原创 How to install VMware tools on Ubuntu 8.10

2009-4-30 00:59 1753 1 1 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

1. Click "VM" option in VMware Workstation UI, select the "Install VMware tools" from the menulist. This will load a VMware tools software packages into CDROM inside the Ubuntu.

2. Copy VMwareTools-xxx.tar.gz from CDROM to your own directory. Decompress it use the following command:

# tar -zxvf VMwareTools-xxx.tar.gz .

3. Install build essentials like gcc gfortran etc.

# sudo apt-get install build-essential

# sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev
# sudo apt-get install libproc-dev libdumbnet-dev xorg-dev

4. Install the VMwareTools as descibed in the software packages.

I  meet some problem in this session.  The log in the console shows that "Unable to build the vmmemctl module." After search more in Internet, seems I need to install a open-VMware-tools to make it out.

5. Download from SourceForge OpenVMtools .

6.  Run ./configure in the open-vm-tools directory that came into being after the untar.

If the configure informs you of missing packages . Please install them . For eg"configure: error: uriparser library not found or is too old. Please configure without Unity (using --disable-unity) or install the liburiparser devel package."

# ./configure --disable-unity --without-icu

# make

7. Now you need to copy the files built above from the modules/linux directory into the VmwareTools distribution which you will obtain below.

# for i in *; do mv ${i} ${i}-only; tar -cf ${i}.tar ${i}-only; done cd ../../..

8. Copy the *.rar file in modules/linux directory to  vmware-tools-distrib like below:

mv -f open-vm-tools-2008.11.18-130226/modules/linux/*.tar /home/hari/Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib/lib/modules/source

9. Change into the extracted vmware-tools-distrib folder .Run the perl script installer :

# sudo ./vmware-install.pl

10.Accept all defaults , and the tools get successfully installed






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