原创 Some Tips for Mage Shields in Age of Conan

2010-1-7 11:08 1666 2 2 分类: 工程师职场

Some Tips for Mage Shields in Age of Conan


Well, hope you have a wonderful time in Thepowerlevel. We got the information of Age of Conan in other site, hope it can help you more or less.

The reason the shield seems to be constant dmg reduction though it is not is because it gets pegged high (92pts) way too easily. It should be blocking 20% of combo dmg, its blocking 50%, so its maxing out way too early on the dmg. For example, right now if a sin hits you with SSX (10 hit combo) for 2000 dmg, the shield is supposed to calculate 400/number of hits (10) = block/absorb 40 pts/hit for a total of 1600 dmg taken. We provideAge of Conan Gold for you.

The way it works now is the shield is calculating 1000/number of hits 10, and the shield has a max capability of 92 = block absorb 92/hit for a total of 1080 dmg taken. That IMO, is a pretty huge difference. It really kills dmg from DW barbs and sins, and hurts combo dmg a good deal from carnage conqs, a lot of classes wont be affected so much if it gets fixed, like brute conqs/berserkers/Bear shamans. but sins and barbs (DW) will see an immediate effect IMO on their hitting power against a mage shield wearer. We provide AoC Gold for you.

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