Hello, hope you have a wonderful time in Thepowerlevel. We got the information of Age of Conan in other site, hope it can help you more or less.
Ganking is probably the biggest reason people try the game(Age of Conan Gold) and leave. They need to take out any XP or Kill gains from the Tortage areas. You should still be able to PvP there, but those that farm kills and PvP XP there need to have that motivation removed. World PvP XP gains also need to scale more steeply as you level. Lower level world PvP XP should be very small. Discouraging lower level ganking.
As you get closer to 80 it should ramp up quick so you get more High Level(AoC Gold) vs High Level PvP. At the lower levels the main source of PvP XP should be the Mini Games or upcoming arenas. The other thing we think that is really hurting the game is crashes. We do not know what happened, but it sure does seem like the client stability took a dump recently. Have lots of guildies and myself seeing more crashes all the time lately. Assertion Failures = Fustrated Players.
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