Achieving the Achievement So how do you get this new mount? A new achievement of course. Patch 3.08, which is currently on the Public Test Realms, includes a new achievement called Mountain o' Mounts. This is an extension on the old achievement Leading the Cavalry. While Leading the Cavalry required a player to stable 50 unique mounts, Mountain 'o Mounts really pushes the bar. The new achievement requires 100 unique mounts. Probably when this achievement was announced the first question most people had was wondering if this is even possible. Obtaining 50 mounts before WotLK hit was considered a major feat, essentially requiring exalted status with all home factions. Just like with the old achievement, Warlock and Paladin and Death Knight class special mounts count towards the total. Because there were less mounts obtainable by the Horde faction pre-WotLK, the following list of mount totals is taken from the Horde perspective. Before WotLK came out, the average Horde player had access to around 66 mounts. Or 45 if you happen to be a Tauren. These are non special mounts that can be grinded for through either rep or token turn in. There's around 10 more mounts of the rare quality that could be achieved through running instances, and even a few more that were rare to start with and can't be obtained anymore. Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion xzdmx1130 It goes unchallenged that attending the entrance examination of Master’s
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wow power level That is “what impacts does education have on students?” So starting from a base total of 66 mounts, poor Taurens, and adding to it the Albino Drake you'd get on the way to 100 anyway, there needs to be at least 33 new mounts in WotLK for the average player. Short answer, there aren't. Long answer, there are very few new mounts added to the game with WotLK and definitely not enough to meet 33. 聽聽聽 * There are four new mounts from Mei Francis vendor. 聽聽聽 * There are 6 new ground mounts, but trying to get them involves a lot of luck or a lot of gold. The Mechano-hog for example: the new engineering motorcycle mount has a 12,500g price tag even if you farm all of the other mats required by yourself. 聽聽聽 * Tailors get really lucky here with the ability to craft 6 unique mounts to add to their totals. Players attempting to get this Mountain o' Mounts achievement as soon as possible are probably going to want to drop whatever profession they have and level Tailoring. 聽聽聽 * WotLK also added an additional 8 flying mounts. Drakes and Proto-drakes. These are going to be the hardest mounts to get, most of them requiring 25 man raid achievements. 聽聽聽 * So there is a total of 24 new mounts that are possible to achieve.
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