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用户210318 2009-6-11 13:40
The Wolf, the Nanny-Goat, and The Kid Wow Gold
A Nanny-goat went out to fill her empty milk bag And graze newly sprung grass,  She fastened the latch tight, Warned her Kid saying:  "Do not, u ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:39
A Saying Of Socrates wow gold
One day Socrates was having a house built, Each one in turn  found fault with the work: One thought,  no fooling, the interior to be, Unworthy for ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:38
The wish to fool Heaven, is madness on Earth; The hearts'  tunnel in its detours holds Nothing which isn't first lit up by the Gods. Everything man ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:36
The miser who lost his treasure gold wow
Only usage warrants possession I ask this of people who have this passion Of always hoarding money on top of money. What advantage has he over anothe ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:33
The Master's Eye
A stag having fled into an oxen stable At first was warned by them To seek  better shelter elsewhere. 'Brothers,' said he to them, 'do not betray me: ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:32
Jupiter and the Sharecropper Wow Gold
Jupiter had a farm to rent And bade Mercury have people present Themselves upon the appointed day; To make their offers and see what may. Things w ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:30
The Old Man and The Ass Wow Power Level
An Old Man and his Ass were riding one day And spied a lush meadow at the side of the way. The man let go the reins and the grizzled* one raced Out i ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:29
The Stag who Admired his Reflection Wow Gold
A vain stag saw himself reflected While standing in a crystal pool. His antlers like a thicket spread But when he looked below he rued The sight of hi ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:27
The Sun and the Frogs Wow Gold
The day the tyrant married, his subjects celebrated. They feasted and drank jugs of wine, But only Aesop could divine That they had little cause to be ...
用户210318 2009-6-11 13:25
The Villager and the Serpent wow gold
Aesop tells of a peasant Charitable, but not too wise One winter's day was traveling Around the land he tended. He saw a serpent stretched out in the ...
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