原创 Ranger Representative in ESO(part two)

2010-1-14 15:23 1488 4 4 分类: 工程师职场

Ranger Representative in ESO(part two)

Hello guys, here is Thepowerlevel!

We collect some useful information on Ranger Representative in ESO given by Yashiro, please read them in details and get the main points you need. If you are in urgent need of some cheap ether saga online gold, welcome to place orders from us, we will deliver the gold at the lowest price in an instant.

- xallista, yes ancestral arrow is currently pretty useless, especially if you compare it to the lvl 25 surprise assault. You already voiced it out at the first meeting, hopefully there'll be some improvements to it. If you have no time to earn cheap ESO GOLD,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price . We will try our best to help you. 

- svetovid, while you agree that a 1 sec cast time for tainted might be a tad too strong considering it is % to sleep, you do not see why rogues should be able to % stun right out from stealth. if you lengthen the cast time for tainted to 2 secs, something should be done about rogues too to balance it out in pvp.

personally, sleep itself is already an issue for you in pvp, since most of the time, whoever sleeps the opponent first, ends up winning. free 2 sec cast of dragon squall for 20k dmg because of sleep advantage just does not seem balanced.

As for instill essence, it is 31 str / 31 int at lvl 10, so while it is not as useful as, say +unda buff from mystics, it is not entirely useless. while you could definitely do with a better buff, you are sure other classes would complain if you did get anything better lol.

- writelove, surprise assault does not have unlimited targets. there is still a max limit, test it out for yourself. You can gather 20+ mobs and kite them tightly clustered, and although surprise assault hits all, there will be some mobs left with full hp. With regard to phoenix crystal price, you have already brought that up.

- HotMuffin, dont forget stardrop and nature essence stacks, there's no reason to forgo one for the other, you get both, so do not see any problems there. although you could wish it could be more useful in that aspect, especially when you think about ode to the hunted being equally bad for a lvl 80 skill.

Thanks for your reading and have fun.




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