCP can come
- what are source synchronous paths in STA
- Assume there is a specific requirement to preserve the logic during synthesis , how will you achieve it
- we have multiple instances in RTL, do you do anything special during synthesis stage
- what do you call an event and when do you call an assertion