原创 DOB of ESO Ranger

2010-1-7 12:55 2188 1 1 分类: 工程师职场

DOB of ESO Ranger

Hello guys, happy to see you in Thepowerlevel!

Do you often play ESO? Would you like to buy some cheap ether saga online gold. Here we provide the best service with the fastest delivery. Next we will provide you some detailed information about Ranger's DOB given by vellauno to help you know much about the game. Hope it could help you.

Most skills use up dust or your vigor, both of which are in short supply so you could find that the passive skills are by far the best since they use neither. No matter what class you are using, a few useful skills(ESO GOLD) you may want to consider are:

Leave of Absance: Probably the best passive. It has the ability to go back home every 30 minutes instead of every 60.

Ocean Size: 1% passive buff to Unda, which for a ranger is quite useful. It may only be 1%, but it is better than most of the other skills which you will rarely use.

Dark Ritual: This one use up vigor, but not much (150) in exchange for a free 30% MP regained. Honestly though, you can find pots do this job much better. The only time you use this skill is when you are doing a boss and can't afford to lose the cooldown from a health pot.

Refreshing Renewal: This is the same as Dark Ritual except for 30% HP. Some people swear by this ability but personally, you prefer pots. It can be a life saver though when going against a boss and your pot cooldown is not up.

Hermetic Winds: You heard some people use this too. It increases movement speed temporarily for 100 vigor. You have not tried this yet but would like to. Take the skills you like most and use them to generate a list of classes and DOBs that have the skills you want.

Thank you for reading and have fun.




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