原创 The Sun and the Frogs Wow Gold

2009-6-11 13:27 689 1 1 分类: 工程师职场
The day the tyrant married, his subjects celebrated.
They feasted and drank jugs of wine,
But only Aesop could divine
That they had little cause to be elated.
This Sun, said he, has plans beyond
Getting to the marriage bed.

  Suddenly, as one, there rose a cry
From the frogs in all the ponds
Complaining of their destiny.
What will we do if he has children they cried to the Fates. 
One Sun we can scarcely tolerate.
If we must suffer half a dozen
'Twill dry the sea and all its denizens.
Goodbye rushes and swamps: our race will be destroyed.
Soon our destiny will be fixed.
We'll swim the waters of the Styx. 
The plum tree sacrifices itself forwow gold the peach tree-Sacrifice oneself for another person   This idiom comes from a old folk song. the last two stanzas go like this:   One family has five brothers, cheap lotro gold all serving to a minister as attendants. Every five days, they go back home for a reunion, decorating their horses and garments with shining gold. They vie with each other for ostentation and extravagance, attracting crowds of onlookers along the road.   Now there ischeap wow gold a peach tree by a well, and a plum tree next to it. When worms come to gnaw at the root of the peach tree, the plum treeRunescape money invites them to gnaw at its own root. Finally, the plum dies, ossified.Even treesworld of warcraft Power leveling know how to sacrifice for other trees, why can't brothers do the same?

  For a poor untutored  animal
The Frog, I think, reasons fairly well.


Le Soleil et les Grenouilles

Aux noces d'un Tyran tout le Peuple en liesse
Noyait son souci dans les pots.
Esope seul trouvait que les gens étaient sots
De témoigner tant d'allégresse.
Le Soleil, disait-il, eut dessein autrefois
De songer à l'Hyménée.
Aussit?t on ou?t d'une commune voix
Se plaindre de leur destinée
Les Citoyennes des Etangs.
Que ferons-nous, s'il lui vient des enfants ?
Dirent-elles au Sort, un seul Soleil à peine
Se peut souffrir. Une demi-douzaine
Mettra la Mer à sec et tous ses habitants.
Adieu joncs et marais : notre race est détruite.
Bient?t on la verra réduite
A l'eau du Styx. Pour un pauvre Animal,
Grenouilles, à mon sens, ne raisonnaient pas mal.


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