原创 Youth stuck on video games 1

2009-10-8 09:00 1379 6 6 分类: 智能手机
Youth stuck on video games 1

SINGAPORE students spend 27 hours a week playing video games like Maple Story and World of Warcraft. The statistic, uncovered by an ongoing National Institute of Education (NIE) study, is raising concern over the impact of such games,sxcs1008 and the extent of gaming addiction here.wow gold The three-year study, the biggest of its kind in Singapore, is looking at more than 3,000 primary and secondary school students' gaming habits, and will be finished at the end of the year. NIE declined to reveal more about it pending an analysis of the results.wow power leveling One thing is clear though: Singapore youth really like video games. Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Lui Tuck Yew, who revealed the 27-hour statistic at a Singapore Press Club event last month, said he was 'quite surprised and a little bit shocked' that the figure was so high. He may have grounds for concern: American youths spend just 13 hours a week dragon-slaying, but a significant number are feeling the harmful effects of playing too much.wow gold In a study of 1,200 American children and teens, aged eight to 18, published in the prestigious Psychological Science journal, 8.5per cent of those who played games were found to show signs of 'pathological gaming', which means that gamers play so much that the hobby hurts their academic performances and relationships.aion gold For years now, experts have been warning of the problem, which has seen severe cases needing treatment at mental institutions to wean them off their fix. Statistics, though, are only now beginning to emerge.


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